Many confectionery products in most modern housewives are associated exclusively with factory production. The stereotype that some sweets can be made only with the help of special equipment and secret technologies has firmly settled in the minds of domestic citizens.
But, fortunately, this is actually not so at all! For example, the method of making well-known marshmallows is much simpler than it seems. Moreover, a self-made treat can even be many times better and better than store sweets.
A few words about lozenges
Yes, marshmallows can be not only tasty, but also very useful if you cook it at home. What could be better than a handmade dessert for young children? Moreover, the manufacturing process is not so complicated, the main thing is to know some features of the technology.
By the way, this delicacy is often allowed even to nursing mothers and those who follow a strict diet. Only here in the quality of store products one has to doubt.
Self-made marshmallows - the process is quite easy and fast. Believe me, the technology is extremely simple. In addition, at home you can cook many varieties of marshmallows: traditional, apple, chocolate, cherry and a lot of others.
Marshmallow is made on the basis of fruit puree and mashed egg whites, so there is practically no fat in it. In fact, surprisingly, this delicious treat has a huge amount of properties that are beneficial for any organism. True, store products are often flavored by manufacturers with various flavors and dyes, which can negatively affect health.
Cooking technology
In addition to the main component, the marshmallow includes a filler with which the products are shaped. There are several varieties of such substances: pectin, which is found in vegetables and fruits, agar-agar algae syrup, and also well-known gelatin.
All marshmallow recipes at home are based on different fillers, but you should be aware that they all differ from each other. For example, an extract from seaweed is the lowest calorie and has a dense texture. Marshmallow made from gelatin will result in a more viscous texture. But the most useful is deservedly considered a natural thickener - pectin, which is found in some fruits and beets.
But no matter which option you choose, you will end up with a very tasty, delicate and airy treat. Homemade marshmallows have an unusually delicate, porous texture and memorable fruity notes. And if we also recall its beneficial properties, then we can say with confidence that such a dessert simply has no equal.
Marshmallow prepared according to the recipe at home is an affordable treat, the creation of which absolutely anyone can cope with. For the first time, you may have to work a little on making this treat. But then, how much joy, pleasure and benefit you give to your family. Believe me, the result is worth your efforts!
So choose a marshmallow recipe at home and start the interesting process. In addition, if you decide to please your household with such an unusual dish, it will be very useful for you to learn about some of the intricacies of making pastilles.
- If you make marshmallows from apples, keep in mind that its base must be very thick. It is best to use the baked fruit of the Antonovka variety. Although you can take other apples, but they should be well baked.
- Depending on the recipe, the finished product hardens for about 1-5 hours. After this, the marshmallows should be dried for another day at room temperature. So there is a thin crust on pastilles.
- If you replace the third of the indicated amount of sugar in the recipe with glucose syrup or molasses, then the marshmallows will be stored much longer. And when it dries, the middle will still remain very tender.
- For pastilles to keep their shape well, mashed potatoes must be beaten very well. So take the time and effort at this stage of preparation - the result largely depends on it.
Well, now you can safely get down to business!
How to make marshmallows at home
Each housewife can master the recipe for this treat. Well, to start your acquaintance with this wonderful, airy dessert is best with the classic version, because it is considered the easiest to create. To prepare marshmallows at home with a prescription, you will need:
- 60 g of gelatin;
- 1 kg of sugar;
- a teaspoon of citric acid;
- glass of water;
- 0.5 tablespoons of soda.
As you can see, all the products used for this dessert are absolutely simple and affordable.
The process of preparing a classic snow-white marshmallow with gelatin at home according to the recipe begins with cooking a sweet, viscous syrup. The most important thing is to beat it evenly to achieve the correct consistency.
First make sure that you have wooden cutting boards at your disposal.
Step-by-step marshmallow recipe at home
Step 1. So, first you need to cook the syrup, which will become the basis for the future dessert. To do this, pour the prepared sugar into a saucepan or a small saucepan, then fill it with water and place on the stove. Stir the mixture constantly, keeping it over medium heat, until the liquid boils.
Step 2. While the syrup is boiling, soak the gelatin in a separate bowl. Everything is extremely simple here: you just need to fill in the powder with 100 ml of slightly warm water and mix.
Step 3. After the syrup reaches a boil, add dissolved gelatin to it. Stir the mixture thoroughly and remove it from the heat. Now stir it until all the gelatin has dissolved. At the same time, control the temperature of the syrup: it should not completely cool.
