Stendhal Syndrome: causes and symptoms

Syndrome is a special mental state of a person. Sometimes it seems that it is taken completely out of nowhere, while the individual begins to behave in an unusual way. Many of their syndromes are described by researchers. Often the names of these states are given in honor of prominent personalities - artists, writers, politicians. One of these is the syndrome named after Stendhal.

italian museum

How did the name of the symptom complex appear?

Stendhal Syndrome got its name after the book by this French writer, entitled Rome, Naples and Florence, was published. In the work, he shares in sufficient detail his impressions that he experienced in these cities in 1817. One of the descriptions tells of how he nearly fainted after visiting the church of Santa Croce in Florence. Suddenly, he felt his insignificance in front of all these immortal creations so strongly that it almost deprived the writer of feelings - this condition was later called Stendhal's syndrome. The city in which the cases of this disorder are still most often recorded is Florence. After all, it is in it that most of the masterpieces of art are collected.

Magerini Book

The French writer did not even suspect that he could become a victim of such a condition. His description, he attracted not only researchers of literary creativity, but also psychologists. One of the researchers was Dr. G. Magerini, who in 1979 told the world about a new mental disorder. Her book, Stendhal Syndrome, immediately gained popularity. Since then, this concept has firmly entered psychology. It has come to mean a state of discomfort caused by a work of art.

Magerini studied more than a hundred cases of the manifestation of this syndrome. In particular, she told the story of a German tourist who lost her feelings on the steps of the Italian basilica. And also about a young resident of the United States, who, at one glance at the sculpture of David, temporarily lost his memory.

causes of stendhal syndrome

What causes this condition?

Then the cause of Stendhal's syndrome became clear. The occurrence of this condition is explained by the fact that Florence is oversaturated with a large number of monuments, and the consciousness of too impressionable people refuses to process such an amount of new information. It turns out that dozens of tourists become the victims of this syndrome.

Some psychologists call this condition a different name - Florentine syndrome, since it is most often observed in the cradle of the Renaissance. An uncomfortable state overtakes travelers all of a sudden. For example, after admiring the paintings of Raphael and Caravaggio.

Sensing Stendhal's syndrome, the tourist becomes anxious. A man very acutely perceives paintings and sculptures, as if transferring to the reality depicted on the canvas. The line between reality and fantasy is blurred for such people. A tourist, faced with the "Mona Lisa" or "Drink", is experiencing a powerful emotional shock.

However, it is entirely possible that in the works of great artists one can find not only the โ€œsecond bottomโ€, which the author of The Da Vinci Code spoke with such enthusiasm, but also the third layer, which addresses subtle and mysterious matters.

Painting "Mona Lisa"


Signs of Stendhal syndrome have also been described by Magerini. According to the Italian researcher, the attack is accompanied by increased sweating, panic, fainting, hallucinations, loss of consciousness. There may also be a headache, loss of control over one's own body. In some cases, people cope with these symptoms on their own. There is even a special hospital for tourists with Stendhal's syndrome - Maria Novella. There they have the opportunity to talk, talk with a psychoanalyst. Then the tourists set off to travel again.

One can be affected by the abundance of art masterpieces. Indeed, it is unlikely that other cities can compete with amazing Florence in terms of their concentration. The other is shocked by the concrete canvas, he wakes up emotions that for a long time were as if preserved in the unconscious. When looking at a masterpiece, hidden psychological conflicts can again appear, and a person can not cope with the emotions that have fallen on him. In any case, as psychologists note, the root of this problem lies in the poorly defined line between real life and a work of art.

A film about the phenomenon

Sometimes visitors to art galleries begin to โ€œhearโ€ the picture or physically feel what is shown on the canvas. This is featured in a film about Stendhal Syndrome directed by Dario Argento. The heroine of this film feels a "breath of wind", "splashing waves." Then she loses her senses, being unable to cope with surging emotions. The film is called Stendhal Syndrome.

Scientists note: in its most severe manifestations, this symptom complex can lead to aggressiveness, deep depression. There is also a version that this ailment pushes people to vandalism in relation to great works of art.

Stendhal's syndrome and culture

Who is in danger

Over time, a description was even made of the type of person who may be affected by the disorder. As a rule, this is a foreigner, in many cases - a native of Eastern Europe. A typical victim of Stendhal Syndrome is not married, is very interested in art. As a rule, these are ladies from 25 to 40 years old. It is they who become the patients of Maria Novella most often.

Grazella Magerini belongs to the most โ€œdangerousโ€ artists Michelangelo, Caravaggio, as well as the great Raphael and Brunelleschi. The psychologist proposes to install warning signs about these works that they can harm the psyche.

Jerusalem syndrome

Disease subtypes

This symptom complex has related disorders, which have not yet been thoroughly studied. These are Paris, Jerusalem syndromes, as well as Rubens syndrome. The first of these develops mainly among the Japanese, who experience a huge emotional shock when traveling to Paris. Residents of the Land of the Rising Sun experience a huge shock when they see dirty streets that do not meet their expectations.

Jerusalem Syndrome is a megalomania that an ordinary tourist who comes to the Holy City begins to experience. Such travelers begin to believe that they are the messengers of God.

Rubens syndrome is called a strong sexual desire that occurs when you visit the Museum of Fine Arts. The victims of this piquant symptom complex are not Italians at all, but foreign tourists.

stendal syndrome symptoms

The contrast of the new country, the abrupt changes, coupled with the influence of works of art can really lead to mental illness. It is believed that travel helps to better understand yourself, resolve long-standing conflicts. However, it is worth being vigilant - after all, the person carries the heaviest load, one way or another, with him. Too abrupt a change of scenery can be a trigger for new stress.

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