When is it necessary to take emetics? Description of drugs

Vomiting is a complex reflex process that allows you to empty the stomach of its contents through the mouth. There are several proven ways to provoke an attack. In cases where the β€œtwo fingers” method does not work, special emetics come to the rescue. Let us consider in more detail the most effective drugs from this category.

In what cases cause vomiting?

The gag reflex is the only one that a person can control. In some situations, it simply needs to be provoked to improve well-being. This is especially true for food poisoning and intestinal infections. Similar illnesses affect the population especially often in the summer. Most often, young children suffer. In this case, it is important to provide assistance as soon as possible. Vomiting helps get rid of harmful substances and toxins located in the upper digestive tract.


In most cases, with food poisoning, vomiting appears involuntarily. If this does not happen and the person feels a deterioration, it is necessary to help the stomach clear. To do this, you need to take special emetics - drugs that provoke the urge to vomit.

The desire to lose weight is another reason why some girls try to induce vomiting after eating. Doctors call this method unsafe. In the future, serious problems with the digestive tract and nervous system may appear.

Popular methods

How to induce vomiting quickly? Almost everyone knows about this most affordable way. In order to provoke a vomiting, just press on the root of the tongue with a spoon (narrow part) or fingers. To enhance the effect, you can pre-drink a solution of potassium permanganate. The liquid should be pale pink.

A similar effect has a salt solution. To prepare it, you need ordinary table salt (a tablespoon) and warm water (liter). They drink the liquid in one gulp and wait for gagging.

Vomiting medications

To provoke vomiting, you can take medication emetics. There are a lot of such drugs. They are necessary in cases where you need to cleanse the stomach of toxins. They are divided into two groups depending on the effect on the body. Central-acting vomit is represented by the Apomorphine hydrochloride medication. This fairly strong medication is often used to treat alcoholism.

how to induce vomiting quickly

Another category of drugs - means of reflex action. These include zinc and copper sulfate , ammonia. Some plants have a similar mechanism of action. The substances that they contain are able to influence through the endings of nerve cells on the vomiting center, thereby causing irritation of the gastric mucosa.

The following medicines can cause vomiting:

  • cardiac glycosides - cause nausea, discomfort in the stomach;
  • antidepressants - drugs such as Fluoxitin and Paroxetine, in addition to their direct task, can also be used to induce vomiting (with increased activity of serotonin receptors);
  • "Likorin" - a drug from the group of bronchodilators, which, when the dosage is exceeded, causes vomiting;
  • "Levodopa" is a medicine prescribed for the treatment of Parkinson's disease.

The drug "Apomorphine"

"Apomorphine hydrochloride" is a semi-synthetic alkaloid. The medicine is released in the form of a powder, obtained by heating morphine and hydrochloric acid. It is recommended to take such strong emetics only in cases when emergency cleaning of the stomach from toxic substances is necessary. The drug "Apomorphine" has a weak analgesic effect and is able to affect the region of the medulla oblongata, the excitation of which causes vomiting.

emetic tablets

Vomiting tablets are not suitable for frequent use. With frequent use of the drug, serious neurological disorders may occur.

Vomiting Syrup

The active ingredient in the syrup is Ipecac extract - a rather dangerous and poisonous plant containing a large amount of cephalein and emethine (alkoloids). A drug based on a medicinal plant can also be purchased in the form of water infusion and alcohol tincture.


How to induce vomiting quickly with this drug? According to the instructions, if necessary, urgent cleansing of the stomach should drink a tablespoon of emetic root syrup.

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