Is an agent such as Bischofite effective? Reviews about it will be presented below. You will also learn about what forms of release are inherent in the mentioned drug, how it is used, how much it costs, etc.
Composition, release form and packaging
In what form is Bischofite medicine sold? Reviews report that this tool can be purchased in different forms: solution, bath liquid and body balm gel.
The composition of this drug includes: magnesium chloride, magnesium bromide, sodium chloride , calcium sulfate , potassium chloride, calcium chloride, calcium bicarbonate. It goes on sale in glass containers, bottles and tubes.
Drug action
"Bishofit Poltava" is a natural mineral that contains a whole complex of trace elements (boron, silicon, iodine, iron and copper). It is produced in the form of brine or the so-called oily consistency during drilling of wells up to 2.7 km deep. This medication has a total mineralization of 340 g / l. It undergoes the most difficult processing, but after it retains its entire complex of micro and macro elements.
According to experts, Bischofite of Poltava has a high percentage of magnesium, which is necessary for building bone tissue, transmitting nerve signals, regulating relaxation and muscle contraction, as well as strengthening the immune system.
Transdermal use of this drug is an effective and simple way to increase the amount of magnesium in the human body. This is due to the fact that magnesium chloride is rapidly absorbed into the systemic circulation and tissues.
According to the instructions, the drug in question has an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect, and also stimulates tissue regeneration, helps strengthen muscle and connective tissue, improves blood microcirculation, and activates metabolic and lymphatic processes.
It should be noted that Bischofite (reviews about it are only positive) is very effective for sleep disorders and stress.
Not so long ago, the low toxicity of this drug was proved, as well as its lack of carcinogenic and allergenic properties.
Indications of a mineral agent
The drug "Bischofite", the price of which is indicated below, is used as an external agent for:
- deforming arthrosis, osteochondrosis, eczema and dermatitis;
- rheumatoid arthritis, acne, muscle contractures;
- radiculitis (lumbosacral and cervicothoracic), infected wounds;
- lumbargia, insomnia, diseases of the neuromuscular system;
- hypertension, migraine, convulsions;
- vegetovascular dystonia, psoriasis, chronic fatigue;
- stress, osteoporosis.
Treatment "Bischofite" is prohibited from:
- allergic reactions, benign and malignant tumors, heart rhythm disturbance;
- hypersensitivity, progressive angina pectoris;
- violation of the integrity of the skin, impaired circulation;
- joint diseases, especially in the acute stage;
- pregnancy.
With caution, this tool is prescribed to the elderly, during lactation and up to 9 years.
The drug "Bischofite": instructions
This tool is used externally in the form of compresses and grindings, after diluting the brine in hot water in a ratio of 1: 1.
The joint or spine is warmed with a heating pad, and then gently rub the prepared solution for 3-5 minutes. After that, a warming compress is applied to the painful area . For such a procedure, cotton fabric is soaked in brine, covered with a place of tenderness and insulated.
After removing the compress, the skin is thoroughly washed. Such events are carried out every other day, in a course of 10-12 procedures.
In pediatrics, the emulsion "Bischofite" is used in a lower ratio, that is, 1: 0.5.
Electrophoresis with this drug is performed using a 10% aqueous solution, which is introduced using galvanic current from both electrodes. The duration of the procedure is ΒΌ hours, after which the medication is not washed off the skin, but covered with a gauze bandage and left for 6-8 hours.
Bischofite gel is rubbed into the affected areas three times a day. This form of the drug is used without a compress and pre-heating. The course of treatment with this tool is 10-14 days. If necessary, after a month, gel treatment can be repeated.
Side effects
What negative reactions does Bischofite cause? Reviews indicate the appearance of the following effects:
- skin irritation;
- general allergic reactions.
With exacerbation of these symptoms, the use of the drug is stopped.
Special information
Many women use Bishofit gel for cellulite. This application gives positive results and significantly reduces the "orange peel".
It should also be noted that baths with Bishofit solution and compresses can be used for cellulite. The use of the latter involves the preliminary heating of problem areas. It is advisable to make compresses every other day, in a course of 12 procedures.
To prepare a bath, one liter of Bischofite is added to warm water. Water procedures take 10-20 minutes.
Reviews and cost
The price of this tool ranges from 150-450 rubles (depending on form).
Consumers claim that this drug is very effective. It treats rheumatoid arthritis, deforming arthrosis and gouty arthritis well.
Bathing with this solution helps to reduce the βorange peelβ on the body, improves sleep and relieves fatigue.