Venous congestion: degrees, symptoms and treatment

Venous hyperemia, or venous congestion, is a deviation that is accompanied by impaired blood flow. At the same time, there is an increased filling of tissues with blood, since the outflow in this situation is difficult or the opening of previously blocked venous vessels occurred. There are two types - general and local. This disease can be diagnosed in different parts of the body and accompanied by appropriate symptoms. Treatment is selected depending on the type of pathology.

What it is?

Venous congestion is considered a difficult process, which leads to various disorders. When refusing therapy, complications and negative consequences arise that significantly worsen the patient's quality of life. You can get rid of this type of disease, but only with the right treatment, which is selected individually by a specialist after a thorough examination.

If the patient has a slowdown in blood flow through the veins, then this can lead to an increase in the clearance of these areas. As a result, there will be an increase in pressure in the channel, therefore the ability to absorb and remove excess fluid from the space near the vessels is impaired. At the same time, the process of lymph formation suffers. As a result, congestive edema is observed and tissues begin to increase in volume.

This process provokes a significant accumulation of hemoglobin, which already transfers carbon dioxide. As a result, the patient's skin becomes cyanotic. The flow of blood through the arteries and metabolism is gradually decreasing. In this situation, the patient may complain of cold in the lower extremities.

It is worth noting that overloaded veins are not able to withstand such a load of blood flow, so they become more sinuous, nodules begin to form. The wall of the vessel is gradually strengthened, as the connective tissue grows . This process and the lymphatic system do not bypass. Stagnation provokes severe tissue nutritional deficiency.

prevention of hyperemia

Provocative factors

Various factors can provoke this violation in the human body, eliminating which, you can normalize the condition. The causes of stagnation of venous blood include the following:

  1. Impaired performance of the cardiac and vascular system.
  2. Inactive lifestyle (lack of exercise).
  3. Overweight problems.
  4. Sedentary work.
  5. Poor, unbalanced diet.
  6. Taking certain groups of drugs.
  7. Hereditary factor.
  8. Disturbed vascular tone.
  9. Psychological or physical stress.
  10. Complications in the postpartum period.
  11. Vein thrombosis.

Bad habits, weight lifting, and standing work can also provoke stagnation.

Blood stasis in the veins of the legs

Venous hyperemia is a disease that develops gradually. In most cases, each stage of the pathology is accompanied by specific symptoms. Stagnation of blood in the lower extremities is characterized by increased pressure in the vascular system, as a result, the walls are deformed, they stretch, increase in diameter, and blood flow becomes slow.

hyperemia in the legs

Symptoms of venous stasis in the lower extremities:

  1. The skin of the legs acquire a bluish tint.
  2. There is discomfort, some tension and heaviness in the calf muscles. In most cases, this symptom occurs in patients after a difficult day.
  3. Swelling of the tissues.
  4. Body temperature is low.
  5. In places where there is an accumulation of small vessels, a small-scale outflow of blood occurs.

Since vascular permeability in this disease becomes greater, the walls and surrounding tissues begin to be impregnated with plasma. This condition is called plasmorrhagia.

Treatment and recommendations

How to treat venous congestion in the lower extremities? Therapy is prescribed based on the results of the examination, exclusively by a specialist. To achieve a noticeable positive result, you should adhere to all the advice of a doctor.

Treatment of pathology is based on:

  1. Elimination of provoking factors. The patient is recommended to take drugs that will reduce vascular tone and normalize blood flow.
  2. Prevention of complications.
  3. The use of folk remedies.

If the situation is very neglected, then surgery is performed.

To alleviate the condition and avoid the occurrence of venous stasis, you need:

  1. Take a contrast shower.
  2. Practice healing walking.
  3. Use heparin-based ointments and gels.
  4. Rest more often with raised legs.
  5. If there is swelling, then take diuretic drugs.
  6. Use compression hosiery or apply an elastic bandage.
  7. As a grind, use horse chestnut tinctures.
  8. Take venotonics and angioprotectors.

Also, in order to exclude this disease, you need to get rid of excess weight, if there is one, start to eat right.

Pelvic stasis

hyperemia in women

Venous congestion in this area refers to a passive form. It is a great danger for the fair sex, since a violation can provoke stagnation of blood in the uterus, and then lead to an abortion, the birth of a premature baby, or infertility. If the diagnosis was carried out in a timely manner and the therapy was selected correctly, then it is quite possible to get rid of the ailment.

In most cases, stagnation is observed in patients with an inactive lifestyle and due to sedentary work. Also, provocative factors include factors such as:

  1. Heredity.
  2. Taking hormonal drugs, birth control pills.
  3. Constant physical and psychological stress.
  4. The period of bearing a child.

Accompanied by stagnation in the pelvic area "female" varicose veins.

Venous congestion in the head

This pathology is secondary in nature and occurs as a result of any intracranial and extracranial disorders. Diagnosis of stagnation is based on pressure measurement, phlebography, as well as X-ray examination of the skull. If the patient has a chronic form of the disease, then a disturbed metabolism and oxygen starvation of the brain are observed, as a result, tissue swelling occurs, which, in turn, provokes increased pressure inside the skull. At the initial stage, a decreased tone of the veins is noted, which can be determined using rheography.

