Tablets for breast augmentation: a review of drugs, composition, effectiveness, photos and reviews

If you need to increase the volume of the mammary glands and increase the elasticity of the skin without surgery, pills are used to change the breast. Their influence is based on a change in the level of hormones in the plasma, which are responsible for the recovery processes in the bust.

The size of the breast depends on a number of factors. In addition to heredity, weight and size of the pectoral muscle, the hormonal background plays a huge role. What are the tablets in the pharmacy for breast augmentation, names and customer reviews about them, we will consider in the article.

The effect of hormones on breast size

Four hormones have the most serious effect on what the mammary glands will be.

  1. Estrogen. The harmless methods of increasing estrogen in the body include the use of folk remedies with an increased concentration of phytoestrogen.
  2. Progesterone activates breast growth and enlargement during its formation. The substance is produced by the body during the menstrual cycle.
  3. Prolactin develops the mammary glands during lactation and puberty. His duties include the accumulation of fat in the chest area. With a small amount of prolactin, it can be corrected by the use of medications or folk remedies. The most active production of this hormone occurs in the period from 24 to 28 years.
  4. Somatropin, which is produced in large quantities during puberty. The substance is responsible for tissue growth. After thirty years, there has been a significant decline in its synthesis.

It should be noted that it is not known from which medications the guaranteed result will be. This is due to the individual characteristics of the woman's body. There is no guarantee that artificial hormones will bind to the natural nerve endings. The use of pills for breast enlargement is permissible only after passing the necessary tests.

Positive and negative sides of hormonal drugs

The effect of drugs on breast enlargement is based on the stimulation of the regenerative functions of the breast due to the action of estrogen.

According to various reviews of means for breast augmentation, the advantages of the drug are:

  • pregnancy protection;
  • hormone correction;
  • breast augmentation;
  • instant effect.

Hormonal drugs with a contraceptive effect, as a rule, do not cause serious harm to the female body. With the right selection and control, they have a positive effect.

The negative consequences of the use of hormonal medications include:

  • weight gain;
  • migraine (a neurological disease, the most common and characteristic symptom of which is episodic or regular severe and painful headache attacks on the right or left side);
  • Depression
  • stress;
  • insomnia (a sleep disorder characterized by a short duration or poor quality);
  • damage to the nervous system;
  • allergic reactions;
  • unstable pressure;
  • lack of effect.

The harmful effects of drugs are associated with increased levels of hormones in the body. Medications are not allowed with alcohol.

Herbal Medicines

Analogues of female sex hormones on a natural basis are drugs that have only plant substances in the structure. Phytoestrogens are found in significant quantities in cereals and soy crops, vegetables and fruits, and medicinal plants.

Natural medicines to increase the volume of the mammary glands are less pronounced effect. They are aimed at correcting the natural level of hormones in plasma, preventing the appearance of tumors. Their use is not enough for the chest to grow two or more sizes.

The negative aspects of the use of herbal remedies include:

  • high price;
  • low performance;
  • long period of admission;
  • possible allergies.

The choice of herbal medicines is made only by a medical specialist, which is based on the results of hormonal studies. It should be noted that natural remedies are contraindicated in people with impaired blood pressure, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and liver.

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Coffee "Maxibust"

Coffee is considered a generic drug in capsule form.

The main advantages of the drink are:

  • normalization of metabolism in the body;
  • improvement of well-being;
  • breast enlargement;
  • prevention of osteoporosis.

The medication showed increased effectiveness when used during menopause. Its use is carried out in courses lasting at least four months. Every day you need to drink one cup of coffee.

What inexpensive pills for breast augmentation in pharmacies are still available, consider below.

pills for breast augmentation in a pharmacy

Herbal preparation "Maxi"

The drug is in the form of tablets. The structure of the drug includes such plant substances as hop cones, soy isoflavones.

The maximum effect is achieved after three months of constant use of the drug. Medical experts advise you to undergo treatment for at least six months. The medication must be taken four tablets every day.

To increase efficiency, you need to use generics in the form of a cream or a coffee drink.

Means "Soy Isoflavones"

The drug is based on genistein and daidzein. The main purpose of the medication is the prevention of tumor neoplasms in the female genital organs. Exposure is based on an increased concentration of plant phytoestrogens.

The positive aspects of the drug include:

  • breast enlargement;
  • prevention of the appearance of tumors.

Isoflavones (natural components found in some plants, such as soy or red clover), are not used as stand-alone products. Medications are prescribed in conjunction with other methods of adjusting the bust.

