Pokémon re-captured the world. If before everyone liked the cartoon, now it is a game for mobile devices. Those who are not familiar with the cartoon often seek information about these pocket monsters. One of the most famous is the squirt. What kind of pokemon is it? This is a pocket-sized monster of the water type, which belongs to the first generation. He was one of three starting Pokemon in the Kanto region.
Monster anatomy
What does a pokemon squirt look like? He is a small bug with blue skin. It has a round brown carapace and a yellow abdomen. The shell consists of hexagonal plates, and on the side has a white border. All four legs of the Pokemon are the same length, but it moves only on the hind limbs. Squirtle is a water-type Pokémon, but it feels great on land as well, far from the water. In babies, the carapace is very soft at birth, but with time it hardens. As a result, he becomes so strong that he perfectly protects his master in times of danger. The tortoise’s tail is much longer than that of real animals. Using his squirt, he attacks the enemy. His attacks are a water tail and a whip tail. Pokemon is the first water monster in Pokedex. Sexual differences between representatives of this species are not observed. Of all the starting Pokémon, this is the slowest. After all, the turtle was the prototype for the creation. There is a version that the squirt's tail came from a squirrel.
Pokemon character
Squirtle - what kind of pokemon is it? What is his disposition? This monster has a fairly calm character, but it also happens that it becomes difficult to control it. It is harder to train, when compared with the bulbasaur, but much easier than the fiery lizard - cermander. A squirt is a pokemon that is strongly attached to relatives. But with other types of monsters, he gets along very well. If the squirt is wild, then people are treated with great distrust. Can make friends with an electric pikachu.
Pokemon abilities
Squirt - what kind of pokemon is it in terms of attacks? Since its type is water, the attacks are also water. He can shoot with a stream of water and bubbles from his mouth. His attacks include a water pump and a water gun. A feature of this Pokemon is the use of water attacks from the shell. A good trainer can teach a turtle even ice attacks. When attacked, he hides in his carapace, where he waits for the attack. Since the shape of the shell is streamlined, the squirt moves very quickly along the water surface. He uses his armor not only for defense, but also for attack, and he can also transport small Pokémon on water.
The homeland of the squirt is Kanto. In the wild, he comes across quite rarely. Most of the squirt goes to the young trainers from the professor, so all these Pokémon are already tamed. In nature, they are found on small islands that are isolated from the continents. Sometimes you can meet this Pokemon in the rivers that flow in canyons. Favorite ponds are small ponds or lakes.
Squirt in the series
In the cartoon, this Pokemon is the starting one and appears in the first series. The main character dreamed of choosing him. Once Ash and his friends met a whole group of Pokémon of this type, who were abandoned and stole food from people. But then the hero made friends with the leader, and people learned that squirts can be great firefighters. People got along with the Pokemon, and the leader went with the main character and participated in the battles.
So, squirt - what kind of pokemon is it? Now everything has become clear. This is one of the most famous pocket monsters in the series, which has several forms. In the process of evolution, it becomes a much larger and stronger aquatic Pokémon.