"Bifosin" from nail fungus: reviews, features and method of application

Modern man seeks to maintain the attractiveness of every part of his body. However, this is far from always possible. Often on the nails of the legs there are signs of various fungal diseases. To treat such ailments, a huge amount of medicines is produced. "Bifosin" helps with nail fungus. Reviews of experts indicate that the drug effectively copes with malaise.

bifosin nail fungus reviews

When the drug is prescribed

In what cases is it worth to buy "Bifosin" from nail fungus. Customer reviews prove the effectiveness of the drug. You can get a quick result only by starting treatment on time. At the first signs of an ailment, the plates of the nails change color. They turn black, brown, yellow, gray or white. The skin on the fingers gradually begins to peel off. In this case, the nail plates begin to exfoliate and crumble. The effectiveness of therapy depends on the stage of the disease. Therefore, starting the ailment is not recommended.

"Bifosin" from nail fungus, reviews of which are mostly positive, are usually prescribed at the initial stage of the disease. If the first signs of an ailment have arisen, it is necessary to start treatment immediately. The drug has only a local effect. Therefore, "Bifosin" is powerless in those situations when the fungus penetrated the tissue too deeply.

bifosin nail fungus spray reviews

What features does "Bifosin" have?

Reviews about the drug indicate the simplicity of its use. After all, it is available in the form of a spray, cream, solution and powder. "Bifosin" is a modern antifungal agent. The drug allows you to get rid of yeast and mold fungi, as well as to overcome the infection caused by gram-positive cocci.

The drug is able to penetrate deep into the tissues of the skin, quickly destroying spores and cells of the fungus. If the disease is severely neglected, then the drug is prescribed in complex therapy.

Release Forms

When to use Bifosin spray and cream from nail fungus. Reviews indicate that the features of the use of the drug depend on the form of release. For example, an ointment or a solution should be applied to the affected areas of the nails and skin with neat rubbing movements. As for the spray, then it can be used to completely treat the feet. Also, "Bifosin" in this form of release is used to prevent the disease.

How to remove a damaged nail

If the nail plate itself is affected by the fungus, then it is worth using a cream or ointment. To do this, perform the following manipulations:

  1. "Bifosin" must be applied to the affected area of ​​the fungus.
  2. The treated area should be covered with a medical plaster or a special dressing.
  3. The compress must be kept for 24 hours. After the specified time, the bandage must be removed.
  4. The foot should be lowered into warm water for about 20 minutes.
  5. Softened tissue should be removed with a scraper, which is sold with the drug.
  6. Finally, apply cream or ointment to the damaged nail again and cover with a bandage.
    bifosin cream against nail fungus reviews

How long is the therapy

How long should I use "Bifosin" (spray) from nail fungus. Customer reviews say that the course of therapy depends on the severity of the disease. There are certain rules:

  1. With damage to the feet, as well as the skin between the fingers, the course of treatment lasts from 3 to 4 weeks.
  2. If infection occurs on a smooth surface of the skin, then the treatment lasts from 2 to 3 weeks.
  3. Candida albicans fungus therapy lasts from 2 to 4 weeks.
  4. Treatment of erythma and pityriasis versicolor can take up to 2 weeks.
  5. If the scalp is damaged, longer therapy is required. In this case, the course of treatment is at least a month.

If treatment is discontinued for any reason, then there is a risk of relapse.

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