For normal functioning of the body, a person must eat at least three times a day. Each of us has a certain stock of products at home, which we replenish from time to time. Despite the fact that everyone has different financial possibilities and taste preferences, let's find out what should be in the refrigerator of a good housewife. We offer you a list of products from which you can quickly prepare simple dishes for the whole family. So, we are starting.
Fats, Proteins, Carbohydrates and Vitamins
What foods should be in the refrigerator? Before answering this question, let's list the substances that any person needs to use daily. Let's make a list and give a little explanation:
- Fats. First of all, we need them for metabolic processes occurring in the body. They allow us to move and complete thought processes.
- Carbohydrates. They are able to remove harmful substances from our body, and also nourish the brain.
- Squirrels. This substance is necessary to provide a person with energy; for the normal operation of all body systems and much more.
- Vitamins They participate in almost all processes taking place in the body. Their lack affects the health and well-being of a person.
Now, given all of the above, it will be very easy to determine what should be in the refrigerator. These will be products that contain the above substances. Further we will talk about this.
Products to be in the refrigerator: list
After studying a large amount of necessary information and analyzing it, we came to the conclusion that most often we should eat:
- Milk.
- Dairy products.
- Cottage cheese.
- Butter.
- The eggs.
- Cheese.
- Fruits.
- Vegetables.
What should be in the refrigerator
There are people who go to the store every day, and there are those who buy products once a week. But in both cases there is a certain obligatory set, without which no mistress can do. We have listed it above. Next, we consider in more detail information about each product.
When listing what the hostess should have in the refrigerator, we name this product among the first and foremost. A person gets to know him from his very birth. First it is mother's milk, then most often cow or goat milk. Many articles have been written about its benefits. Milk is one of the unique products. It can be consumed separately or used to prepare various tasty and healthy dishes. Porridge, soups, casseroles, omelettes, puddings, desserts are prepared with the addition of milk. It is a source of calcium, proteins, fats and carbohydrates, as well as other substances useful and necessary for the body. How to store this product? Remember that milk absorbs odors very well, so it is best to keep it closed in a glass jar. After opening the package, this product is best used within two days.
Dairy products
What should be in the refrigerator of a good housewife? Products that must be consumed daily. Sour milk also belong to them. What is included here? We list the most popular dairy products - this is kefir, fermented baked milk, yogurt, yogurt, cheeses, cottage cheese. All of them normalize the digestion process, some of them to a greater extent, others to a lesser extent. In addition, they contain a large amount of protein and calcium. Sour-milk products normalize the work of many organs of the body: liver, kidneys, intestines, stomach, heart. Their daily use enhances immunity, energizes the body with vigor and energy.
Take the habit of buying this healthy drink and drink it in a glass before bedtime. It contains a large number of vitamins and nutrients. This product will provide invaluable assistance to anyone who seeks to balance their weight and lose extra pounds. From yogurt you can cook delicious dishes and desserts. On a hot day, you can enjoy the okroshka made on the basis of this drink. Not only children, but also adults are very fond of pancakes, pancakes, pies, cakes cooked on kefir. How long can this product be stored in the refrigerator? No more than two days, and if it was not opened, then a little longer.
Cottage cheese
This product has a large amount of calcium and phosphorus, which are simply necessary for strengthening bones. It lowers cholesterol and has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the nervous and cardiac systems, promotes proper metabolism. Lack or absence of cottage cheese in the diet can lead to serious health problems. From this product you can cook delicious cheesecakes or the most delicious curd casserole. Cottage cheese can also be eaten with sour cream, sugar or pieces of fruit and berries.
In the world there are more than four hundred species of this product. It contains all the beneficial substances, as well as vitamins and minerals necessary for the human body. If you want to keep strong and healthy teeth as long as possible, you need to eat cheese more often. In addition, it improves visual acuity and promotes the appearance of appetite. An ideal breakfast option is porridge and a cheese sandwich. It is not only very tasty, but also healthy. Cheese is used in the preparation of salads, soups, appetizers, main dishes, desserts.
One of the most indispensable products, which must be in the refrigerator. Eating eggs daily improves visual acuity, strengthens bones, and improves brain function. Before use, do not forget to wash them well.
Eggs can be eaten raw, boiled, fried. And also use when cooking a large number of dishes. If guests unexpectedly came to your house, then having this product available, you can very quickly prepare snack sandwiches or bake a tortilla. However, each mistress has her favorite recipes that always help out.
This product is in almost every home. Since it contains a large amount of fat, it must be eaten with some limitations. Store butter in a refrigerator in a separate container so that it does not absorb foreign odors.
Apples, bananas, oranges, pears, etc. should be present in the diet of every person. They not only contain a huge amount of vitamins, but also cheer up. People who eat fruit daily look more alert and energetic.
A whole report can be written about their useful properties. Vegetables are an indispensable food product. They contribute to the digestion of food, strengthen the immune system, help in the fight against infectious diseases. They can be eaten raw, boiled, fried.
Useful Tips
If you want everything that should be in the refrigerator to retain its useful properties for as long as possible, then adopt simple rules.
- Be sure to observe the specific temperature conditions for all products stored in the refrigerator. Milk and dairy products, as well as sour cream, cheese and sausage are stored on the upper shelves. And fruits and vegetables, on the contrary, are on the lowest shelf or in special compartments.
- All products that are stored in your refrigerator must be packaged. The best material for this is cling film or foil. Use them, so the products do not ventilate and stay fresh longer.
- It is necessary to maintain cleanliness in the refrigerator, and then everything that should be in the refrigerator will retain its taste for a longer period.
- Lemon or orange, as well as a piece of brown bread, will help get rid of the unpleasant odor.
- Remember that some foods should not be refrigerated. These include apples, bananas, olive oil, onions, garlic, bread, honey, potatoes.
To summarize the above
Now you know what should be in the refrigerator (the list is provided in the article) and without which it is simply impossible to do in everyday life. Remember the shelf life of products and be healthy!