Buy-By (drops): reviews of doctors and patients

The health of the kids for their parents is the most important. However, it often happens that doctors prescribe babies certain drugs. Sedatives are prescribed for especially excitable babies who have neurological problems. Such a drug is Bai-Bai Children's Drops. Reviews about them will be presented to your attention in the article. You will find out what experts say about this drug.

bai bai drops reviews

The article tells in detail about “Buy-by” (drops) - what is the drug, how to use it, etc.

What does the instructions for use report?

About the drug "Buy-bye" (drops) reviews are mostly good. This is due to its natural composition. The components of the drug are hawthorn fruits, peony extract. Also included are motherwort and peppermint, oregano and glutamic acid. Citric acid complements the ingredients.

The drug is available in glass bottles with a dosage of 25 and 50 milliliters. The last type of composition may have a spray dispenser.

The word to doctors about the indications for the appointment

The drug "Bai-Bai" (drops) reviews of doctors has the following. Doctors say that the medicine can be prescribed for treatment or for preventive measures. Recommended composition in the following situations:

  • with disturbances in the phases of sleep and the moment of falling asleep;
  • during adaptation in a new educational institution;
  • to improve performance and mental thinking;
  • in order to restore the central nervous system;
  • with vegetovascular dystonia and other neurological abnormalities.

baby drops bai bai

For preventive purposes, the drug is used for the same purposes. However, in this case, it helps to prevent the development of pathology.

Reviews about contraindications to the use of the tool

Like many medications, it has its contraindications and the “Buy-by” (drops). Reviews of doctors report that the medication is not prescribed for hypersensitivity to one of the components of the drug. Also, do not recommend it to children who are allergic to the components of the drug.

Doctors report that it is strictly forbidden to use the medicine alone to correct the condition of young children. This can lead to the development of side effects in the most unexpected forms.

As doctors prescribe the drug: method of use and dosage selection

The opinions of doctors and patients about the “Buy-By” drug (drops) confirm the information from the annotation. Everyone says that the medication is used in accordance with the age of the child. In most cases, the drug is prescribed as indicated in the instructions. Only in some special situations, the composition is appointed according to an individual scheme.

drops bai bai baby health

For children from the age of five years and adult patients, a single dose of the medication is 5-10 drops. If you use the spray form, then you need to do 2 to 6 clicks on the spray. The product is placed under the tongue and should be there for several seconds. After that, the drops can be swallowed. If we are talking about sleep disorders, then the composition is appointed immediately before going to bed. In this case, the dose may be from 1 to 30 drops. The duration of the course of correction or prevention can be up to one month. At the same time, on the recommendation of a specialist, after a short break, the course of taking the drug can be repeated.

The possibility of side effects

As you already know, reviews about Bayu-bye (drops) are mostly good. In most cases, the medication is tolerated by children and adults normally. Only in some special cases can a negative reaction to treatment occur. It manifests itself in rashes, the appearance of itching and other symptoms of allergies. Also, digestive disorders associated with constipation, diarrhea, nausea, flatulence, and so on can sometimes be detected.

review of sedative Bai Bai

Adverse reactions occur with non-compliance with the dosage and abuse of the drug. Doctors report that compliance with all established admission rules will help to avoid this.

Features of the composition

The medication has some features. As numerous studies have shown, the drug is not found in the body of patients during doping control. That is why it can be used by athletes to calm before performances and improve performance.

With prolonged sedimentation, the drug may produce a precipitate. That is why it is always recommended to shake it before use. Doctors say that the appearance of sediment is not a reason for canceling treatment. In this case, the drops do not lose their properties.

Bai Bai drops reviews of doctors and patients

Reviews of consumers and specialists about the described medication

Drops "Buy-by" children's health is restored quite quickly. Consumers report that the effect of the correction becomes noticeable on the third day of admission. Patients report that the taste of the drug is quite specific. That is why not every child can easily take these drops.

Many parents pre-dilute the drug in water or another liquid. However, it is worth recalling that doctors do not recommend using hot products for these purposes. A similar effect may affect the composition of the drug and its effectiveness.

Consumers also report that this composition, unlike other children's sedatives, has a very attractive price. So, the cost of a package of 50 milliliters without a spray will be approximately 150 rubles. It is worth noting that this amount of drug is not enough for one course.

Doctors say that the instructions indicate the possibility of using the drug only in children older than five years. However, other sources report that the medicine can be used as early as three years. Doctors have the opportunity to recommend the composition for treatment, even for babies in their first year of life. However, for this age group, an individual dosage of the drug should be selected.

Many mothers say that they took the drug on their own during breastfeeding. At the same time, some of the medicine still got into the body of the child. The kid became calmer, his appetite and sleep improved. Doctors categorically do not recommend practicing such actions. Doctors say that this can cause unexpected reactions in the child.

details about buy bye drops

This preparation did not help some kids. At the same time, their parents give negative reviews about him. However, doctors claim that in such situations we are talking about more serious pathologies.

A small conclusion to the article

You met with a children's sedative, which looks like drops or spray. Also, you are presented with a detailed review of the sedative "Bai-bye." Despite all the positive qualities of the drug, it is a medication that should be prescribed exclusively by a qualified specialist.

If you have any complaints about the behavior, sleep, and general condition of the child, then you should definitely contact a pediatrician. You may also need a neurologist consultation. The drug described in the article can be purchased at each pharmacy at a fairly attractive price. Use it only according to the instructions and taking into account the individual recommendations of the doctor. Good health to your child!

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