Otitis in children: causes and prevention

Otitis is a disease in which inflammation begins in any part of the ear. Usually the disease appears in children. Pathogens include viruses, fungi, or bacteria. With inflammation, severe pain appears, therefore, the help of a doctor is needed. The causes and prevention of otitis media in children, as well as effective treatment, are described in the article.

Types of otitis media

Based on which part of the ear there is inflammation, otitis media is divided into:

  • outer;
  • middle;
  • internal (labyrinthitis).

Often the cause of otitis media in children is infection. Depending on the nature of the inflammation, the disease is catarrhal, serous or purulent. The causes of ear otitis in a child are usually the same, the forms of the disease differ in specific symptoms.

causes of otitis media in a child

The nature of the course of inflammation also varies. According to this criterion, the disease is acute (no more than 3 weeks), subacute (3 weeks - 3 months), chronic (over 3 months). Based on the origin, otitis media is divided into infectious, allergic, and traumatic. The disease is one-sided and two-sided.

Why does the disease develop?

The main cause of otitis media in a child is associated with the structure of the auditory tube. It is almost not curved, has a larger diameter and shorter length compared to an adult, so mucus from the nasopharynx very easily penetrates the middle ear. As a result, inflammation appears.

If frequent otitis media in a child is concerned, the cause of this ailment may be infection if the skin is damaged during cleansing of the ear canals or combing of hair. Also, an ailment can occur when liquid enters the ear after swimming or bathing.

Other factors may also be causes of otitis media in a child, characterized by acute inflammation in the middle ear. The disease is associated with:

  • inflammation in the nasopharynx;
  • hypothermia;
  • hypertrophy of the pharyngeal tonsils and chronic adenoiditis ;
  • chronic pathologies of the nasopharynx;
  • weakening of local immunity;
  • frequent allergies;
  • improper nose blowing;
  • injuries.

If there is an internal otitis media in a child, the cause of this is a complication of acute or chronic inflammation of the middle ear, which could occur due to trauma or general infectious disease. In the latter case, the pathogen enters the ear through the blood. For any causes of otitis media in a child, timely treatment is necessary to exclude complications.

How is otitis externa manifested?

Symptoms and causes of otitis media in a child may vary. If this is an external type of ailment, then redness, itching, swelling of the ear appears. The temperature also rises and pain occurs. Painful sensations intensify during mouth opening and chewing.

frequent otitis media in a child

Otitis externa is limited and diffuse. At the first, redness of the skin, the formation of a boil, an increase in lymph nodes behind the ear are observed. With spilled otitis media, inflammation appears throughout the ear canal. Usually it appears due to an allergic reaction, a bacterial skin lesion.

Signs of otitis media

The child has causes, signs of otitis media (secondary) may differ depending on the form. Catarrhal inflammation can be recognized by:

  • throbbing pain;
  • a sharp increase in temperature to 40 degrees;
  • congestion in the ears;
  • restless sleep;
  • weakness, lethargy;
  • moodiness;
  • vomiting, relaxation of stool.

After this form, purulent otitis media occurs in the child. The reason for this is the lack of timely treatment. With this form of the disease, severe pain, hearing impairment appears. With a rupture of the eardrum, pus flows out.

With serous frequent otitis media in a child, the cause is inflammation. The condition may persist for several months. With it, non-purulent fluid accumulates in the tympanic cavity. In the chronic form, the symptoms are mild. With it, the hole of the eardrum does not overgrow for a long time, pus is released, tinnitus occurs.

The manifestation of internal otitis media

The causes of otitis media of this type in children are often attributed to inflammation. The inner ear has a close relationship with the vestibular analyzer, so this affects its function. In children with this ailment, in addition to hearing impairment, tinnitus appears, dizziness, coordination of movements is disturbed, and nausea occurs.

