Throat cough is not a separate problem; it has always been considered a symptom of an ailment. As a rule, this manifestation speaks of acute or chronic diseases of the respiratory tract. Sometimes coughing can cause allergies and various irritating substances. The patient suddenly has a sore throat, perspiration and other unpleasant symptoms. To fix the problem, you should find out its cause and only then prescribe an effective treatment.
What is a cough?
Throat cough is called dry cough. It strongly irritates the walls of the larynx. By nature, he is quite painful. Sometimes it is called barking because of the sounds that the patient makes. Pathology occurs due to severe inflammation of the throat and its mucous membrane. In addition, for such a cough, attacks are characteristic, during which choking or vomiting may occur.
Patients have problems with the voice, because because of this manifestation, the vocal cords are very tense. The vocal cords are restored only after full recovery.
Coughing fits provoke smoking, small particles of food getting into the throat, inhaling cold air. Sometimes attacks occur on their own.
In order to understand how to treat a throat cough, you need to understand its causes. Only due to their timely identification can an effective treatment be quickly prescribed without difficulty. Consider the main causes of coughing.
The word "cold" can mean a huge number of viral infections that affect the respiratory tract. In medicine, another name is used - ARVI. During treatment, as a rule, the doctor does not waste time checking which pathogen affects the body. It is impossible to do this in the shortest possible time. Treatment should be started as quickly as possible in order to prevent the cough from developing before severe attacks.
Not all colds are triggered by hypothermia. Many patients become infected by airborne droplets, most often in the winter. The virus spreads fast enough. Its activity is provoked by a decrease in temperature and its sharp changes.
Flu also belongs to colds, it is considered a viral infection. Influenza is considered a more serious illness, as it easily becomes severe. The peak of the disease occurs at the end of winter and the beginning of spring. This is due to its survival, it easily adapts to low temperatures.
Cold treatment is either symptomatic or pathogenetic. Be sure the doctor will prescribe funds for a dry throat cough, without this therapy will be ineffective. If there is a risk of complications or secondary diseases occur, antiviral drugs are prescribed. With a mild course, they are not needed, since due to the large number of side effects, the consequences will be worse than from the disease itself.
Often, coughing occurs due to pharyngitis. This is inflammation of the pharyngeal wall. Additional symptoms are considered unpleasant sensations in the throat, redness, fever. After coughing, the patient's voice becomes hoarse. It is restored within 30 minutes, while there is no sputum. Another manifestation can be considered a runny nose, but it does not occur in all patients, in some patients otitis media develops.
If a patient constantly disappears after a throat cough , laryngitis will probably develop. This disease is considered severe. The patient’s temperature rises, which is difficult to bring down, a headache, lymph nodes increase, tickling and other unpleasant sensations are felt, which intensify during conversation and swallowing. The vocal cords swell a lot, so the voice may disappear completely.
Bacteria infection
Another reason for throat cough, which is accompanied by a strong and sharp increase in body temperature up to 40 degrees. Purulent discharge forms in the nose, and a plaque appears on the throat. This indicates the development of a bacterial infection.
Coughing fits are severe, accompanied by breathing problems, shortness of breath, and purulent sputum.
Chronic diseases
Severe dry throat cough in an adult can cause chronic respiratory diseases. If there is no temperature, then there is a problem with the throat. An intermittent cough may occur due to chronic tonsillitis. Less commonly, it causes pharyngitis and laryngitis in a neglected form. With otitis media, a described cough may also appear during relapse. It is necessary to treat each disease on time, so that due to the absence or improper therapy it does not become chronic, delivering unpleasant sensations throughout life.
The patient will be lethargic, however, no other symptoms will be noticeable - if the disease is in remission. As a rule, exacerbation is provoked either by hypothermia, or another infection.
Without exacerbation, the patient will have a slight cough. It occurs spontaneously for no reason. During relapse, a paroxysmal throat cough occurs, which is accompanied by a strong reddening of the throat, an increase in lymph nodes.
Treatment of chronic diseases is quite difficult and takes several years. The patient needs to constantly follow a diet and avoid irritating factors. Food needs to be enriched with vitamin C and other important substances. Be sure to temper and lead a healthy lifestyle. If the patient has chronic tonsillitis, then, if necessary, tonsils are removed.
How to treat a throat cough if it is caused by an allergy? Be sure to eliminate the cause (provoking factor) and take special medications. Along with a cough, a runny nose, a skin reaction, a sore throat, and tearing may occur. The exact causes of coughing have not been identified, but most often it occurs when inhaled substances to which he is allergic.