Tablets for breast augmentation in a pharmacy name


The modern pharmaceutical market has a wide variety of drugs. They relate to hormonal drugs. The use of pills will help to increase the mammary glands, normalize the level of hormones, and protect against unwanted pregnancy.

The advantages of medicines for breast augmentation include:

  • protection against unplanned pregnancy;
  • normalization of hormonal levels;
  • availability and ease of use.

Negative effects of hormonal drugs

Despite the large number of positive aspects, breast enlargement pills have a number of negative aspects.

The minuses include:

  • the need to monitor the state of the hormonal background;
  • change in body weight;
  • temporary effect, which is due to the duration of the medication;
  • menstrual cycle disorder;
  • the occurrence of chronic ailments against the background of increased hormones;
  • fatty liver disease;
  • resizing the uterus;
  • high risk of neoplasms in the reproductive system.

The use of hormonal drugs is contraindicated in patients suffering from venous thrombosis, as well as cirrhosis of the liver, uterine bleeding, heart and vascular diseases. What pills for breast augmentation to take, only a doctor prescribes.

Hormonal drugs

Hormonal drugs that do not have a contraceptive effect are made on the basis of estrogen. They are primarily recommended for adjusting the hormonal background. Breasts grow from such drugs, but this is indicated as a negative effect. Medical specialists identify a number of effective medicines:

  1. "Premarin" is taken during the onset of menopause and menopause. Also, the drug has increased effectiveness if necessary, the implementation of hormonal treatment of uterine bleeding.
  2. "Estradiol" contains synthetic analogues of female hormones. The main purpose of the medicine is the prevention of malfunctions and the adjustment of the natural hormonal background.
  3. "Microfollin" helps with violation of the ovaries, as well as the menstrual cycle, skin problems provoked by an increased concentration of male hormones in the plasma. As a negative effect, an increase in the size of the mammary glands is noted.

Other drugs may be used depending on the particular case.

breast enlargement pills reviews

Contraceptive pills

Means with a contraceptive effect are based on the effects of hormones or their combination. Their main task is to prevent an unplanned pregnancy. As a side effect, breast growth is noted (this item is prescribed in the instructions for use).

  1. "Regulon" is a contraceptive medication, the action of which is based on the influence of ethinyl estradiol and desogestrel. Hormones help block ovulation. As an auxiliary effect, there is an improvement in the condition of the skin, the growth of mammary glands, the elimination of acne. The cost of the drug varies from 300 to 1.1 thousand rubles.
  2. The composition of "Janine" includes - ethinyl estradiol and dienogest. Pills increase breast by preserving fluid in the body. Of the side effects, weight gain is noted after the use of the medicine. The cost of the drug ranges from 900 to 2.5 thousand rubles.
  3. "Yarina" showed the best results in increasing breast volume. The active substance in the medication is drospirenone. The medicine is actively used for the prevention of female diseases. The cost of the drug varies from 900 to 3 thousand rubles.
  4. "Jess" improves the condition of the skin surface, eliminates pain during menstruation. The price of the medicine varies from 900 to 1.1 thousand rubles.
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Self-administration of hormonal contraceptives can cause side effects and hormonal failure.

Pills for breast growth in most cases are considered harmless to women. They are aimed not only at increasing the mammary glands, but also stabilizing the hormonal balance, improving overall well-being, and increasing skin elasticity. It should be noted that from the use of drugs or other means, the breast increases, but not always much. The effectiveness of these funds can be judged by the reviews. Pills for breast augmentation (photos before and after use can be seen below), according to some women, still help to make the bust more voluminous.

breast enlargement pills reviews with photos before and after use


All of the above pills can help to increase breasts, but you should not have high expectations. After the end of the course, regardless of the result, the effect of the drug will begin to pass. To date, the most productive method of breast augmentation is plastic surgery. But before making a decision, you must understand that this is fraught with complications and side effects.

breast enlargement products reviews

Breast augmentation can be achieved by taking hormonal and herbal medicines, as well as by using certain foods and constantly performing exercises that train the pectoral muscles.

In any situation, you need to consult a medical specialist who will be able to assess the general state of human health and choose the appropriate therapy with a minimum of risk.

Sometimes women in their reviews note that without resorting to plastic surgery, you can increase the breast only by gaining excess weight. As for the use of medicinal plants and herbs, in this situation the reviews vary: some note an excellent effect, while others assure that all this is a lie, and the mammary glands can be enlarged only with a change in internal tissues. It should be noted that in pharmacies, pills for breast enlargement are dispensed without a special prescription.

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