In infants

It is difficult to detect otitis media in young children. A sign of ear inflammation can be a sharp restlessness, a strong cry and crying. Children sleep poorly, often wake up. On palpation of the ear, crying intensifies. Appetite impairment also appears. Children cannot eat properly, as swallowing pain becomes stronger.

otitis media in children causes

The cause of otitis media in children may be that most of the time babies are in a horizontal position. Because of this, the outflow of mucus from the nasopharynx during a cold is complicated, and its stagnation also occurs. During feeding, milk can penetrate from the nasopharynx into the middle ear, leading to inflammation.


Identification of the causes of otitis media in a child and diagnosis are mandatory measures for suspecting this ailment. To do this, contact a pediatrician or otolaryngologist. In the presence of purulent discharge, it is better to call a doctor to the house.

First, the doctor collects an anamnesis and listens to complaints, and then an ear is examined by an otoscope or an ear mirror. It is important for a specialist to evaluate changes in the external auditory canal and the condition of the eardrum. Sinuses of the nose and oral cavity are also examined.

If otitis media is suspected, a general blood test is performed to assess the presence of inflammation and its severity. To assess hearing impairment, audiometry is performed. If pus flows out of the ear, then its fence is performed for bacteriological examination and analysis of the level of sensitivity to antibiotics. In complex cases, an X-ray, CT, MRI is needed.

About treatment

The causes and treatment of otitis media in children are interrelated. With timely therapy, it will turn out to improve the condition of the child faster. Depending on the type of disease, the recovery period in acute form takes 1-3 weeks. When therapy is over, hearing loss may occur for up to about 3 months.

How is otitis externa treated?

The treatment of this disease is performed on an outpatient basis. Before the purulent stem of the boil ripens, anti-inflammatory drugs and alcohol compresses should be used. When it has formed, the doctor opens it with drainage of the cavity that has appeared and treatment with antiseptic solutions. After this, a bandage is applied with Levomekol, which must be periodically changed until the wound heals.

otitis media causes in children

At high temperature and a strong increase in lymph nodes, antibiotics are used. If otomycosis of the outer ear is detected, the conch and auditory meatus must be cleaned of sulfur, desquamated skin, secretions and fungal mycelium. Then they are washed with solutions of antimycotic agents and treated with antifungal ointments (Clotrimazole, Nystatin Ointment). Inside, the doctor prescribes pills ("Fluconazole", "Ketoconazole").

Treatment of otitis media

In acute otitis media, treatment at home is allowed. The form and severity of the disease affect what means will be used. Effective is considered to be:

  • antipyretic;
  • painkillers;
  • antibiotics;
  • vasoconstrictor drops;
  • antiseptics;
  • antihistamines.

Physiotherapeutic procedures are also used, consisting of ultraviolet radiation, laser therapy, and UHF. Surgical intervention is allowed.

For children over 2 years of age, if the diagnosis is required to be clarified, and when the symptoms are mild, expectant management can be used. Treatment in this case involves taking antipyretic drugs with paracetamol or ibuprofen at elevated temperatures. After a while, a secondary examination is performed to confirm the diagnosis. If the child’s well-being during the observation period (1-2 days) does not improve, antibiotics are prescribed by the doctor.

Antibiotic treatment

These medications are prescribed when a bacterial infection is considered the cause of the ailment. They are used in injectable or oral form (in the form of tablets, syrup, suspension) in the following cases:

  • the disease is detected in a child up to 1 year old;
  • the diagnosis is accurate;
  • there is inflammation in both ears;
  • severe severe symptoms are manifested.

If purulent otitis media is detected, antibiotics are prescribed by injection, since with this method of administration, their effectiveness is significantly increased. In the treatment of children using drugs such as Amoxiclav, Ceftriaxone, Azitrox. The main parameter for choosing a product is its ability to penetrate the middle ear and safety for children.

The doctor calculates the dosage based on the weight of the child. The course of treatment is at least 5-7 days, due to which the drug sufficiently accumulates in the tympanic cavity and prevents the transition of the disease into a chronic form. It is not worth it to arbitrarily prescribe antibiotics, since these are strong medicines, which have their contraindications and side effects.

