In this article, we consider antibiotics that kill staphylococcus.
Staphylococcus is a pathogenic gram-positive bacterium that has a spherical shape. About thirty-five percent of the population are permanent carriers of this unpleasant bacillus. Pathogenic staphylococci can cause a wide range of diseases, ranging from mild skin infections to serious diseases with complications and a high mortality rate. Inflammatory processes affect the cardiac, vascular, integumentary, digestive and nervous systems. In science, about two dozen strains of staphylococcus are isolated, each of them is distinguished by a certain pathogenetic activity and degree of aggressiveness.
Types of Staphylococcus
For medicine, the following three varieties of staphylococcus are of great interest:
- The epidermal appearance is part of the normal microflora of the skin. Pathogenic bacteria are especially dangerous for people who have reduced immunological reactivity, and, in addition, for newborns and cancer patients.
- The golden form of staphylococcus is often localized on the skin. It can also be found on the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory organs. Staphylococcus aureus antibiotic treatment can be a very lengthy process.
- Saprophytic staphylococcus is concentrated in the area of ββthe urethra, becoming the main cause of cystitis.
Features of antimicrobial treatment in the presence of staphylococcus
Why are antibiotics prescribed for staphylococcus?
They are potent drugs that stop the development of infection in the human body, but they have many side effects. Before resorting to such a method of treatment, it is required to assess the possible risk and consult a specialist without fail.
The use of antibiotics for staphylococcus is appropriate if the infection has spread throughout the body and has entered the bloodstream. Another objective reason in favor of such therapy is immunodeficiency, against which some component of the immune apparatus falls out and the body's ability to manifest protective and immunological functions with respect to the causative agent of infectious pathologies fails.
To the question of which antibiotic kills staphylococcus guaranteed, it is simply impossible to provide a definite answer. Even strong antibiotic drugs do not guarantee one hundred percent rid of a person from staphylococcus and favor only temporary improvement.
In the treatment of purulent necrotic inflammation of the hair follicles, relapses can occur in half of the patients. Moreover, repeated therapy should be carried out with other medicines, because pyogenic bacteria differ in antibiotic resistance. In such cases, infectious disease doctors prescribe a combination of drugs.
In recent decades, pathogenic varieties of staphylococci have mutated and have become more resistant to antibiotics. For example, Staphylococcus aureus can break down the beta-lactam antibiotic with its own special enzyme called penicillinase. As part of getting rid of this type of pathogen, semisynthetic penicillins along with cephalosporins of the second and third generation have established themselves well.
The main disadvantage of antibiotics in staphylococcus is their selectivity. After a long course of therapy, the quantitative and qualitative composition of the intestinal microflora is disrupted, which leads to the development of dysbiosis in humans. Antibiotics can destroy beneficial microorganisms that promote the absorption of proteins, trace elements and vitamins, and, in addition, the digestion of food. They provide lipid metabolism, and putrefactive bacteria with toxins are neutralized. Next, we find out in which cases doctors prescribe antibiotics to combat staphylococcus.
When do doctors prescribe antibiotics?
The attending physician can prescribe staphylococcus antibiotics for the following ailments:
- For the treatment of pyelonephritis, which is an inflammatory process of bacterial origin that occurs in the kidneys.
- With staphylococcal pneumonia, which is a severe inflammation of the lung tissue, in which there is a very high probability of sepsis.
- With endocarditis, that is, against the background of pericardial inflammation (located in the region of the inner lining of the heart). Endocarditis is characterized by an infectious etiology. The disease is characterized by pronounced symptoms, manifested by fever, shortness of breath, general weakness and pain in the chest area.
- With the development of myocarditis, which is an inflammatory process in the heart muscle, often this pathology is associated with exposure to a bacterial agent.
When else do you need to prescribe antibiotics for staphylococcus?
- With osteomyelitis, which is a purulent necrotic process that affects bone tissue.
- Against the background of sepsis, that is, with a generalized disease, in the presence of which local infectious processes cause total infection of the human body.
- With otitis media, that is, in the presence of inflammatory processes that differ mainly in bacterial nature, which are localized in the outer, inner or middle ear.
- With tonsillitis, acting as an infectious and inflammatory lesion of the elements of the pharyngeal ring.
Staphylococcus Antibiotics
Penicillins along with cephalosporins and fluoroquinolones are the main drugs used in the treatment of staphylococcal infections.
The difficulty lies in the fact that in nature there is a golden methicillin-resistant staphylococcus, which causes severe and difficult to treat diseases, for example, we are talking about sepsis and pneumonia. Microbiologists call this staphylococcus aureus, characterized by multidrug resistance. This type of staphylococcus can adapt to survival with treatment with Dicloxacillin, Methicillin, and Oxacillin.
In fact, the medical community is worried that the number of resistant strains is growing rapidly by an average of ten percent annually. These data were established in the process of scientific research conducted in the USA. When methicillin-resistant staphylococcus enters the human body, the risks of a fatal outcome increase dramatically. True, even modern medicines related to the last generation do not guarantee the absolute eradication of pathogenic microorganisms.
Now, in detail, consider antibiotics that are taken with staphylococcus.
This antibiotic is a semi-synthetic macrolide with a wide spectrum of effects. It is quite resistant to high acidity and has good pharmacological properties. For example, the resistance of Clarithromycin to hydrochloric acid is almost a hundred times higher compared to Erythromycin, which is the first antibiotic that laid the foundation for the macrolide group. The drug "Clarithromycin" can disrupt the protein synthesis of a pathogenic microscopic organism and gets inside, quickly destroying its core.
