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Sauce is the sauce for the main course or side dish. In addition, it is used directly in the process of preparing certain dishes. Spices and spices, which are often part of sauces, stimulate the appetite and perfectly emphasize the taste of the dish, making it unforgettable and unique. Sauces are prepared on a liquid basis with the addition of all kinds of ingredients and spices. There are sauces that include flour, as well as those that do not contain it. In addition, it is worth mentioning the sauces that the housewives prepare in butter or vegetable oil, and some use vinegar for cooking.
Hot sauces are served with hot dishes, while cold sauces do not have such restrictions. Consistency is also different. Conventionally, they are divided into liquid, medium density and thick. For example, white chicken sauce has a medium density consistency. There is a technology for preparing classic base sauces that meets international gastronomic standards.
Sauces are divided into red and white. It is on white sauce that we will focus in this article. You can make white sauce based on meat, fish or mushroom broth. There are also milk and creamy white sauces.
But these are just mean facts. It's time to learn practical recommendations for making white milk-based sauce.
Recipe 1. White milk-based sauce
Pour 425 ml of milk into the stewpan. Add a few twigs of parsley and pepper, a little onion and a few twigs of fresh parsley. Bring to a boil over a low heat, remove from heat and let it brew and cool completely. Strain back into the saucepan, add 40 grams of butter and 20 grams of flour. Bring to a boil and cook, constantly whipping with a whisk, so that the sauce becomes homogeneous and thick enough.
Everything turned out to be much simpler than you imagined. Now you have a wonderful base sauce, in which you can add greens, lemon juice.
The famous French Bechamel sauce is a classic white sauce. It is cooked in water, milk, broth. Sour cream is not suitable for its preparation, since when heated, it tends to coagulate. The basis of the sauce is ru (flour, fried in butter until golden brown). Flour and butter are taken in approximately equal amounts, and the amount of liquid depends on the desired density of the sauce. The main thing is to add broth or milk gradually.
Recipe 2. White broth-based sauce:
You will need a broth, 15-20 grams of flour, 30 grams of butter, spices to taste. Fry flour in butter until it is browned. Top up the broth and add pepper to the peas, and after that another 25-30 minutes cook over low heat. Strain. Season and add butter.
Then, to the main sauce, you can add grated cheese, green onions, parsley, horseradish, toasted mushrooms. You can also beat egg yolks and cream. Then add sauce and bring to a boil, stirring occasionally. You have the opportunity to experiment with the ingredients, depending on which sauce will be served.
White sauce is very versatile. It is fast to prepare and inexpensive, and its delicate texture will perfectly emphasize the advantages of the main dish without interrupting its taste. That is why it is so appreciated in cooking. You can serve white sauce for meat, fish and seafood, vegetables, rice and pasta. It has already become international. For example, in Italian cuisine it is used to make lasagna. Bechamel is in the "top 5" of the best sauces in France, which is considered the birthplace of sauces. At one time, a simple sauce based on butter, flour and cream made a splash.
A few secrets to successfully making Bechamel sauce
1. Refried flour can cause an unpleasant taste in the sauce. Remember that it should have a light golden hue.
2. Flavoring cold milk with spices and zest will help improve the taste of the sauce.
3. Use a wooden spoon or spatula to stir.
4. To save an already prepared sauce from lumps, try to strain it.
5. Store the sauce in the refrigerator for no more than 2-3 days.
6. Sauce of perfect consistency flows down evenly from a spoon.
Good appetite!