"Spazmalgon" and alcohol: compatibility, mutually exclusive effect, effect on the body when taken and possible consequences

"Spazmalgon" is a potent analgesic. With its help, you can stop even high-intensity pain in serious diseases. People with chronic alcoholism often use Spazmalgon tablets for the manifestations of a hangover syndrome.

The main danger is that during this period, ethyl alcohol metabolites still walk through the blood. This article describes the compatibility of Spazmalgon and alcohol: what side effects to expect, are there any contraindications and what are the consequences of regular concomitant use.

Composition and release form of "Spazmalgon"

The drug is available in the form of tablets and liquid in ampoules for injection. Effectively relieves any bouts of pain. The combination of the main components of the drug - fenpiverinia bromide, metamizole sodium and pitophenone hydrochloride provides a mutual strengthening of their pharmacological action and the achievement of a quick result.

It also has an antipyretic effect, effective in chills, fever, tremor. Such properties make the drug effective in stopping the symptoms of a hangover. However, modern medicine is very categorically tuned to the combination of "Spazmalgon" and alcohol, since with frequent parallel use, a pronounced toxic blow to the internal organs is noticeable. The liver is especially affected. Multiple death of nerve cells (neurons) is also characteristic. The consequences of such a combination are described in detail below.

Spazmalgon tablets

Pharmacokinetics of the drug

What is the basis of the action of "Spazmalgon"? Pitophenone hydrochloride (one of the main active components of the drug) causes pronounced relaxation of the smooth muscles of the internal organs - the gastrointestinal tract, respiratory and genitourinary system, as well as blood vessels. The action of this component is many times enhanced due to the presence of fenpiverinium bromide. Metamizole sodium helps reduce temperature and restore normal heat transfer.

Thanks to this complex effect of the three components, Spazmalgon is by far one of the most effective and, at the same time, safe painkillers.

Indications for use

Instructions for use with the drug reports that it is effective and can be used both as part of complex therapy, and as an independent tool in the following diseases and conditions:

  • toothache;
  • migraines of various etiologies;
  • pain with renal colic;
  • spastic pains of internal organs;
  • pain during premenstrual syndrome;
  • neuralgic pains;
  • pain with osteochondrosis;
  • pain after gall bladder removal;
  • biliary dyskinesia.


The drug is prohibited for use during pregnancy and lactation. The effect on the fetus of each of the three active ingredients has not been fully studied, therefore, the negative consequences of taking the drug are likely. There are more modern painkillers that are relatively safer to use during pregnancy and lactation.

In the presence of chronic liver diseases, one should rarely resort to taking the drug, since it can provoke fatty degeneration of hepatocytes.

If you are prone to allergic reactions, you should carefully monitor your condition and do not exceed the recommended dosage in order to avoid the manifestation of allergies.

the consequence of combining Spazmalgon with alcohol

Health hazard of alcoholic beverages

In society, it is customary to repeat about the dangers of abuse of alcoholic beverages, but rarely does anyone know what specific harm these drinks cause to the body and psyche:

  1. First of all, the liver suffers. This organ has an amazing ability for self-regeneration, but when taking Spazmalgon after alcohol, the fatty degeneration of cells accelerates, and as a result, toxic hepatitis can be diagnosed, and after that, as a rule, the liver becomes cirrhotic. Cirrhosis of the liver is a fatal diagnosis, which is not possible to cure.
  2. Few people think about what effect alcohol has on the nervous system and psyche. In order for about 10 thousand neurons to die forever, it is enough to drink only one hundred grams of vodka. It is not necessary to drink just strong drinks - beer, cocktails and wine contain exactly the same ethyl alcohol, just in a lower concentration. As a result of frequent (often once a month) alcohol abuse, the patient becomes anxious, depressive, suspicious. His reactions to external stimuli become inadequate. Unmotivated aggression, auto-aggression may appear, a person can become dangerous to others.
  3. The pancreas also suffers. Pancreatitis is characteristic of every second person who abuse alcohol more than once a month. The pancreas begins to produce insulin worse, the patient feels weak, he lacks vitality, and his performance decreases. Overweight and obesity appear. Rarely does anyone associate this fact with alcoholism. Then pancreatic necrosis develops (if a person does not add to alcohol), which almost always leads to death.
"Spazmalgon" after alcohol

Side effect of co-administration of Spazmalgon and alcohol

When taking pharmaceuticals along with alcohol, intoxication is much stronger. Many alcoholics are addicted to combining painkillers with alcohol. Such a phenomenon in narcology is called polydrug abuse.

