"Omnadren 250": instructions for use, analogues and reviews

The drug "Omnadren-250" is an anabolic steroid that is supplied to the pharmaceutical market by the Polish company Jelfa SA. The drug is used to treat diseases associated with a deficiency of the hormone testosterone.

Advantages of the medication

The composition of the drug "Omnadren" includes testosterone esters, which determine its high efficiency. Among the active components of this tool, the following can be distinguished:

  • testosterone hexanoate;
  • testosterone phenylpropionate;
  • testosterone isohexanoate;
  • testosterone propionate.

Thus, this tool contains about 176 mg of male hormone. The auxiliary substances are benzyl alcohol, peanut butter and nitrogen. Benzyl alcohol allows you to disinfect the oil solution. Peanut butter is essential for dissolving testosterone crystals. Nitrogen contributes to the creation of an inert environment, as well as the displacement of oxygen from the Omnadren-250 ampoule. These components work in turn, so the level of testosterone is constantly at a high level.

Anabolic drug

Active substances affect each other and create a powerful active agent. The drug allows you to quickly build muscle not only bodybuilders, but also powerlifters. This tool has a pronounced anabolic and androgenic effect. Therefore, athletes can quickly increase strength indicators and quickly gain muscle mass. In addition, the use of this tool can significantly facilitate the movement of joints. Regular intake of the drug will speed up the process of tissue repair, and will also help stimulate appetite. The listed properties are highly appreciated by people who regularly engage in intense training. Despite the fact that this drug has many positive properties, there are many negative reviews from real users.

Main disadvantages

Omnadren-250 contains testosterone, so the use of this anabolic agent may be accompanied by the following side effects:

  • the occurrence of acne;
  • decreased production of their own hormones;
  • negative effects on the liver;
  • increase in blood pressure;
  • manifestations of gynecomastia;
  • the appearance of aggressiveness;

Many young people strive to achieve high results in a short period of time. Until recently, this drug was in a low price category, so people abused this potent drug. As a result, young people had various side effects.

Steroid drug

In case of exceeding the dose of the drug, people have acne over the entire surface of the skin. Some users have formed large bags under the eyes and severe swelling of the face. However, since 2014, the Omandren preparation has been banned since a new list of subject-quantitative accounting has come into force. This drug is available in pharmacies only according to the prescription form, and the cost of the medication has increased significantly. This potent drug can be used only by agreement with a specialist. It is strictly forbidden to prescribe the dosage of this drug on your own. If you follow the instructions for use with Omnadren-250, you can achieve high results without any consequences. Reviews of real users say that the drug can plant the liver and reduce the production of your own testosterone.

How to use

In order to quickly gain muscle mass, it is not recommended to take large doses of the drug. According to the instructions for use with Omnadren-250, the optimal dose is 250 mg. Then, you can increase the weekly dose to 500 mg. Active ingredients are rapidly absorbed into the blood from the first injection. Omnadren-250 is a potent drug that is highly effective. To achieve high results, it is necessary to take it subject to certain rules. This drug must be purchased exclusively at pharmacies. It is not recommended to exceed the dosage, as this can lead to side effects. In order to reduce the likelihood of negative reactions, you can take antiestrogens.

use of anabolics

"Omandren-250" is testosterone, which is combined with various esters. The period of their resorption allows them to stay in the body for a long time. Similar properties have the drug "Sustanon-250". The scope of this tool is mainly bodybuilding. The use of anabolic agents contributes to the growth of strength and muscle mass. This effect is ensured by the accumulation of water in the body. A strong androgenic and anabolic effect relieves joint pain and promotes tissue regeneration.


It is not recommended to use this drug for people suffering from liver failure, various diseases of the cardiovascular system, hypercalcemia. Many develop edema and inflammation at the injection site, as well as gynecomastia and prostatic hypertrophy. In isolated cases, a decrease in blood coagulability and the appearance of symptoms of hepatitis are possible. Users are advised to monitor the liver. Before taking the drug, it is recommended to consult a specialist.

Indications for use

male strength

Experts recommend taking this drug for men as replacement therapy for hypogonadism, impotence, androgen deficiency and infertility. "Omandren-250" can be taken with male menopause, oligospermia and postcastration syndrome.

Women are recommended to use this remedy for breast cancer, osteoporosis, ovarian cancer, uterine fibroids. The drug can be taken to eliminate premenstrual syndrome, as well as during the menopause.

Features of the reception

Many athletes inject Omandren-250 daily, despite the fact that the drug stays in the body for a long time. Instructions for use with Omnadren-250 contain information that the optimal dose of the drug is 500 mg per week. Injections are performed intramuscularly. In order to achieve quick and noticeable results, you can combine this drug with Anapolon, Deca Durabolin and Methandrostenolonomil. Combinations with "Methandrostenolone" and "Omnadren" show the greatest effectiveness, since they provide an increase in strength and muscles with low energy costs.

strong men

Also, the listed drugs are in the low price category, therefore, are available for many athletes. However, it should be borne in mind that cessation of taking these drugs can lead to a decrease in muscle mass. Since Omnadren-250 has a pronounced aromatization, it is recommended to use aromatase inhibitors throughout the course. This will prevent gynecomastia and the appearance of edema. "Omandren-250" is an androgenic medication, which is recommended for use if it is necessary to increase testosterone levels. The drug can be used by men and women to treat many diseases associated with testosterone deficiency.

pharmachologic effect

The drug includes a mixture of different types of testosterone, which are important for the body. This hormone stimulates spermatogenesis in men, and is also necessary for the formation of seminal vesicles and the development of sexual characteristics. Since it is the main antagonist of female sex hormones, its action contributes to the inhibition of the pituitary gonadotropic function.

Ampoule Steroid

The hormone not only enhances the fixation of calcium in the bones and stimulates protein synthesis, but also has a pronounced anabolic effect on the body. Regular use of the drug will increase the level of hemoglobin in the blood and increase muscle mass. A single injection of the drug allows you to achieve a quick therapeutic effect, since testosterone esters have different absorption rates.


The main analogues of the drug for active components are: "Nebido", "Testosterone propianate", "Androgel", "Methyltestosterone", "Andriol TK". Before using Omnadren-250 analogues, the instructions for the drugs should be carefully studied and follow its instructions.

Drug specificity

If a patient suffers from diabetes, Omnadren-250 may cause a decrease in glucose levels. It is also necessary to control blood coagulation indicators with the combined use of this drug with anticoagulants.

Analogues of the drug

If the patient combines Omnadren-250 with glucocorticosteroids, there may be a risk of peripheral edema. The effect of the drug can be reduced by drugs that induce the induction of microsomal liver enzymes. Therefore, it is not recommended to combine Omnadren-250 with barbiturates, primidone, phenytoin and phenylbutazone.


Many reviews of athletes who have undergone therapy using Omnadren-250 are positive. Other user comments point out that chemistry has a different effect on everyone, and many have side effects. Reviews about Omnadren-250 vary greatly, so you should not rely on amazing results from taking the drug, since it is impossible to achieve muscle gain without proper nutrition and regular training.

User reviews

Many patients were satisfied after taking the drug, since its use not only improved physical performance, but also normalized potency. Some comments contain criticisms, as users have developed inflammatory processes at the injection sites. Having studied the application instructions for Omnadren-250 and reviews, you can form an objective opinion about this drug.

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