Actress Daria Ursulyak: biography, personal life

Actress Daria Ursulyak is a native Muscovite. She was born in 1989, on April 2. Grew in a creative family. Her father is a famous film director, and her mother is actress Lika Nifontova. Although she was predicted to have a wonderful creative future, the girl was not at all anxious to connect her life with cinema.

Young years

Already at the age of 9, Daria Ursulyak received her first role in the project “Works for the Victory Day”. Her father worked on this project. Together with Daria, such actors as Tikhonov, Efremov, Ulyanov were shot. They helped the young girl, prompted how to present themselves correctly.

But even after that, Dasha was not going to become an actress. She entered the Faculty of History and Philology. But after 4 years I realized that the chosen profession did not suit her. About a career in cinema, Daria Ursulyak thought only at the age of 20. It was at this age that she dropped out of school and entered the University of Shchukin.

Daria Ursulyak in the film "Security"

star way

The first performance on the stage took place in the “Satyricon”. Daria got the role of Juliet. Then there was the role of Nelly in the production of "Cruel Intentions." Miniature growth, sophistication and huge talent - all this helped Daria to get used to the images of the heroines. Then the actress took to the stage at the Vakhtangov Theater, receiving a role in the production of “Okaemy Days”.

After the beautifully played roles in the performances “The Seagull”, “One-armed from Spokane” and “The Man from the Restaurant”, the film directors noticed Daria Ursulyak. The actress already had by this moment minor roles in several series.

The success of Daria brought such films as “The Sinner” and “Random Meetings”. Her photos began to appear on the covers of glossy magazines. In 2017, Daria already worked on the set of the film “Quiet Don”, receiving the role of Natasha. The director was her father. For the actress, the shooting was very difficult. According to her, she could not reveal the image of the ever-suffering Sholokhov woman.

Daria Ursulyak in the movie "Quiet Don"

Life off the set

Personal life of Daria Ursulyak interests almost all of her fans. However, the actress is in no hurry to share this information. Dasha is a charming girl. She is always in the center of male attention. But fleeting novels are not for her. The actress has always sought only a serious relationship.

Daria Ursulyak is married. Her chosen one is actor Konstantin Beloshapka. In a creative family, the daughter of Ulyana is growing up. It is also worth noting that Daria has a half-sister Alexander.

Daria Ursulyak with her father


Daria has said more than once that her career plays a significant role. She continues to actively star in various film projects, while not forgetting to pay attention to her family.

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