The film "Areas of Darkness": reviews, plot, main characters

The film “Areas of Darkness” is a thriller directed by Neil Berger based on the novel of the same name by Alan Glynn. Actors such as Bradley Cooper (Eddie Morr), Robert De Niro (Carl Van Lun) and Abby Cornish (Lindy) starred in it. The film was released in 2011 and was nominated for the Saturn Award as the best science fiction film. In this article, you can learn about the plot and reviews of the film "Areas of Darkness."


frame from the movie

The plot of the film is based on a common misconception about the work of the brain: we use it only for a certain percentage, and when exposed to certain substances we can increase its effectiveness. The protagonist of the film "Areas of Darkness" is a New York loser writer Eddie Morr, whose life, both professionally and personally, is derailed. For several months now, he has been unsuccessfully fighting over his book. One day he accidentally meets on the street with his ex-wife’s brother Vernon Gant, a former drug dealer, now a pharmacist. He offers Eddie NZT tablets, which, according to him, can increase working capacity and brain activity several times. Eddie grabs the medicine as her last hope. NZT have an incredible effect: an increase in thinking, attention and memory. Eddie completes the book in a few days. Coming to Vernon for a new dose, the main character of the picture discovers him killed in his own apartment. Eddie finds the medicine on his own. The hero’s abilities increase with each pill taken: now he is rich, he has access to anything. Having borrowed $ 100 thousand from the Russian gangster Gennady, he quickly grows this amount to $ 2 million. Eddie establishes contact with the major financial tycoon Karl Van Lun and cooperates with him. But what are the side effects of NZT and is everything as rosy as it seemed at the beginning? Eddie sees that he is always followed by a man in a light jacket. And then one day, taking the telephone receiver, the main character hears about the dead and injured from taking miraculous drugs. The unusual plot caused a lot of reviews about the film "Fields of Darkness."

The main ideas of the film


The film was released seven years ago, but many problems remain relevant today. Reviews for the film "Fields of Darkness" (2011) were both positive and negative. This is due to the fact that the picture touches on many acute problems, to which people relate differently. Alan Glynn in his novel raises important topics related to the place of man in the world, with his perception of the surrounding reality. The film retains the basic ideas of the novel, although some plot moves and the ending are greatly changed. NZT from the "Field of Darkness" are a reference to the nootropics, which today are very popular in the market and should increase brain activity. After a successful promotion at the box office, the film was continued in the form of a series, which, however, closed immediately after the first season.

Reviews of the movie "Areas of Darkness"

Areas of Darkness Characters

Critics and viewers generally accepted the film without much enthusiasm, but also without negativity. Reviews for the movie "Fields of Darkness" were diverse. The average rating of critics in the world is approximately 70%, in Russia - 75%. Viewers rated the picture at 7.5 out of 10. People especially note the atmosphere inherent in high-quality thrillers, as well as camera work and acting. Many people talk about the film as an actual picture of today's world, a kind of reflection of reality. "Areas of darkness" can hold attention to the end credits and delight moviegoers with continued intrigue. Reviews about the actors of the film “Areas of Darkness” were positive, because each of them was able to deeply get used to the role and convey all the emotions of his character.

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