Causes and symptoms of stagnation of blood in the head

Venous congestion in the head can occur as a result of various provoking factors. These include:

  1. Problems, diseases and disorders in the work of the heart.
  2. Struma and aneurysm.
  3. Diseases and pathologies of the lungs, bronchi.
  4. Neoplasms in the cervical region.
  5. Injury to the cranium.
  6. The formation of dropsy in the brain.
  7. Vein thrombosis, which makes blood flow difficult.
hyperemia in the head

Venous congestion of the brain is accompanied by symptoms such as:

  1. Strengthening cephalalgia, especially with head tilts or turns.
  2. Fundus vein dilatation.
  3. Attacks of dizziness that occur suddenly.
  4. Frequent noise in the head.
  5. A bluish tint of the skin on the face. In the morning, swelling of the tissues of the lower eyelid may be noted.
  6. Cephalgia in the morning.
  7. Fainting for no reason.
  8. Numbness of the upper and lower extremities.
  9. Mental disorders.

During the period of exacerbation of the disease, the patient cannot be lying for a long time, and also lower his head. There may be an increase in headache as a result of experiences or after drinking alcohol.

Treatment of venous hyperemia in the brain: tips

Treatment of venous congestion in the head is based on taking medication. The patient may be prescribed "Eufillin" in the form of injections or tablets. Dosage depends on the degree of the disease. Also reduce stagnation can "Glivenol", "Troxevasin", "Detralex". To reduce the severity of edema, prescribe Furosemide, Mannitol.

Experts recommend doing massage of the collar zone on your own to eliminate spasm of the muscle tissue of the cervical spine. Laser-LED therapy, electrical stimulation, reflexology are prescribed. Herbal treatment can also be carried out.

hyperemia treatment

To alleviate the condition of venous congestion of the brain, you need to eat right, exclude harmful products from the diet, and also give up smoking and alcohol. To eliminate puffiness, you can eat oatmeal porridge without salt. If heaviness is noted in the head, then you need to eat more parsley. You can steam its root and leaves, and then take this infusion several times a day.

Venous hyperemia of the lungs

Pulmonary edema occurs as a result of impaired blood flow in the vessels that pass through this organ. As a result, the fabric becomes more dense, acquires a brown hue. As a result, the patient is diagnosed with congestion in the pulmonary circulation and sclerosis.

Congestion in the lungs is accompanied by such symptoms:

  1. Diaphragm mobility is reduced.
  2. Hard breathing.
  3. There is systematic shortness of breath.
  4. Viscous sputum is difficult to separate, a bloody impurity is present.
  5. Whistling and wheezing are noted in the posterior lower lung region.

There is also a violation of the liver. It becomes rounded, increased in size, pain during palpation may occur.

Treatment of pulmonary stasis

Treatment will be prescribed after the examination. Therapy can be carried out in a hospital and will depend on the degree of venous stasis. If the situation is severely triggered, the patient undergoes surgery, which involves valve replacement or valvotomy.

hyperemia of the lungs

Also, treatment affects cardiac activity. Prescribed drugs that are able to normalize the work and condition of this body. The patient may be prescribed disability if persistent pulmonary congestion is noted. Therefore, you should not engage in self-therapy, but immediately seek professional help.

Renal venous blood stasis

stagnation in the kidneys

Venous congestion of blood vessels in this excretory organ can be several stages. The most severe is chronic. With it, an increase in kidneys is observed, as well as cyanosis and tissue tightening. The blood flow is disturbed, a spasm of the renal arterioles occurs. With stagnation of blood, glomerular filtration is limited, water-salt metabolism becomes worse, the plasma content in nearby tissue increases, as a result, metabolism worsens.

Lymphostasis and swelling of the stroma can develop, as there is an expansion of the renal veins and blood stasis. The glomeruli with this pathology increase, become full-blooded, as for the intercellular space, then it expands.

Venous hyperemia in the kidneys is accompanied by complications such as:

  1. The formation of stones in this body.
  2. Pyelonephritis.
  3. Inflammatory process.
  4. Increased pressure in the kidneys.

Treatment is based on the elimination of symptoms, helps prevent infection. It is recommended to take painkillers and antibacterial drugs. To normalize blood flow, surgery is performed.

Cervical osteochondrosis and venous hyperemia

This pathology is often diagnosed in parallel with osteochondrosis in the cervical spine. Such reasons can provoke such a violation:

  1. Fractures.
  2. TBI.
  3. Stroke.
  4. Hematomas.
  5. The formation of a tumor in the cervical spine.
  6. Injury to the chest and peritoneum.
  7. Prolapse of the vertebral discs.

The presence of these two disorders leads to various pathologies that can significantly worsen the general condition of the patient. In most cases, unpleasant symptoms are present, such as a headache, inflammation in the neck, darkening in the eyes, and tinnitus. If you refuse treatment or do not conduct therapy in a timely manner, this can lead to complications such as stroke or chronic ischemia. In order to exclude not only stagnation of blood in this department, but also osteochondrosis, it is necessary to carry out preventive measures.

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