Quite often, healthy people simply do not wonder about which particular foods have different foods. However, in cases of type 1 and type 2 diabetes mellitus, it is very important to know which glycemic index kefir and other dairy products have so that a suitable diet can be made. Focusing on this indicator, it is easy to avoid an increase in blood glucose, preventing the complication of the disease. From this article, you can find out which glycemic index for kefir of various degrees of fat content, as well as about the benefits of this drink.
What is GI?
Before you begin to find out exactly which glycemic index of fat-free kefir, like all other types of this dairy product, it is worth learning about what this index is.
Today, it is understood as an indicator that reflects how much the product that a person consumes is able to increase blood sugar. That is why for diabetics who should carefully monitor this parameter, it is so important to know it.
However, in addition to this, GI is now actively used in the preparation of effective weight loss diets. It was found that foods with a high level are fast carbohydrates that lead to weight gain. If you decide to lose a few pounds, knowing the glycemic index of kefir of different fat content will be very useful, since this product is one of the most popular among losing weight.
Is kefir allowed for diabetics?
As the scientists found out, the glycemic index of 1% kefir, as well as more fat, is rather low, therefore this product is very useful for use in type 1 and type 2 diabetes. If you look closely at any diet for patients with a "sweet" ailment, you will notice that they use fermented milk products. In fact, nutritionists believe that kefir not only does not increase the level of glucose in the blood, but is able to lower it. This is due to the fact that sour-milk bacteria contribute to the activation of the production of the hormone insulin. So if you have a disease, you can drink this drink with a calm soul and not worry about what kind of blood sugar level is. Just remember: if you intend to take sugar tests, you need to exclude it from the diet the day before the procedure, since it can affect the result.
GI indicators
Now about which glycemic index for kefir is 3.2%, 2.5%, 1% and low fat. It is worth noting that it practically does not fluctuate depending on this indicator. So:
- The glycemic index of kefir 3.2 fat content is 15 units. This indicator is average in relation to dairy products. It is similar to ryazhenka.
- The glycemic index of kefir 1-2.5% fat is the same. It equals 15 units. Such a drink will be useful both for losing weight people and for diabetics.
According to existing rules, it is useful to eat foods whose GI is less than 50 units, so you can safely use kefir in a normal amount without fear of poor health.
The nutritional value
In addition to the glycemic index of kefir, it is quite important to know exactly what caloric content a given product has. This indicator of the drink is quite small: only 30-50 Kcal per 100 grams of product, depending on its fat content. In addition, with a small number of calories, kefir has a truly huge nutritional composition, which includes a variety of vitamins and minerals, which are so useful for the human body and necessary for normal life.
Chemical composition
As mentioned earlier, in addition to the low glycemic index of kefir 2.5% fat, this drink is of great value among patients with diabetes because of its well-selected and diverse composition. In it you can find vitamins of group D, which are so useful for the body, which help the body absorb calcium, which provides bone strengthening. This mineral is incredibly important in the presence of type 1 diabetes, since in this disease quite often the accompanying symptom is susceptibility to fractures and their long treatment due to improper metabolism.
In addition, you can find other incredibly useful vitamins in it: A, PP, C, group B and N. Among the minerals, calcium, potassium and iron are especially prominent.
Useful properties of kefir
Kefir is an incredibly useful product that shows itself especially well if there is excess weight. As you know, it provokes the production of gastric juice, so the digestive tract begins to work at a faster pace. That is why so often nutritionists advise drinking a glass of kefir after dinner, so as not only to nourish the body, but also not to burden the gastrointestinal tract.
In addition, kefir contains a fairly large amount of animal protein, which the body absorbs more easily than those found in meat or fish. This is due to the fact that the drink has a yeast medium that helps the work of B vitamins and amino acids involved in protein metabolism.
All this leads to the fact that the regular use of one glass of kefir per day provides an improvement in the gastrointestinal tract, speeds up metabolism and strengthens bones. Scientists also found that the drink has the ability to cleanse the body of harmful decay products, that is, toxins and toxins.
The benefits of kefir for diabetics
In the presence of type 2 diabetes, especially for a long time, disturbances in the functioning of the liver and gall bladder often begin to manifest themselves. It is in this case that it will be very useful to start drinking kefir constantly, since this product can be an excellent substitute for therapy for these diseases. In addition, it helps to normalize the functioning of the cardiovascular system, strengthening the exhausted muscle.
And of course, we must not forget that kefir is able to lower the blood sugar level even if it is extremely high. Now in folk medicine, you can find several recipes for drinks based on kefir, which help to overcome diabetes and affect the body's resistance to insulin.
Contraindications and harm
Despite the fact that the glycemic index of kefir "Biobalance", "Prostokvashino" and other dairy brands is quite low, this does not mean that it can be used by everyone. Although there are not so many contraindications to the drink, but nevertheless they exist, and therefore, if they exist, you should refuse to use the popular fermented milk product. In no case should you drink kefir, if there are problems associated with increased acidity of the stomach. This will not only not help to cope with diabetes, but will also cause intestinal upset. It is also worth it to drink very carefully during pregnancy, since it is impossible to accurately predict how the body can react to a fermented milk product in the presence of a fetus and diabetes mellitus together.
Terms of use
Despite the fact that kefir has been common in Russia for several centuries, a fairly small number of people know how to drink this drink correctly. To fully experience the whole gamut of taste, you should adhere to the following rules:
- Drink the drink should be warm, about room temperature. Too warm or cold kefir loses that particular acidity that made it so popular. To achieve the desired temperature, you just need to get the product out of the refrigerator about half an hour before use.
- The daily dose of kefir for a normal person should not exceed 500 ml. It is best to divide it into 2 parts, drinking a glass in the morning and evening before bedtime. So, you can have the best effect on the stomach, activating its work.
- For many people, kefir seems rather acidic, and therefore they add sugar to soften the taste. In no case can people with diabetes do this: this will greatly increase the glycemic index, making kefir harmful to them.
- For diabetics, doctors often recommend mixing kefir with other products. The most popular are buckwheat, cinnamon, apple and ginger. Before you add them to the diet, you should definitely consult your doctor to find out all the possible consequences.
Final part
Now in any large hypermarket you can easily find shelves with healthy food, which is recommended for diabetics to buy. However, kefir is often impossible to find there, since the glycemic index on packages, as a rule, is not prescribed. However, you should know that this drink is quite low, and therefore, if consumed in the prescribed amount, it will help reduce blood sugar and will not cause any harm to the figure.
So you can safely choose a quality product of any fat content in the store, all the same, its glycemic index will be less than 50. However, it should be remembered that it is impossible to replace water with kefir (despite the fact that they are liquids). In diabetes, it is very important to maintain the correct water balance, that is, drink at least 2 liters of clean still water per day.