Soul Theater of Zhenovach Sergey: description, history, repertoire and reviews

The Zhenovach Studio Theater is one of the youngest groups in the capital. He is a little over 10 years old. Sergey Zhenovach - its creator, permanent leader and producer of performances. The repertoire of the theater includes both classics and works of modern playwrights.

Zhenovach Theater

Theater History

Zhenovach Theater was born after the graduation festival in GITIS. Graduates of the Workshop of S. Zhenovach presented their work. After the festival ended, Sergei and his recent students announced that they would stay together and create a theater team. Initially, they planned to play only their diploma performances and perform at various Moscow venues.

But soon the repertoire expanded, and in 2008 the STI found its building. Zhenovach Theater mainly specializes in productions of little-known and not previously staged or those that are rarely staged in our country. Although there is a well-known classic, included in the repertoire of many groups.

Theatrical art studio (STI) of Sergey Zhenovach was nominated 16 times and became the Golden Mask Prize winner 7 times.

theater studio zhenovacha


The Zhenovach Theater has settled in a historic building. In the 19th century there was a factory of the Alekseev family. She was famous throughout the country. Here were made Christmas toys, church decorations and gold embroidery yarn.

At the end of the 19th century, the factory was headed by K. Alekseev, known under the name Stanislavsky. Few people know that Konstantin Sergeyevich was also an engineer. He studied machine tool design and various gilding technologies. He liked the technique. At the initiative of K. Stanislavsky, a reading room was opened at the factory, a choir was created so that the workers would get involved in culture.

In 1895, Konstantin Sergeyevich opened a theater at his enterprise. The actors were workers. They rehearsed and participated in productions in their free time.

In 1903, K. Stanislavsky bought a plot of land adjacent to the factory and decided to build a separate building for the theater on it. It was planned to show performances, concerts and arrange readings.

The stage was large, and the auditorium accommodated 250 people.

During the revolution, the government demanded that K. Stanislavsky give the theater building for additional workshops for the factory, which now began to produce cables and wires. Konstantin Sergeyevich was forced to agree, but set his condition for his workers who played in performances to be given work at the Moscow Art Theater.

Theatrical art studio of Sergey Zhenovach settled in the theater building of K. Stanislavsky in 2008. Before this, the building was reconstructed, which lasted 2 years. The first performance a young troupe gave in these walls was The Meaning Rod, based on a work by Nikolai Leskov. The dimensions of the scene remained almost the same as they were under Konstantin Sergeyevich. But the audience has become a little smaller. Now only 230 people can fit in it. At the front door is a large portrait of K. Stanislavsky, and in the foyer there are images of his family members.

During the reconstruction of the building, the maximum amount of effort was made in order to preserve everything as it was under K. S. Stanislavsky. The brick remained the same, the ceiling arches remained, the ventilation system and copper wiring outside the walls remained untouched. The chairs in the auditorium are made in the image and likeness of the old Moscow Art Theater, which adorned its branch in the 30s of the 20th century. The seats are soft, comfortable.

Sergei Zhenovach really wanted to create an atmosphere of home comfort in his theater. For this, a buffet and a large table were set in the lobby. Before the performances, spectators are treated to tea, homemade jam, ice cream and even jacket potatoes. There is a bookcase where you can get something to read. And in the "corner of the authors" hang portraits of writers, whose works are used for performances in the theater.

zhenovacha theater poster


Due to its youth, the not very large repertoire can offer the audience the Zhenovach Theater. Nevertheless, his poster presents a variety of performances - both classics and modern plays.

Theater repertoire:

  • "Suicide".
  • "Players".
  • "Notebooks".
  • "Kira Georgievna."
  • "The Master and Margarita".
  • "Potudan River".
  • "The seedy clan."

And other productions.

Sergey Zhenovach Theater


The Zhenovach Theater is a small but talented collective consisting mainly of young people.


  • Ekaterina Vasilyeva.
  • Alexander Proshin.
  • Ekaterina Kopylova.
  • Anastasia Imamova.
  • Igor Lizengevich.
  • Alexander Koruchekov.
  • Ivan Yankovsky.
  • Olga Kalashnikova.
  • Gleb Puskepalis.

And other actors.

STI Zhenovach Theater

S. Zhenovach

Sergey Zhenovach was born in 1957. He received the profession of director at the Institute of Culture of Krasnodar. In the same city, he began his career. After studying, he took the place of the director of the amateur theater.

In 1988, Sergey graduated from GITIS, faculty of directing. Then he completed an internship. After that, he began to teach in the workshop of Peter Fomenko.

For several years, Sergey Zhenovach was the main director of the famous Moscow Theater on Malaya Bronnaya. He staged performances in the workshop of Peter Fomenko, in the Moscow Art Theater named after A. Chekhov, as well as in Maly.

In 2005, Sergei Zhenovach opened his own theater. He took his graduates into the troupe.

Sergey Zhenovach has the title of Honored Art Worker of Russia, he is a professor, continues his teaching career, has been awarded various prizes, and has repeatedly won the Golden Mask. His productions have repeatedly won awards at prestigious festivals.


The Zhenovach Theater, despite its youth, is very popular with the audience. Confirmation of their rave reviews. From watching the performances of this theater, the audience is always impressed. The actors here are wonderful - talented, loving their profession. The scenery is rather concise, but very interesting at the same time. The performances here are complex, multifaceted, compelling to think. Many spectators fall in love with this theater from the first visit and become its loyal fans.

Another plus of the theater is affordable ticket prices.

But there are those viewers who believe that this theater is ambiguous, not for everyone, not everyone and not everyone will understand it and like it. For some, the productions seem uninteresting.

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