How to treat thrush during pregnancy: why is it necessary, and how to make it as safe and effective as possible

Thrush is a disease caused by a fungus. It worries now almost every second woman from time to time, in every tenth thrush has become protracted. And it is not a matter of sexual life or non-observance of personal hygiene rules: the yeast infection causes hormonal imbalance due to constant stress, because of food processed by hormones, taking antibiotics, and love for sweets and flours. The disease is sometimes the first noticeable sign of diabetes.

How to treat thrush during pregnancy

Pregnancy is a special time in a woman’s life when the ratio of different hormones changes quite strongly in order to provide the child with comfortable conditions and prevent his miscarriage. In this situation, thrush appears very often. And the expectant mother needs to know how to treat thrush during pregnancy, since untreated fungus can penetrate the baby, causing at least thrush in his mouth.

How is thrush manifested?

This is a rather unpleasant disease, which is difficult not to notice. It manifests itself in the form of the appearance of copious white discharge from the genital tract. They may be more liquid, may have a curdled texture, sour smell. Allocations cause a very intense genital itching, intensifying after urination, due to rubbing underwear, after sex.

How is the diagnosis made?

Treatment of thrush in pregnant women

The diagnosis is made according to the examination in the mirrors (this is possible during pregnancy, when a more gentle effect is used), as well as according to the simplest smear taken from the vagina. According to these data, the doctor should say how to treat thrush during pregnancy.

How to cope with thrush?

Before pregnancy, you could treat thrush with Fluconazole, Diflucan and other drugs. But the treatment of thrush in pregnant women is very different, since these drugs are very harmful to the child.

An effective treatment for thrush is the course of Pimafucin suppositories (in the amount of 6 pieces per course). If necessary, the doctor will prescribe this drug. From the second trimester, the use of Candide gel or Clotrimazole suppositories helps well . Other medicines should only be prescribed by a doctor.

Effective treatment for thrush

During the treatment of this disease, it is important not to eat sweets. It is better to eat fermented milk products and foods that contain vitamin C (if there is no threat of miscarriage). It is also advisable to take multivitamin complexes. This is all necessary in order for the beneficial bacteria that live in the vagina to work, continuing to fight thrush on their own.

Tips from traditional doctors on how to treat thrush during pregnancy

1. Take a tablespoon of herbs such as sage, yarrow, rosemary. Add 2 tbsp. tablespoons of oak bark. Pour this composition with three liters of boiling water, leave for about an hour. Then strain. When completely cooled, you can douche. You need to do this procedure 2 times a day.

2. Two tablespoons of St. John's wort herb pour a glass of boiling water. Then put in a water bath, where and cook for 15 minutes. An hour to insist, drain. Use the same as the previous broth.

3. Previously, the only advice a woman received in response to a question about how to treat thrush during pregnancy was douching with soda solution: 4 teaspoons were diluted in a glass of hot water, cooled and douched.

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