How to cook turkey steak in the oven

Not so long ago, a steak was included in the list of dishes often prepared by our compatriots. Mainly due to the fact that a thick piece of meat is fried high-quality either on a grill where an open fire is needed, or in a grill pan. Neither one nor the other, the majority of ordinary Russians can boast. However, the recipes are slowly adapting to our realities. And not only cooking methods, but also the ingredients used, since it is easier and faster to cook turkey steak than traditional beef.

how to cook turkey steak

Mustard Turkey Steak

For it, you can use both poultry fillet and commercially available billets. Before cooking turkey steak, washed and dried meat is rubbed with salt and, if desired, pepper. The oven sheet is covered with foil, which must be greased with oil. By the way, for this recipe it does not matter which one - vegetable or melted creamy. The steaks are laid out, a thick sauce made of Dijon mustard, fat cream (take a quarter cup) and mayonnaise taken three times more than one of the previous ingredients is poured onto each of them with a spoon. This volume should be enough for 6 pieces of turkey. From above everything turns into another piece of foil. Its edges are wrapped under the sides of the pan. Such a turkey steak in the oven will spend about half an hour. It’s important to control the process: if the sauce starts to drain from the turkey, it must be returned to the place with a spoon. This yummy is eaten hot, with cherry tomatoes and fresh herbs.

turkey steak in the oven

Steaks with tomatoes

They are best removed from the fillet. The drumstick itself is juicy, but the bird’s breasts are somewhat dry. One and a half kilograms of fillet are cut across the fibers into narrow, but not too thin plates. Two tomatoes are cut into thin rings, salted, peppered, and mayonnaise is squeezed from each tube. How much depends on how much you love him. But even if you don’t like mayonnaise, you can’t do without this sauce at all, since you won’t be able to cook turkey steak in this way. Sour cream here is not a substitute. The only thing you can do is build your own mayonnaise. Salt and pepper slices of tomatoes, covered with mayonnaise, are placed on each turkey steak. In the oven, the temperature rises to 180 degrees. The tray is placed in it for 50 minutes. Immediately it is better not to get the dish out of the oven, let the meat "rest" in the warmth. But after ten minutes, fragrant and juicy turkey meat can be served for dinner.

how to cook turkey steak

Garlic steaks

The first two recipes we had were “oven”. However, there is a recipe on how to cook turkey steak in a pan, and it is promised that the result will suit everyone and inspire. To do this, the workpieces from the drumstick or thighs of the bird are shallowly cut with a lattice on both sides. A mixture is made of grated on a fine grater or crushed garlic, a set of different ground peppers and salt. Steaks are rubbed with this “paste”, and it is necessary to try so that it gets into the incisions. Then the meat is put in a bag, and hides in the refrigerator for the night. In the morning, the steaks are fried in vegetable oil, under a lid, for about twenty minutes. In order not to stick, they must sometimes be turned over. And to get the coveted crust, just before the readiness, the lid is simply removed.

boneless turkey steak

T-bone steak

For a successful result, the meat will also have to be marinated, this time only for a quarter of an hour and in a mixture of curry, paprika, salt and ground peppers - red and black. Each such turkey steak with bone is fried in a thick-walled pan in olive oil. When the meat becomes rosy, right in the pan removed from the stove, it is necessary to cover it for several minutes with foil or parchment. Thanks to this trick, a turkey steak with a bone becomes extremely soft and juicy. And in combination with vegetables - fresh or salted - your dinner promises to be unforgettable.

turkey drumstick steak

Shin is a suitable part of the bird

Before preparing a turkey steak, the purchased drumstick must be chopped - right with the bone - across the leg. It turns out a kind of round, very juicy and well-fried. You can, of course, buy ready-made “shaded” steaks, but in most supermarkets they are sold frozen, which is much more boring than fresh ones. Two onions are cut into rings, a pair of garlic cloves is chopped very finely (it is not worth rubbing or squeezing, it is better to work with a knife). First, onion rings are allowed in the pan, and at the end garlic is attached to them. Steaks are rubbed with vegetable oil, add and pepper. To mitigate, they should lie down in this form for about half an hour. The grill pan is very hot. If there is no special vessel, one with a convex grate is present at the bottom, as in old cast-iron. The meat is laid out in a dry frying pan, then it is very quickly browned on both sides. After a third of a glass of water is poured into it, and she hides in the oven for half an hour. Meat is served with fry laid on it and sprinkled with herbs. Note that a turkey drumstick steak is more juicy than a fillet. To dry it is almost impossible.

Marinated in lemon

Before making a turkey steak, you can soak it in the following way: combine two tablespoons of vegetable oil, one of rose wine, juice of one lemon, five crushed cloves of garlic, spices and chopped herbs. It is enough to stay the meat in such a marinade for only half an hour, so that the result is gentle and fragrant. Further - by choice:

  1. Grill pan (if any). On it, marinated pieces of turkey are simply fried on both sides.
  2. Lattice (if you rest "outdoors"). The principle is the same by which, for example, fish is cooked at the stake. The main thing is to periodically sprinkle "kebab". Say beer. Otherwise, it may burn and become hard.
  3. Or an oven is the most affordable option. In the latter case, the form is smeared with something, then the steaks are laid out and baked to a crust. The lid should not be closed, otherwise the meat will be cooked (or stewed) rather than baked.

Choose a way to make the turkey steak you like. And do not hesitate - you will come back to him more than once.

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