This drug is used in the treatment of pyoderma and in the presence of inflammatory pathologies of the upper respiratory tract, namely the development of rhinitis, laryngitis, adenoiditis and so on. During lactation and at the last stage during pregnancy, this antibiotic is undesirable. Therapy with potent staphylococcus aureus antibiotics is carried out only in cases where the benefit to the expectant mother exceeds the potential risks to the fetus.
The drug "Azithromycin"
This tool is an antibacterial drug with a wide range of effects related to azalides. The medicine "Azithromycin" is actively used in the treatment of otolaryngological pathologies. It can inhibit protein synthesis by halting growth with the propagation of pathogenic microscopic organisms. It is allowed to take it during pregnancy, but only under the strict supervision of a doctor. Treatment of staphylococcus with the help of "Azithromycin" during periods of breastfeeding is unacceptable.
What antibiotic from staphylococcus helps?
The drug "Vancomycin"
This drug is a tricyclic antibiotic from the category of glycopeptides, ideally suited for antimicrobial treatment against Staphylococcus aureus. This medication is practically not metabolized in the human body. A drug called βVancomycinβ is aggressive against many resistant strains, and its bactericidal effect is due to the inhibition of the biosynthesis of cell walls of pathogenic microorganisms. This remedy is contraindicated at the beginning of pregnancy. At a later date, they take it exclusively for vital indications.
Treatment with staphylococcus antibiotics should be carried out under the supervision of a physician.
The medicine "Amoxicillin"
This remedy is a semi-synthetic medicine with a wide spectrum of effects related to penicillins. The acid, which is part of it, is usually obtained from mold culture. This organic compound has a very high activity against staphylococcus. Often, the drug "Amoxicillin" is prescribed as a prophylaxis. Its use allows patients to avoid postoperative complications. The bioavailability index for the drug in question is much higher compared to most analogues. This antibiotic quickly penetrates the placental barrier, excreted in breast milk in small quantities.
It is not recommended for use by persons who have not reached eighteen, and those who have certain liver pathologies. It is not recommended to use this medication for those patients who suffer from infectious mononucleosis. It does not fit during periods of relapse of Epstein-Barr disease and in the presence of cytomegalovirus infections. Among other things, it should not be used for kidney failure, and, in addition, for those patients who suffer from beta-lactam intolerance. It should also be borne in mind that this drug is incompatible with alcohol.
What are the most effective antibiotics for Staphylococcus aureus?
The drug "Linkomycin"
The drug "Linkomycin" is an antibacterial agent from the group of linkosamides, the effect of which directly depends on the concentration. For example, in a small dosage, this drug acts in a bacteriostatic manner (that is, it inhibits the reproduction of pathogenic microscopic organisms), and in large doses it can have a bactericidal effect (causing the death of parasites).
The drug "Lincomycin" is a white, bitter-tasting powder, which is highly soluble in water. This antibiotic is prescribed to patients with purulent inflammation of the tissues, for example, with phlegmon and abscesses, and, in addition, with osteomyelitis. You can not use it during pregnancy and lactation.
Lincomycin hydrochloride (that is, a solution intended for parenteral administration) is absolutely contraindicated in children under one month of life. The oral format of the drug (capsules) is not prescribed to patients who are younger than six years old.
The drug "Ciprofloxacin"
Another antibiotic against Staphylococcus aureus "Ciprofloxacin" is a means of a wide spectrum of exposure from the group of fluoroquinolones belonging to the second generation. This drug is considered a very effective representative of this series of medical devices. The medicine "Ciprofloxacin" is actively used in clinical practice. This antibiotic is produced in the form of an ointment, it is prescribed for staphylococcal eye damage. Ciprofloxacin is prescribed to patients as part of postoperative rehabilitation. This product is contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women, and, in addition, to patients under eighteen. In children, this medicine can cause dystrophic damage to the joints.
The drug "Furazolidone"
This antibiotic that treats staphylococcus, belongs to the group of nitrofurans, can have an antimicrobial effect. An active medicine against Staphylococcus aureus, which multiplies in the digestive system. For oral administration, Furazolidone may have good absorption. Gram-positive bacteria are sensitive to this drug. In the role of contraindications for use are pregnancy, feeding and age of patients up to one year.
Staphylococcus aureus antibiotics can be purchased at any pharmacy.
The medicine "Nifuroxazide"
This antimicrobial drug also has a wide range of effects. Means "Nifuroxazide" is indicated for infections that occur in the intestines. The antibiotic in question is a derivative of Nitrofuran. This substance is a crystalline yellow powder, which is practically insoluble in water. When ingested, it is almost not absorbed. Contraindication is the age of the child less than two months, along with prematurity. During gestation, this drug is recommended to be taken with extreme caution and only under the supervision of a physician.
The medicine "Tetracycline"
One of the most popular antibiotics for staphylococci and streptococci.
This tetracycline bacteriostatic antibiotic is active against many different strains. It is widely used in the field of dentistry and ophthalmology. The drug "Tetracycline" is available in tablet and ointment format. Antimicrobial treatment with this drug implies an absolute rejection of the use of dairy food, as they affect its absorption. The medicine "Tetracycline" is contraindicated in children under the age of eight, pregnant women and people suffering from impaired liver function.
To find the best antibiotic for staphylococcus can only be practical.