Contraceptive "Patentex Oval". Reviews Instruction manual

Patentex Oval Foam Suppository is a vaginal contraceptive intended for local use, producing an antiseptic and spermicidal effect. At body temperature, suppositories melt and form a foam that spreads evenly throughout the vagina, distributing nonoxynol-9, a spermicidal active component.

candles patentex oval
Candles "Patentex Oval" reduce the tension of the surface of the lipid membrane of sperm and paralyze their ability to move. The spermatocidal substance forms a stable barrier in the vagina. It prevents sperm from entering the uterus. Patentex Oval contraceptive is quite popular among women. Reviews indicate that it effectively protects against the occurrence of an unwanted pregnancy. In addition, the drug destroys various pathogenic organisms, that is, it produces a preventive effect against STIs.

Indications for use

With the help of suppositories, vaginal local contraception is carried out with irregular sexual activity (when episodic protection is necessary), with an irregular cycle, with the inability to use oral contraceptives for any reason .

patentx oval reviews
Release form, composition

Vaginal suppositories are cylindrical in shape; a funnel-shaped depression or an air rod is allowed. The color is white, there are no inclusions on the longitudinal section. One candle contains the active ingredient - nonoxynol-9 - in an amount of 75 mg. Minor components are macrogol 1000 and 1500, sodium bicarbonate and sodium lauryl sulfate, tartaric acid.

The use of candles "Patentex Oval"

Reviews report that the use of the drug provides excellent protection against pregnancy. However, the effectiveness of the tool depends directly on the correctness of its use. The suppository should be removed from the blister in a marked place. Before intercourse, it must be deeply inserted into the vagina. Ten minutes after administration, the drug is activated. Spermatocidal substance during this time is distributed evenly throughout the vagina, creating a barrier for sperm to enter the uterus. In the case of a long act (longer than one hour), you need to enter another candle. It must be remembered that a new suppository should be introduced before each new contact, even if the time between two sexual acts does not exceed one hour.

patentex oval foaming candles
Side effects of suppositories "Patentex Oval"

Reviews indicate good tolerance by both partners of the drug. Some women report a sensation of warmth. If the microflora of the vagina is disturbed , burning and itching may appear after the use of the Patentex Oval suppositories. Reviews do not contain information about overdose cases.


You should abandon the use of a contraceptive for erosion of the cervix, abnormal development of the genital organs, as well as in the case of high sensitivity to the ingredients in the product.

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