Cascading stomach: causes, diagnosis, treatment methods, reviews

Digestion is one of the most important and complex processes necessary to sustain life. It is very simple to break and difficult to recover. Failures in the activity of the digestive tract occur for various reasons. One of the factors contributing to the occurrence of digestive problems is considered to be a cascading stomach. The main features of the pathology, its symptoms, diagnosis and methods of therapy are described in the article.

general characteristics

A cascading stomach is a condition that is not an independent disease. This is a change in the structure of the organ, its deformation. Typically, this feature is detected in the process of carrying out diagnostic measures (FGDS, X-ray examination of the gastrointestinal tract).

The shape of the stomach can change under the influence of factors such as the nature of the diet, the amount of food, the position of the personโ€™s body during meals. Such conditions occur several times during life and do not pose a threat to the individual. The cascade bend of the stomach is a curvature in which pockets form in the organ cavity. This condition is observed quite rarely. It is diagnosed in only five percent of patients.

Examination by a gastroenterologist

With this deformation, the stomach has the shape of a flat pouch. When food enters the body cavity, it increases in volume, becomes elongated and convex. Changes characteristic of pathology are clearly visible in x-rays. An empty stomach resembles a stocking. After filling, it takes the form of a horn or hook. In addition, the organ has a characteristic bend, due to which two areas are formed: the upper and lower.

What factors contribute to the development of pathology?

A cascading stomach can be a congenital or acquired deformity. The main reasons that provoke its occurrence include inflammatory processes leading to the formation of scar tissue. As factors contributing to the development of the disease, experts call:

  1. Peptic ulcer.
  2. Inflammation of the lining of the stomach.
  3. Duodenitis.
  4. Cholecystitis.
  5. Inflammatory processes in the large intestine.

Sometimes a disease develops in the absence of the above circumstances. In this case, its occurrence is due to the following reasons:

  1. Squeezing of the stomach with a loop of the intestine as a result of the formation of a large amount of gas.
  2. Malignant neoplasm. Cancer pathologies often lead to deformation of the organ, a change in its size and structure. With a cascading stomach, it is quite difficult to diagnose a tumor.
  3. Emotional overstrain. In rare cases, stressful situations, accompanied by malfunctions in the digestive tract, lead to deformation of the organ.

Features of pathology in young patients

This condition is diagnosed not only in adults. Often, this deformation occurs in children. It is detected in the process of x-ray examination. In this case, the organ as if bends in half, forming pockets. In infants, the pathology manifests itself in digestive disorders (regurgitation, vomiting attacks). The disease goes away on its own when the baby reaches the age of six to seven months. The activity of the gastrointestinal tract is fully restored without treatment, and the child can eat normally.

Feeding baby

Turning the baby on its stomach before feeding helps to quickly eliminate organ deformation.

The main symptoms of the disease

Judging by the reviews of patients and doctors, with a cascading stomach, the symptoms are as follows:

  1. Sensation of overcrowding and heaviness after eating.
  2. Feeling nauseous.
  3. Bouts of vomiting.
    Vomiting for digestive problems
  4. Loss of appetite for no apparent reason.
  5. Significant weight loss.

With this disease, these symptoms are observed constantly or periodically. They resemble common signs of malfunctions of the digestive system, which proves the connection of the cascade stomach with other gastrointestinal pathologies.

Diagnostic measures

The specialist prescribes several types of examinations to the patient. This is a determination of the level of acidity of the digestive juice, FGDS. These methods make it possible to detect neoplasms of a benign nature and cancer pathologies, which are difficult to detect in patients with such a deformation.

If a cascade stomach is suspected, an x-ray is performed after other diagnostic measures have been taken. Before the examination, the patient is given a suspension of barium, which is a contrast agent. In the picture, the organ appears to be curved, divided into two fragments. The upper tier is slightly wider and larger than the lower. In the presence of cancer pathologies, there is a weakening of the waves in the area of โ€‹โ€‹the tumor. X-ray allows you to evaluate parameters such as muscle tone of the organ, the nature of its contractions. And depending on these indicators and the results of other examinations, a specialist can diagnose and conclude the degree of cascading stomach.


There are several treatment options. To combat the symptoms of pathology, it is necessary to adhere to a certain diet, perform simple exercises, use medications that facilitate the symptoms of the disease. If the patient complies with the doctorโ€™s prescription, his health returns to normal. The main principles of therapy are as follows:

  1. A person with such a deformation needs regular bends to the right and left.
  2. It is necessary to abandon excessive physical activity, exercise on the muscles of the peritoneum, you can not wear heavy wears, wear tight belts, belts.
    Wearing belt
  3. In the presence of discomfort and malfunctioning of the digestive system (heartburn, nausea), the medications prescribed by the doctor should be used. The remedies recommended in this situation are discussed in the next section.


Sometimes the patient suffers from pronounced symptoms characteristic of a cascading stomach. Treatment in such cases consists in taking agents that protect the tissues of the body from the effects of digestive juice.

Drug use

Such medicines include Cerucal, Fosfalugel, Maaloks. In the presence of severe discomfort, drugs are prescribed to eliminate spasm (Papaverine), painkillers (Ibuprofen or Analgin). In addition, the reviews of doctors indicate that such means as Gaviscon, Nexium, and Trimedat help to cope with the symptoms of digestive disorders. Physiotherapy is also recommended for patients.

Proper diet

With a cascading stomach, treatment involves dieting. The patient should take food five to six times a day, in small quantities. The intervals between eating should be even. Stomach overload must not be allowed. The diet involves the introduction into the diet of products such as first courses on vegetable broth, mashed dishes from cereals, lean meat in boiled form.

Mashed boiled meat

Spicy, fried savory and smoked foods, fatty foods, canned food, mushrooms, spices, confectionery, desserts and baked goods are prohibited. Food should not be too hot or too cold. From foods that cause excessive formation of gases in the intestines (fresh fruits and vegetables, juices with an acidic taste), it is better to abstain. You should abandon addictions (smoking, drinking alcohol). Sometimes, plant-based products are used to eliminate the symptoms of gastrointestinal problems (decoctions of plantain, linden, aloe, mint, honey, chamomile, yarrow, white cabbage). These methods of therapy can be used only after consulting a doctor.

How to prevent the development of the disease?

A cascading stomach is a serious organ deformation, which is usually associated with other pathologies of the digestive system. To avoid this ailment, it is necessary to adhere to the correct diet, avoid the use of products harmful to the gastrointestinal tract (smoked meats, pickles, canned food, spices), abandon addictions (smoking, taking alcohol-containing drinks).

Alcohol consumption

It is important to prevent overeating, there is often, but small amounts. You should also exercise regularly and maintain good posture. If you have symptoms that indicate digestive problems, you do not need to postpone a visit to the doctor. Diagnostic measures allow you to detect pathology in time, start treatment and avoid negative consequences.

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