Nursing mother is often exposed to various
diseases. Colds, fever, and coughing during the lactation period are very common, as the immune system is reduced. Along with poor health and headache, a natural question arises - whether to breastfeed or not. Basically, the treatment of colds during breastfeeding is quite acceptable, but you need to carefully monitor the condition of the child. Be sure to inform the doctor so that he prescribes those drugs that will not harm the baby.
Remember that the treatment of colds during breastfeeding is necessary not only for you, but also for your young child.
The virus enters the mother’s body within three days. Fever, weakness, nasal congestion, coughing, sneezing are the first signs of the disease. The baby, even before the onset of the visual manifestation of a cold, already receives antibodies to the causative agent of the disease and complete immunity protection along with mother's milk.
When a woman reveals a cold, the child will already be protected or, conversely, susceptible to the disease.
How to behave during a cold with lactation?
Once upon a time, doctors strictly forbade mothers to breastfeed children during illness. Today the opposite is true: it is advised not to quit feeding, as the child is exposed to more complex diseases without the mother’s immunity. When breastfeeding, the baby gets all the medicines he needs.
How to get rid of an ailment to a nursing mother?
Treatment of the common cold during breastfeeding can be carried out by two methods: drug and folk. In the event that you want to be treated with pills or antibiotics, you need to consult your doctor, because there are such groups of drugs that are forbidden to be used when breastfeeding. They disrupt the healthy development of the baby, the condition of its internal organs, and can also cause toxic poisoning. Alternative methods are a more suitable way. It is necessary to drink herbal decoctions, eat more fruits, onions, garlic and honey, breathe over the leaves of birch or eucalyptus.
It is useful to use teas from raspberries, linden and other similar plants. Treating a cold during breastfeeding is a very unpleasant moment, but if you start acting in time, it will pass without consequences for you and your baby.
How to treat thrush while breastfeeding?
Thrush is a very famous disease that every second woman knows about. This disease comes from a fungus called Candida. During breastfeeding, a woman is very susceptible to candidiasis, since immunity is significantly reduced. Painful urination, itching, cheesy discharge are the first signs of an ailment. Treatment of thrush during breastfeeding is usually carried out with the help of various medications that the doctor prescribes. But the safest method of therapy for lactation is douching with soda solution or herbal decoctions. It can be a calendula or a camomile. It is also necessary to follow a diet: reduce the use of flour products, sugar, starch, tea.