Step 4. After the gelatin has completely dissolved, intensively beat the mass with a mixer, turning on the average speed. Process the mixture should be at least five minutes. Then take a short break and again whisk the same amount of time.
Step 5. Now send the prepared soda and citric acid to the sugar dough. Again, take 10 minutes to thoroughly beat the mixture, and then set it aside. Let the cooked mass "rest" for about half an hour. After all the manipulations, you will get a rather thick, viscous mixture of a snow-white color.
The final stage
Step 6. Now it remains only to form the future marshmallow. To do this, it is best to use a pastry bag, but ordinary spoons are also suitable. Gently place the products on the prepared boards and leave them to solidify.
You can make it even simpler: cover the baking dish with parchment and pour the cooked dough into it. And after solidification, the made layer will need to be cut. To prevent pastilles from sticking together, sprinkle them with a handful of powdered sugar.
At this, the preparation of marshmallows at home is over. As you can see, there is nothing too complicated in the process, but it takes a maximum of half an hour.
Now you know how to make marshmallows at home. You can complement the recipe for this treat not only with fruits, but also with chocolate icing. Watering the finished products with melted tiles, you get a dessert, no worse than store sweets.
But an unusual shade can be achieved by adding any fruit syrup to the basic recipe, for example, strawberry, currant or peach. This must be done at the stage of whipping the mass, evenly distributing the paint throughout the test.
In general, a little dexterity and diligence, and you will learn how to cook the perfect pastilles, which will not be embarrassing to put on the festive table.
Apple Marshmallow
Of course, pampering little kids is much better with homemade desserts made from natural ingredients, rather than purchased sweets from dubious products. This simple truth is well known to every mother. Of course, making healthy treats with your own hands is a more complicated and troublesome process. But this, perhaps, does not apply to marshmallows. After all, making it yourself is extremely easy in a hurry. And if you have a modern mixer or blender at your disposal, then the process will take a few minutes.
A simple marshmallow recipe at home with a photo will help you cope with the task as quickly as possible so as to get a really tasty, airy and, most importantly, healthy dessert.
The recipe for apple marshmallows at home is also considered basic. These simple, affordable fruits contain a huge amount of natural pectin, which, in fact, allows the finished product to keep its shape well.
In addition, applesauce is famous for its rich aroma and expressive sweet and sour taste. And considering that pastilles are made using a large amount of sugar, such notes will only benefit them.
Essential Products
To prepare marshmallows from apples at home with a prescription, you will need:
- 740 g of sugar;
- protein;
- 160 ml of water;
- a teaspoon of vanillin;
- 10 g of agar;
- a handful of powdered sugar;
- 4 large fruits.
Course of action
Send the agar-agar to the stewpan, fill it with water and leave to soak in this form. In the meantime, prepare the apples: wash, peel and peel them, cut in half. Then put the fruit in a baked oven or microwave. Of course, the latter option will be faster. In the microwave, you can bake apples in just 5 minutes.
Send the pulp of fruit into a blender and grind it to a completely smooth, uniform texture. Then add 250 g of sugar, vanillin to the applesauce and stir well. Among warm fruits, crystals should dissolve quite quickly. After that, allow the prepared mixture to cool.
Put soaked agar on medium heat and bring it to a boil, stirring all the time. After that, add the remaining sugar to it and continue cooking for another 5 minutes. You should get a very viscous syrup, which, flowing down from a spoon, will form a kind of thread. When the desired consistency is reached, remove the mass from the stove.
In fruit puree, add the protein separated from the yolk and carefully beat the mixture until a lush texture is obtained. After that, without turning off the mixer, with a thin stream, introduce still hot sugar syrup into the mass. At this stage, the dough will increase very much in volume. But do not stop there: you need to beat until the mixture reaches room temperature and a dense consistency.
Marshmallow Formation
Cover the baking sheet with parchment and place the products on it with a pastry bag. Leave the workpieces at room temperature for a day to dry. And finally, sprinkle them with powdered sugar.
If you wish, you can hold the hemispheres together like store sweets, simply by firmly gluing their bottoms to each other. This is very easy to do, it only takes a few minutes.
Marshmallow with agar prepared according to this recipe at home is very similar to those pastilles that are sold on store shelves. It is very difficult to distinguish them, because they have a delicate, porous structure and viscosity inside. Only in the quality of such a dessert can you be sure.