Tomato slices for the winter: different recipes for your favorite harvest

Many housewives seek to create a certain stock of preparations: preserves, jams, canned fruits and vegetables. The number and contents of cans is usually determined by the preferences of the family, but the vast majority of the slices of tomato are prepared for the winter, since such pickles are tasty and canned simply and quickly.

slices tomato for the winter

Sauce Recipe

The easiest option to prepare tomato slices for the winter is to salt them. The advantage of this method is that it can be used as ripe red fruits, and brown, and even green. Thus, it turns out that this workpiece can be produced before the end of autumn. To do this, wash the tomatoes, remove the damaged areas, cut into portioned slices and, alternating the layers with salt, place them in a salting container. You can take any dishes: glass, earthenware, wooden, enameled, stainless steel, but not metal. Acid released during the starter process, reacting with aluminum or copper, can produce oxides that are unfavorable for the body, which are harmful to health and distort the taste. Ready-made tomato slices for the winter acquire bitterness in it, a taste of iron or even creep into a little appetizing gruel. Salted tomatoes let juice in which they, in fact, must ferment. To do this, you should hold them for 5-7 days in a warm room, and then you can rearrange them in the basement, refrigerator or cool pantry. You do not need to put spices in such tomato slices for the winter.

slices for winter

Under the cover

If you do not have a basement, then you can close the slices in jars of tomatoes. Their recipe is simple and does not require a lot of time spent from the hostess. To do this, wash my greens, cut off the excess, cut the tomatoes into slices and put in the prepared jars as much as they will fit, but do not press down. Add spices: cloves of garlic, peas of allspice and black pepper, sheets of cherry and blackcurrant, pieces of horseradish root - all 1-2 pieces per jar. There are no clear proportions, everything is done by eye, in accordance with your taste. You can also put slices of sweet pepper and onion rings. On top of all the components you need to pour a teaspoon of salt of table and table salt - sugar and table vinegar, the calculation is carried out on liter jars. Now the container is at the very top, filled with boiling water to the neck, covered with a boiled lid and sterilized for about half an hour, after which it can be rolled up. Such tomatoes with slices for the winter can be stored in the apartment and not be afraid that the banks will not reach until spring. This recipe is also good for allowing improvisation. You can add circles of cucumbers, carrots or other vegetables you love to tomatoes.

tomato slices recipe

Another option is the tomato slices in the jar are not so loyal to the ingredients, but this does not make the taste of the workpiece worse. Based on a liter, we take 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil, a large onion, a couple of leaves of parsley, a few peas of allspice and black pepper and cloves. Cut the tomatoes in half (if they are medium-sized) or in quarter. In a jar we put onions, cut into rings, tomatoes, spices, vegetable oil and pour boiling brine (1 tablespoon of salt, 2 - sugar per liter of water). Such a preform can be sterilized for 5-7 minutes, or it can be rolled up immediately without pasteurization.

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