Is it possible to "Spazmalgon" after alcohol? Only if more than 24 hours have passed since the last sip of the drink. Even so, the toxic effect on the liver will be enormous. But at least there will be no risk of fatty degeneration of cells. If you can refuse to take the pill after abuse, you need to do this. If the headache is unbearable, it is better to take Citramon - such a combination will be safer for the body than Spazmalgon and alcohol.

How long can I take a pill, so as not to harm the body? Optimum - 36-48 hours. It should be remembered that in contraindications to taking tablets, chronic liver diseases are indicated. If there are any in the history, it is better to completely refuse to take the drug.

Spazmalgon with alcohol

Consequences of co-administration

Is it possible to "Spazmalgon" with alcohol? After regular combination of ethyl alcohol with pitophenone hydrochloride, the development of the following diseases is characteristic:

  • toxic hepatitis;
  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • general intoxication of the body;
  • problems with urination;
  • weakening of vitality.

If such a combination takes place to be more often than once a week, then you should definitely go for an ultrasound of the internal organs, most likely, fatty degeneration of the liver has already begun. It will take a long treatment, a complete rejection of the use of alcohol and pharmaceuticals.

If a person has a tendency to polydrug abuse, then the answer to the question "is it possible to drink Spazmalgon with alcohol?" unequivocal. No, such a combination is prohibited and can lead to death over time.

consequences of taking Spazmalgon with alcohol

What is toxic hepatitis and how to treat it

This is an inflammatory liver disease that begins due to prolonged and regular exposure to toxic substances on the body. Most often found in alcoholics and drug addicts. Although at risk are also patients who undergo chemotherapy and radiotherapy.

Medicine distinguishes three types of disease:

  • caused by industrial poisons;
  • caused by drugs;
  • caused by alcohol and drugs.

In the case of polydrug abuse, that is, the regular combination of drugs with alcohol, the load on the organ is double. Therefore, the risk of getting sick doubles. The liver can be cured, but for this it will be necessary to take hepatoprotectors for several years, adhere to a strict diet and completely abandon the use of alcoholic beverages.

toxic hepatitis

Implications for the nervous system

The effect of the concomitant use of Spazmalgon with alcohol can be roughly divided into two parts: harm to the liver and harm to the nervous system. If the liver, albeit with difficulty, but still amenable to treatment, then with nerve cells it is more and more difficult - as you know, they are not restored.

If any drinking companion or other "well-wisher" reports that after "Spazmalgon" you can drink alcohol, you should not believe him. The constant intake of alcohol with drugs inflicts a particularly severe blow on the nervous system and psyche. Disturbed blood circulation in the brain. Intoxication becomes stronger, but the withdrawal syndrome after it is expressed much brighter.

The patient will be guaranteed to suffer from even more severe headache and nausea. Especially destructive is the combination of painkillers with ethyl alcohol in the event that a person goes into binge.

The consequences of polydrug abuse

As a result of frequent (often once a month) alcohol abuse, together with taking painkillers, the patient becomes anxious, depressed, suspicious. He begins to suffer from depression, but does not connect this fact with the compatibility of Spazmalgon and alcohol. His reactions to external stimuli become inadequate. Unmotivated aggression, auto-aggression may appear, a person can become dangerous to others.

If he goes into binge, stopping regularly attacks of pain "Spazmalgonom", there may be long-term memory lapses. At this time, a person can do anything, including illegal acts.

tablets after alcohol


Some people who regularly combined taking pills with alcohol started having trouble sleeping. Alas, in most cases this carries a new dependence - this time from sleeping pills and tranquilizers. This leads to even greater intoxication and stress on the liver. It turns out a vicious circle: to get rid of pain after binge, you need to take "Spazmalgon", and to fall asleep, you need to take sleeping pills. Many patients cannot escape from this vicious circle for years until a lethal outcome from intoxication occurs.

Most addicted people carefully hide their problem. When an ultrasound doctor sees a dilapidated liver, it is difficult for the patient to admit that this happened due to years of alcohol abuse combined with painkillers and tranquilizers. It is easiest to abandon addiction at an early stage in their acquisition. If addiction takes its course, it will not disappear anywhere, but only worsen.

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