The drug "Siofor": instructions for use for familiarization

Diabetes mellitus is one of the common and dangerous diseases that cannot be treated only with medications. Combined therapy should be combined with a strict diet and constant monitoring of blood sugar and other physiological parameters. Today, doctors have a number of drugs that can reduce the concentration of glucose in the blood, one of which is the Siofor. Instructions for use of this medication are inside the package. There is also on numerous resources on the network, however, patients are still not sufficiently familiar with this drug.

Let's try to highlight in this publication the properties, composition and other characteristics of the drug.

What is the Siofor preparation?

Instructions for use classifies this medication as biguanides. The composition of the drug includes metformin hydrochloride. The Siofor medicine reduces the ability to absorb glucose in the intestine, stimulates the production of special substances of the liver that can process glucose, and also activates muscle tissue cells that absorb glucose. The tool is a hypoglycemic drug.

The drug Siofor is available in the form of tablets of 500 and 850 mg. These are white rounded or oval tablets with a risk for division, coated. The tablets are packaged in blisters, sold in cardboard boxes.

Indications for use of the medicine "Siofor"

Instructions for use should include not only descriptions of pharmacological properties, but also information about the indications, contraindications and side effects.

The drug is used in the treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus. Especially often, the Siofor preparation is prescribed for patients with diabetes accompanied by obesity. In such cases, its intake should be accompanied by an appropriate diet and vigilant control of doctors.

Contraindications to the use of the medicine "Siofor"

Instructions for use with the drug are made taking into account all contraindications. The drug "Siofor" is not recommended for use with:

  • early childhood or old age;

  • renal failure;

  • alcoholism;

  • myocardial infarction in the acute phase;

  • heart failure, respiratory, renal failure;

  • serious injuries, operations;

  • chronic metabolic acidosis ;

  • pregnancy

  • diabetic kteoacidosis (with coma, without it);

  • research on equipment using radioactive iodine isotopes;

  • lactation;

  • sensitivity to the drug;

  • treatment with drugs that include a high iodine content.

It should be noted that the Siofor preparation is used only on the recommendation of a doctor. This publication may not be construed as a basis for application.

Side effects of the drug Siofor

Instructions for use provided by manufacturers in the annex to the drug can be used by readers for educational purposes. Each patient should be aware of side effects that may occur when taking the medicine. These include:

  • impaired hematopoiesis, expressed in megaloblastic anemia;

  • allergic reactions, in the form of a rash and other manifestations on the skin;

  • lactic acidosis;

  • disruptions in the digestive tract in the form of nausea and vomiting, as well as diarrhea, constipation, pain;

  • a change in sensations in the form of a metallic taste, loss of appetite.

The manifestation of side effects does not always mean that therapy should be discontinued. About the need to cancel the drug is decided only by the doctor. For example, disorders of the digestive system are not a reason for stopping the use of the Siofor drug, as they disappear after the body adapts to the effects of active substances.

The dosage and regimen of the drug is always determined by the doctor. His instructions should be followed by the patient strictly, since the achievement of the therapeutic effect depends on it.

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