The drug "Aeron": instructions for use

What is the Aeron medication? Instructions for use and reviews of this tool are described below. Also, this article discusses the features of this drug, its indications for use and prohibitions for use.

aeron instructions for use

Form of funds, its composition

In what form is the preparation "Aeron" made? Instructions for use states that this product is released in the form of tablets. Their main components are substances such as hyoscyamine and scopolamine.

We can not say that with the same name in pharmacies you can buy an aerosol preparation that has a completely different purpose. We will talk about it later.

Pharmacological characteristics of the tablets

How do Aeron tablets work? The instruction for use claims that this is a combined antiemetic, which includes m-anticholinergic drugs. The effect of this medication is manifested in a decrease in the tone of the muscles of the bronchi, gastrointestinal tract, urinary and gall bladder. Also, this drug reduces the secretion of sweat, salivary, bronchial, pharyngeal, digestive and lacrimal glands.

It can not be said that scopolamine contained in this agent affects the central nervous system, which is manifested in the development of drowsiness and sedative effect. In addition, the agent in question depresses the extrapyramidal system.

What are the Aeron tablets more remarkable? Instructions for use reports that vomiting during motion sickness is caused by increased excitation of the vestibular apparatus. It is from here that the impulses go to the vomiting center. The inhibitory effect of this medication on the vestibular apparatus allows its use for the prevention of motion sickness in water, air and land transport.

aeron aerosol instructions for use

Features of the same aerosol

Why is the Aeron medication (aerosol) necessary? Instructions for use indicate that the preparation in question is a disinfectant designed to disinfect indoor air in case of viral and bacterial infections, infections of fungal origin, tuberculosis and so on.

The composition of such a medication includes the following active substances: didecyldimethylammonium chloride and polyhexamethylene guanidine hydrochloride. Also, the aerosol contains a stabilizer, a corrosion inhibitor, a propellant and other functional additives.

Indications for the administration of medicinal tablets

Why is the Aeron oral preparation necessary? The instruction indicates the following indications for the use of this medication:

  • prevention of air and sea sickness;
  • relief of the Meniere's symptom complex;
  • reduction of mucus secretion and salivation, including during surgery on the upper respiratory tract and face;
  • vomiting and nausea in pregnant women.

aeron instruction

Drug Prohibitions

Are there any contraindications for Aeron tablets? The abstract attached to this medicine reports that this medication is not prescribed for prostate gland hypertrophy, angle-closure glaucoma and high sensitivity to constituent elements.

As for the aerosol, it is not recommended to spray it in those rooms where people are currently at.

Aeron tablets: instructions for use

Considered antiemetic tablets are prescribed only inside. For the prevention of kinetosis, this medication is recommended to be taken 30-65 minutes before the expected departure. Moreover, its dosage is two tablets. After six hours, experts recommend taking another pill.

At the first signs of the disease (for example, with headache, nausea, dizziness), the drug in question can be taken in the amount of 1-2 tablets, and then one twice a day.

For adult patients, the highest single dose of this medicine is two tablets, and the daily dosage is four.

Before carrying out surgical procedures on the face, Aeron is prescribed half an hour before surgery. At the same time, its dosage is two tablets in the first two days after the procedure, and then one tablet twice a day.

As for Meniere's disease, in this case the medication in question is prescribed one tablet three times a day.

aeron abstract

Adverse Events

According to the instructions, Aeron tablets can cause such reactions:

  • pupil dilation;
  • dry mouth
  • urinary retention;
  • thirst
  • dizziness;
  • paresis of accommodation;
  • intestinal atony.

It should also be noted that in rare cases, while taking this medication, patients develop agitation and hallucinations are observed.

Overdose, interaction

In toxic doses, the Aeron drug causes an increase in intraocular pressure, intestinal obstruction, tremors, urinary retention, cramps, dry mucous membranes, difficulty speaking and swallowing, central nervous system depression, and so on. To eliminate such conditions, gastric lavage is required, as well as the introduction of anticholinesterase drugs.

With the parallel use of this drug with anticholinergic drugs, it is possible to enhance its anticholinergic action. It also enhances the hypnotic effect of “Phenobarbital” and “Etaminal”.

aeron instructions for use and reviews


Reviews about the drug in question are most often left by those patients who use it for kinetoses. Some of them note its high therapeutic effectiveness. However, experts say that, unfortunately, this medication is almost impossible to purchase in the pharmacy network. This fact is associated with the fact that most people did not impress the effect of the use of the drug in question, and suppliers stopped bringing it to pharmacies.

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