Cat's claw or Peruvian liana. Use, contraindications

The cat's claw got its name due to its appearance. It looks very much like a clawed cat's paw. Its tenacious claws cling to the branches and trunks of trees, helping to wade through the thickets of the Amazon. For centuries, it has been a drug in the South American Indians. To brew tea infusion, they use the bark of the plant.

European medical institutions have conducted large-scale studies to study the beneficial properties of a cat's claw. From the point of view of science, its effectiveness has been proven and now many dietary supplements are produced on its basis.

This is a powerful in its action herbal preparation that acts on the immune system. Its positive effect on increasing the protective function of the body is proved. It is used for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, allergic reactions, depression, chronic fatigue. Feline claw, the use of which is aimed at combating viral diseases, copes with the complications that may occur as a result of these infections. It has strong anti-inflammatory properties that conquer diseases such as arthritis, rheumatism, thrombophlebitis, varicose veins and prostatitis.

Feline claw is a powerful antiviral, antibacterial and antifungal property. He also had a strong aphrodisiac effect. This is an excellent tool in the prevention and treatment of colds and flu. It is also used in the treatment of herpes, lichen and neurodermatitis. Extracts from the root are able to some extent affect the HIV virus. This property is currently under study.

You have familiarized yourself with only a small part of the diseases that the cat's claw copes with. Using it can also help in cleansing the body of toxic substances, since the Peruvian liana is able to remove poisons accumulated in the intestines. This property is used to treat gastritis, colitis, hemorrhoids, dysbiosis, candidiasis and ulcers of the digestive tract.

Feline claw surpasses astragalus, ginseng, echinacea, ant tree and other medicinal plants in its beneficial properties. Collected in ecologically clean areas, without any chemical additives, it is the best tool in the fight against the diseases listed above.

I would also like to talk about the components of this plant. Isopterotopodin, rinkofelin, glyceritic acid and glycosidic glycosiridin, as well as proanthocyanidin, which are included in the catโ€™s claw, normalize the level of immunoglobulin, improve blood properties, reduce blood clots, inhibit the growth of viruses and block free radicals.

Despite the fact that this plant has a large number of positive properties, it also has contraindications for cat claw. People who are prone to allergic reactions or are hypersensitive to certain components of dietary supplements should be careful or refuse treatment with this tool.

For treatment, a cat's claw should be brewed and taken in the form of decoctions. Contraindications will be considered below. This tool can not be used by pregnant and lactating women, as well as people who have undergone organ transplantation.

You can use decoctions of a cat's claw for cosmetic purposes. By wiping your face with a cotton swab, you will get rid of acne and acne. Such procedures also help to combat age-related aging of the skin.

There is another amazing property of this plant. Want to bewitch a loved one? Then tie the two claws of the Peruvian creeper with silk red thread, wrap it in a cloth, sew it in a blue satin or silk bag and hide it under the mattress. You can believe it or not, but the beloved will now belong only to you.

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