Pie "Tears of an angel" - a delicious curd dessert

The Tears of an Angel pie is a beautiful, delicate and very tasty dessert that even the most ignorant housewife can cook at home. It should be noted that this delicacy bears its unusual name for a reason. After all, after the formation and subsequent cooling at room temperature, the entire surface of the curd cake is covered with multiple droplets, which are comparable only with the tears of an angel.

angel tear cake

To make such a dessert as delicious and beautiful as possible, it should be prepared strictly according to the recipe. Moreover, it is extremely important to observe all the proportions of the ingredients, otherwise you risk getting a regular homemade dessert, which is no different from the rest.

angel tears curd cake

Curd pie “Tears of an angel”: a step by step recipe

If you decide to make such a dessert yourself, then you should start by mixing the dough, which will serve as the basis for the whole dish. To do this, you need to prepare the following products in advance:

  • fresh butter - 80 g;
  • light wheat flour - a full faceted glass ;
  • small chicken egg - 1 pc.;
  • granulated sugar - 2 large spoons;
  • baking powder, and preferably slaked table soda - a dessert spoon.

Base preparation process

The pie "Tears of an Angel", or rather the dough for him, is being prepared in stages. First, break the chicken egg into a bowl, and then mix it with granulated sugar and slaked soda (baking powder). While the bulk ingredients dissolve, you should start preparing the second part of the base. To do this, it is necessary to sift light wheat flour into a blender bowl, and then cut the butter there and beat at maximum speed until fine, fine crumbs are obtained. Further, both parts of the base need to be mixed, as a result of which you should have a smooth dough that sticks well to your fingers. If necessary, wheat flour can be added to the mass.

To make the tears of the Angel Tears curd cake as beautiful as possible, the finished base should be wrapped in thin polyethylene (film) and placed in the refrigerator for 60 minutes. So the dough will become tighter and more flexible, which will greatly simplify the process of rolling it on a cutting board.

pie tears angel recipe

The required components for the filling

The “Tears of an Angel” cake is incredibly tasty and tender due to the fact that it is made on the basis of such a dairy product as fatty fine-grained cottage cheese (500 g). In addition to it, the following ingredients are also included in the dessert:

  • granulated sugar - ½ faceted glass;
  • thick fat sour cream or 40% cream - 100 ml;
  • egg yolks - take from 3 eggs (proteins will be used for soufflĂ©);
  • semolina - 1 large spoon with a pea;
  • vanilla sugar - a standard bag.

How to quickly and easily make a filling for dessert?

"Tears of an Angel" is a curd cake with a romantic name, which no guest will ever refuse. After all, such a home-made delicacy turns out to be so tasty and tender that it literally melts in your mouth. In part, dessert gets this property due to its unusual filling. To prepare it, you need only a few free minutes.

Thus, it is necessary to grind the yolks taken from 3 eggs, together with sugar, and then gradually add vanillin and semolina to them. To the last component a little swell, the resulting mass is recommended to leave aside for a while. Next, you need to start cooking the second part of the filling. To do this, put the fatty fine-grained cottage cheese in the blender's container, add thick sour cream or 40% cream to it, and then beat at maximum speed until a lush and airy mass is formed. After the actions taken, both parts of the cream should be combined in one bowl and mix thoroughly. The filling is ready!

Essential ingredients for a gentle souffle

“Tears of an Angel” is a curd cake that differs not only in its delicate and unsurpassed taste, but also in its surprisingly beautiful appearance.

pie tears of an angel with cottage cheese

As mentioned above, this dessert bears its name due to the multiple protruding droplets on the surface. It should be noted that the pie gets this effect through the use of protein soufflé. To prepare it, we need the following components:

  • egg whites - take from 3 eggs (yolks participated in the creation of the filling);
  • powdered sugar - 3 full large spoons.

Cooking Protein Souffle Together

Pie "Tears of an angel", the recipe of which involves the use of shortcrust pastry and curd filling, should be done in several stages. The first two we successfully passed. It remains to cook only a gentle and airy souffle. To do this, you need to cool the egg whites, and then beat them well in a strong foam, gradually pouring powdered sugar. It should be noted that this procedure must be carried out immediately before the formation of the dessert. Otherwise, the souffle “settles”, which will negatively affect the appearance of homemade goodies.

Cake baking in the oven

"Tears of an angel" is a curd cake that is formed using a single cake. To bake it, roll the cooled base into a non-thick layer up to 1 centimeter thick, and then put it into a round detachable shape and make not very high sides (20-30 millimeters). By the way, the dishes used for heat treatment can be greased with butter (or vegetable) oil or covered with baking paper. After this, the dough must be sent to the oven, where it must be kept no more than 10 minutes. We need this procedure so that in the future the dough is well baked together with the filling and souffle, and does not remain damp.

cheesecake angel tears

The process of dessert formation and its baking

After the specified time, it is required to remove the sand cake from the oven, and then pour all the curd filling to it, leveling its surface with a knife with a blunt end or a tablespoon. In conclusion, the cake must be covered with a lush and airy souffle. Formed treats should be placed in the oven again, where it is recommended to bake for at least half an hour. During this time, the base of the dessert will be completely prepared, and the filling with protein filling will seize and take a stable shape.

It should be noted that after turning off the oven, the cake "Tears of an Angel" with cottage cheese can not be immediately removed and served. After all, this way you will not get drops on the surface of a homemade treat. Thus, the oven door should only be ajar, and after 40 minutes, take out the form with the dessert, and then completely cool it. At the end of the side of the dishes you need to remove, and move the pie on the cake box with a long spatula.

curd pie tears angel recipe

Proper serving of delicious and beautiful dessert to the table

Pie "Tears of an angel" should be served to guests only in a cooled state when multiple droplets appear on its surface. Dessert should be cut into triangular pieces, put on portioned saucers and presented to the table with strong and hot tea. Believe me, no one will be able to refuse such an easy, airy and gentle dessert of their own preparation. After all, it turns out not only tasty and melting in the mouth, but also surprisingly beautiful in appearance. This cake is recommended to prepare for the birthday of a girl or woman.

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