Wise sayings about children

At all times, parents with special trepidation took care of their own child. The wisdom accumulated over centuries gradually formed aphorisms about the growing up and upbringing of children who can help their environment. Statements of great people about children today allow us to recognize in time the problems in education and eliminate them using constructive methods of interaction. These aphorisms in themselves are of extreme value. This article provides statements about children that may seem interesting and meaningful to their parents.

“He who offends the child neglects the shrine” (Cato the Elder)

Since ancient times, it is believed that inflicting pain on a little man is tantamount to a serious misconduct. Children are by nature pure and open, like angels. As it is unacceptable to blaspheme the icon, so it is absolutely impossible to offend the child. It does not matter if he is big or just a kid.

sayings about children

Statements of great people about children like this teach us humility, kindness, responsiveness, the ability to appreciate what you have. If an adult allows himself to harm a small child, humiliates his personality, then he plays with fire. According to beliefs, every baby in childhood is watched by angels who will surely take care of restoring justice.

“Every child is to some extent a genius, and talented people always remain children” (Arthur Schopenhauer)

It is known that a little man tries everything in his own strength. He does not doubt for a minute that he will have great success in the future. If he draws, he does it with the greatest self-forgetfulness and ease, enjoying the process itself, and is not attached to the momentary result. Children do not need to go to work every day and earn money, so they can do what they want, but at the same time feel completely free and happy.

sayings of great people about children

It must be admitted that every child is a great master, in whose hands is the harmony of the whole world. He is a creator and artist, nothing is impossible for him. How often we, adults, suppress cognitive activity in children, do not allow them to show their own individuality. And then the baby learns to dissemble in order to avoid our parental displeasure. Statements about children are always accurate and wise.

“Watching the kids means seeing yourself” (Ian McEwan)

Many parents are sincerely surprised and wonder about why their kids grow up moody and naughty. It seems that they are surrounded by everything necessary: ​​warmth, attention, care, affection. But in fact, besides the above, of great importance is the way in which all these actions are carried out: with a kind (sensitive) heart or simply as needed. Children very well feel the true attitude towards themselves, they easily recognize deceit. When we look at our own children, we always see ourselves in them and that which our formed personality lacks. Statements of the great about children deserve to listen to them.

“If you don’t love children, they grow up into adults who don’t know how to show kindness” (Pearl Buck)

The essence of the statement is that only the love of the parent forms in the child confidence in the future and general well-being. Whatever events take place in the world, it is always important for the baby to know that he is loved and protected from any misfortunes. The attachment of mother and father to her child forms in the latter a sense of subjective perception of reality, openness towards the world.

sayings of the great about children

This condition affects the development of his own personality, helps the child to overcome difficulties and move in a given direction. In the case when the parents do not indulge the baby with their care, do not say kind words to him, he forms alienation and distrust of everything around him. Statements about children help adults to realize the enormous degree of responsibility and their role in raising a small person.

“The first child is the last doll, and the grandson is your child” (folk wisdom)

In youth, we most often cannot appreciate the true charms of motherhood and fatherhood. At this time, each of us sets himself certain tasks that need to be addressed, and the child is sometimes inadvertently perceived as an obstacle to the realization of what is desired.

fathers and children sayings

Only having become mature enough, a person is able to truly appreciate the tremendous joy of his own status as a parent and the very principle of “fathers and children” relationship. Statements on this occasion are always true. Often, only with the advent of grandchildren comes a special understanding of the essence and meaning of life.

Thus, statements about children embody age-old wisdom that cannot be comprehended only by reason, but it is necessary to learn to perceive with an open heart. Both our and their future depend on how we raise our children.

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