The drug "Danabol": side effects

The drug "Danabol" belongs to the group of steroid anabolics. Penetrating into the middle of the cell nucleus, the active substance activates the genetic work of the cell, due to which there is an increase in the synthesis of RNA, DNA and structural proteins, tissue respiration enzymes are activated and tissue respiration is enhanced, oxidative phosphorylation is performed, macroergs are accumulated inside the cell.

The drug suppresses catabolic and stimulates the anabolic processes that are caused by exposure to glucocorticoids. The use of the drug causes an increase in muscle mass, reduces the deposition of fat, deposits in the bones of calcium, helps to improve trophic tissue, retains phosphorus, nitrogen, sulfur, sodium, calcium and water in the organs.

The drug has a homeopathic effect associated with an increase in the formation of erythropoietin. Low androgenic activity of the drug can cause the development of male secondary sexual characteristics.

Indications for taking the drug "Danabol"

The reviews of patients taking the drug indicate its therapeutic effect in case of protein synthesis disorders, injuries, various origin of cachexia, burns. The drug is prescribed for the treatment of renal and adrenal insufficiency, muscular dystrophy, toxic goiter, osteoporosis. The medication is effective before and after the operation, it is taken after irradiation and infections. The medicine is prescribed with a negative nitrogen balance during corticosteroid therapy, with aplastic and hypoanemia. As an adjuvant, the medicine is taken in the treatment of osteomyelitis, tuberculosis, hepatitis and bronchial asthma.

The drug "Danabol": method of application and dosage

Adults can take the medicine with an initial dose of 20 milligrams per day. The maintenance amount of the drug is 5-10.0 mg per day. The maximum dose should not exceed 50.0 mg.

Children are prescribed depending on age from 0.040 to 1 mg per kilogram of weight. You can take it from two years old. The course of treatment with the drug is a month, repeated therapy is carried out after one and a half to two months.

The drug "Danabol": side effects

In the female half, negative manifestations are expressed in the inhibition of the functioning of the ovaries, the appearance of virilization symptoms, disorders of the menstrual cycle, and the appearance of hypercalcemia.

In men, when taking Danabol, side effects in the prepubertal period are manifested by virilization symptoms, idiopathic hyperpigmentation of the skin, and cessation or slowdown of growth. Negative manifestations in the post-puberty period are expressed by irritation of the bladder, the occurrence of priopism of gynecomastia, in old age the onset of hypertrophy or carcinoma of the prostate gland is possible.

In both sexes, after using the Danabol preparation, side effects occur in the form of progressive atherosclerosis, peripheral edema, impaired liver functions associated with jaundice, dyspeptic disorders. Pain may appear in the tubular long bones, changes in the leukocyte formula may occur, and hypocoagulation, prone to bleeding, to penetrate.

The drug "Danabol": side effects and contraindications

It is strictly forbidden to use the drug with hypersensitivity to its components. Treatment for diseases of the prostate cancer in men and breast carcinoma in women is unacceptable. Appointments are never made with severe atherosclerosis, renal and hepatic insufficiency, chronic and acute prostatitis, breastfeeding and pregnancy.

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