Local funds

In the treatment of otitis media, ear drops with an anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, analgesic effect and antiseptic solutions are used. With suppuration, the doctor first removes the pus and rinses the ear cavity with a disinfectant solution (hydrogen peroxide), and then instills the antibiotic solution ("Dioxidine").

otitis media in children causes and prevention

Of painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs, Otipax and Otirelax ear drops are used. They must be buried in the ear or soaked with cotton turunds, and then inserted into the cavity. Drops should be instilled in the supine position and with the head turned on its side. The auricle should be slightly pulled up and back. Then the child needs to lie down for 10 minutes, without changing the position of the body.

Nasal drops

With otitis media, free nasal breathing is required. To do this, regularly clear the sinuses from the accumulation of mucus with cotton buds dipped in baby oil. If there is dried mucus in the nose, then 2-3 drops of saline or special preparations (“Aquamaris”, “Marimer”) are instilled into each nostril, and after 2-3 minutes it is necessary to carefully remove the softened mucus with an aspirator.

If the average otitis media is detected, vasoconstrictive drops are instilled into the nose - Nazivin, Vibrocil, Galazolin. With them, not only nasal breathing is restored, but also the patency of the auditory tube is ensured. Also, swelling of the mucous membrane is reduced, ventilation of the middle ear is normalized.

Surgical treatment

In acute otitis media, this method is rarely selected. It consists in an incision of the eardrum to ensure the accumulation of pus or exudate out. The indication for this procedure is severe pain. Perform it under anesthesia. After the procedure, the condition of the child improves. It takes 10 days to heal the eardrum. During this period, careful ear care is required.

otitis media in a child

How is labyrinthitis treated?

Treatment of an inflamed ear is performed in a hospital, as serious complications in the form of cerebrovascular accidents, the development of meningitis, and sepsis are possible with this ailment.

Antibiotics, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory drugs, vitamins, and drugs are used in the treatment to improve blood circulation and normalize the functioning of the vestibular apparatus and hearing. If necessary, surgery is selected that will allow you to remove fluid from the cavity of the inner ear and eliminate the purulent focus.


With purulent otitis media, proper hygiene of the ear cavity is required. It is advisable that this procedure be performed by a doctor or nurse. To eliminate pus, use a cotton tourniquet or gauze turunda wound on a special probe.

After eliminating the pus, antiseptic solutions, usually 3% hydrogen peroxide, are processed, and then a solution of the antibiotic prescribed by the doctor is instilled into the ear canal. With advanced purulent otitis media or complications, a course of antibiotics is prescribed. The drug is administered orally or injection, it all depends on the severity of the disease.

During the period of otitis media, it is undesirable for the baby to bathe so that water does not penetrate the inflamed ear and does not lead to an exacerbation or complication. Also, one should not walk with an acute form of the disease, walks are allowed when the pain stops and the temperature normalizes. It is necessary to ensure that there is no hypothermia, and that the wind does not blow in the ears. Then you can avoid the negative consequences.


If the treatment was untimely or incorrect, as well as if the ailment became chronic, then the disease leads to complications:

  • mastoiditis;
  • meningeal syndrome;
  • hearing loss;
  • paresis of the facial nerve;
  • damage to the vestibular apparatus.

Most often, complications appear with weak immunity. In other cases, they may not be.


Preventive measures are required to increase the body's defenses and prevent the penetration of mucus from the nose into the auditory tube. Therefore, it is necessary:

  • continue breastfeeding longer;
  • temper the body;
  • timely and fully cure acute respiratory infections and inflammation of the nasopharynx;
  • with a runny nose during breastfeeding or bottle feeding, you should not place the baby horizontally;
  • regularly eliminate mucus from the nose with a runny nose;
  • during cold and wind wear a hat covering your ears.
otitis media in a child causes signs

Parents need to make sure that the child is properly barked. Thanks to prevention, it will be possible to prevent many ailments. And if nevertheless otitis media appeared, it must be treated correctly.

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