When inhaling irritating substances, the mechanism of coughing is similar to allergic. The only difference is that in the first case, all people suffer, and in the second - only those who have individual intolerance. The coughing attack ends immediately after contact with the stimulus is completed. To irritating substances you need to include tobacco, dust, aerosols.
How to treat a cough?
How to treat dry throat cough? It is important to make a diagnosis in time and determine why there are unpleasant sensations. It depends on how well the therapy will be selected.
At the beginning of the disease, the cough is dry, sputum is absent. It is necessary to take those funds that will affect the cough reflex. Medicines should suppress it. Thanks to this, you can reduce the number of seizures. The condition will be alleviated, and irritation of the mucous membrane will decrease. Doctors recommend adult patients to take Codeine, Glauvent.
Such drugs, along with expectorants are prohibited. This is due to the fact that the first group of drugs will reduce the number of seizures, while the second will increase the amount of sputum excreted. With its accumulation, patients experience serious complications. Most develop a bacterial infection. It must be remembered that if the question arises of how to treat a throat cough in a child, and not in an adult, then all medicines should be agreed with the doctor.
It is recommended to take sputum thinning and expectorant drugs when the bronchi begin to secrete liquid themselves and a dry cough begins to slowly turn into wet. In order to speed up the process and not suffer from throat cough, treatment in adult patients should be started with the use of “ACC”, “Herbion” preparations. If the excreted sputum has a thick and viscous consistency, doctors recommend taking mucolytics (Ambroxol, Ambrobene, and so on). These funds will dilute sputum, and remove it from the bronchi.
Of the sprays, it should be noted "Stopangin", "Hexoral." These funds are able to facilitate the inflammatory process, pain. In addition, they reduce the activity of all bacteria and reduce the likelihood of complications. Sprays are used only after eating and brushing your teeth. This prolongs the effect of the medication.
In any case, you need to take vitamins, especially C. It is necessary to eat properly and regularly, drink liquid. The doctor does not prohibit physical activity, but it should be moderate.
Allergy Cough Treatment
How to treat a cough with a head if it is due to an allergy? It is worth highlighting some of the most effective drugs. Doctors recommend the use of Suprastin, Fenkarol. Medicines are prescribed purely individually, taking into account the patient's lifestyle and work.
Some antihistamines cause drowsiness and also reduce attention. Because of this, it will be difficult for a person to concentrate on one thought. Doctors recommend that you do not drive a car, and also do not attend work until the course of treatment is complete.
Folk remedies
In order to get rid of a throat cough, many use decoctions of salt or soda, medicinal herbs. Many advise lubricating the throat with honey, Lugol's solution. Before using herbs, you need to make sure that the patient does not have allergies to them.
An excellent remedy for throat cough is a warm drink. It should be plentiful. It is allowed to use lemon, milk with honey, butter, green tea with jam. Drinking can remove toxins and soften the throat. So the cough will decrease, it will become less painful. Over time, sputum appears and the patient's condition improves.
Doctors advise doing steam inhalation. You can use water with a few drops of essential oil. Often used boiled potatoes and decoctions of herbs. Inhalations should be done at least 10-15 minutes at a time. Thanks to this procedure, you can get rid of dry throat, pain, tickle. Sputum will be better to expectorate.
To get rid of a cough, you can do warming up with compresses. On the chest you need to put a potato cake. If not possible, then salt is allowed. It needs to be heated, transferred to a bag and put on the area of the bronchi. Hold the compress until it cools. This procedure will help get rid of an unpleasant cough.
A recipe that will help everyone
Relief juice attack will help radish juice with honey. It will not only reduce the number of seizures, but also bring relief. Need to wash the root crop. You do not need to clean it. It is enough to cut off the top, and then remove the pulp from the middle. You will get a deepening in the shape of a funnel. In it you need to put a spoonful of honey, cover with a sliced top. Vegetable should be left for 3 hours. During this time he will give juice. It should be drunk every three hours during the day.
It must be remembered that cough has a large number of inexpensive and most importantly effective traditional medicine. They will help as much as possible at the beginning of the development of the disease. If a person is in a serious condition, you should consult a doctor. He will choose a reliable and effective treatment option that will allow you to get rid of a painful symptom in the shortest possible time.
But you need to remember that it is easier to prevent the disease, and not to treat it. Therefore, you should be careful, especially in the winter season.