Sometimes beautifully shaped hands with well-groomed nails spoil the bubbles on the fingers. What is the reason for their occurrence and are there any ways to get rid of them? First of all, it is necessary to find out the reason that led to such an unpleasant phenomenon as bubbles on the fingers, of which there may be several. Consider some of them, the most common.
Dyshidrotic eczema
With this disease, vesicles on fingers of various sizes occur on the skin of the hands, accompanied by a slight burning sensation and severe itching. The skin around the localization of such peas blushes and swells. Bubbles are usually sealed with a clear liquid inside. If combed, inflammation may occur. Then the liquid inside becomes cloudy and purulent.
Bubbles on the fingers in this case are the result of malfunctions in the body, and this can concern absolutely any system of the body: immune or endocrine, nervous or digestive. As practice shows, interaction with household chemicals can increase the risk of getting this type of eczema.
If you have watery bubbles on your fingers and are diagnosed with dyshidrotic eczema, you should immediately begin to monitor your diet, avoid unnecessary stressful situations and interactions with household chemicals.
Allergic phytodermatitis
One of the companions of this disease is not only vesicles on the toes, hands, but also rashes localized throughout the body. In addition, severe itching and a slight burning sensation (mainly on the hands), redness of the affected areas of the skin are observed.
The cause of allergic phytodermatitis is mainly the milky juice of some plants, the so-called allergens. To treat this disease, the affected areas of the skin are initially cleaned with ethyl alcohol, removing the remaining allergen, after which an ointment is applied to the sore spot (based on cortecosteroids). The use of antihistamines is also necessary.
Bubbles on the fingers of the hands, where there is a particularly thin layer of the epidermis (especially between the fingers), can be caused by scabies, a disease caused by the scabies mite. Scabies is characterized not only by rashes in places of thin and dry skin, it is accompanied by severe itching, especially at night. This disease is contagious, transmitted through personal hygiene items, in contact with a sick person. Therefore, the first measure of deliverance is the disinfection of the patient’s personal belongings and bedding. The skin areas are treated with sulfuric ointment, and the vesicles on the fingers are cauterized with a solution of fucarcin.
Fungus on the legs (mycosis)
This is an infectious disease caused by bacteria that parasitize the skin. The main symptoms of mycosis are vesicles on the fingers, microscopic cracks between them, a slight burning sensation and severe itching. In addition, pain is felt on the affected areas of the skin. This disease can be cured by folk medicine, which has been going on for more than one century.
Propolis and celandine, onions and vinegar are used in combination with carrot juice. All these recipes can be found on the Internet. But, the most common method of combating mycosis is the use of ordinary iodine solution, which is applied dropwise to each area affected by the fungus (twice a day). For preventive purposes, it is recommended to process adjacent toes.
In order to reduce the risk of developing mycosis, it is very important to apply preventive measures: do not wear someone else’s shoes, use only your personal hyena, etc.
Herpes on the fingers is not as common as on the genitals or lips. The process is painful, with the appearance of vesicles, which appear in the same places. Typically, herpes of the fingers becomes the result of the carelessness of a patient who already has herpes (on the lips, for example). With his own hands (touching his lips), the patient transfers the disease to his hands. Treatment of this disease is prescribed by a doctor in the form of antiviral drugs (within ten days).
Always remember that only careful attention to your own health will help to avoid such unpleasant diseases.