There are about 150 species of gadfly larvae in the world. Fortunately, only one of them is dangerous to humans. Its habitat is the territory of planet Earth with a tropical climate. In general, this parasite is very dangerous if it penetrates the human body. Therefore, you should be careful and when the first signs appear, immediately and immediately consult a specialist.
What is a gadfly larva?
This is a parasite that mainly develops and grows under the skin of a person or animal. The larva of the gadfly resembles a pear with spikes on the scales. Their length is small - a little less than 30 mm, and a diameter of about 8 mm. The parasite feeds on blood. That is why it is dangerous in case of penetration into the human body. This harmful microorganism attaches to mammalian tissues using burrs. And in this way it feeds, that is, accumulates useful substances for its further existence, life activity. In addition, it can, after penetrating into the body of a mammal, release a peculiar liquid that causes severe pain.
What types of gadflies exist?
There are a huge number of types of this parasite. Specialists agreed to subdivide them according to their habitat. Each type of larva has its own characteristics. Some of them are dangerous for the owner and for his body. There are 4 types of parasites: subcutaneous and cutaneous, abdominal and gastric.
The first type is dangerous for both humans and animals. With untimely treatment, deplorable consequences are possible.
The second type is characteristic of a bull gadfly. Of course, it is not as dangerous as the first species, but still, if this happens, boils form on the body of a person or animal. In addition, severe pains appear. After that, pus may be released.
Cavity is most common in goats. The larvae are initially in the nostril, and then penetrate the respiratory tract.
Gastric gadfly often occurs in horses. It develops in their stomach, and then goes on to the tongue and gums. There are abscesses.
How can a parasite enter the human body?
An adult gadfly larva is a fly. Its size is about 2 cm. It is somewhat similar to a bumblebee.
But in order to distinguish it from this insect, there are a number of signs:
- big head;
- large eyes;
- blue abdomen;
- orange paws;
- transparent wings.
The grown parasite does not eat anything, but eats those substances that it accumulated when it was still a larva.
Within half a minute after the release, an adult gadfly can fly. The female produces about 600 eggs. But, fortunately, only 1/6 of the survives.
An adult parasite catches blood-sucking insects, and then leaves its eggs on their abdomen. And if the mosquito on which these larvae are sitting on a person or animal, then they penetrate into their bodies. At the same time, people do not experience any pain or discomfort.
Parasites that have matured have special devices - hooks. With their help they are attached to the skin. The gadfly larvae in humans feed on blood throughout their stay and grow up to 2.5 cm. In total, this parasite lives in the body of a mammal for about 9 weeks. After he goes outside and falls to the ground, where the pupation process takes place. A month later, an adult appears.
Does this parasite exist in Russia and can it be infected?
In our country there are about 7 species of larvae. Mostly they live in the body of cattle. There are cases when in Russia gadfly larvae were found in the human body. Their favorite place to stay is eyes or skin.
Of course, the percentage of cases of this parasite in humans is very low, but you should beware of these harmful creatures. You should be aware of and know the signs of the disease when they enter the human body.
Symptoms when a parasite is found under the skin: what are they?
The gadfly larva in a person can be anywhere. For example, it can be found on the arm, and on the chest, and on the leg, and even on the head. But the most favorite places to live are the armpits and back. It also happens that the larva of the gadfly in the body is in the nose or eye.
As a rule, at the beginning, a person does not experience any complications and discomfort. In the place where the parasite penetrated, a small bump appears, resembling a mosquito bite. After passing a certain amount of time, this area begins to hurt and become inflamed. After he becomes blue or red. Then an abscess forms, which opens. Thus, for the larva of the gadfly, a certain hole is formed under the skin of the person through which the parasite breathes. As soon as the inflamed place is opened, pus begins to stand out from it.
After this, the personβs condition begins to deteriorate sharply. Nausea or vomiting, weakness and dizziness, muscle pain are the main symptoms of penetration of the gadfly larva into the body. In the area where there is inflammation, the patient can feel how something is moving.
If these harmful parasites get into the eyes, irritation of the mucous membrane is felt, and eye pressure rises. Constant lacrimation is observed. In addition, pain and bleeding may join all of these symptoms.
The penetration of larvae into the vitreous body of the eyeball is very dangerous. Then a person may be completely blind.
When the parasite is in the body, the following symptoms are present:
- headache;
- worsening of sense of smell;
- swelling of the nose;
- pain at the location of the larva.
Surprisingly, these harmful microorganisms can creep out through the nostril.
How is the diagnosis made?
The main way is taking a blood test. It determines the amount of antibodies. The patient is also asked a series of questions. For example, they ask about whether he was in places where the disease is common. In addition to all this, a specialist conducts a visual inspection. With this method, you can detect an inflamed purulent abscess. It has a hole through which air flows. The doctor examines the place with a special device, namely a magnifier.
If you are sure that the gadfly larvae are in the body, then you should not contact a therapist, but immediately to an infectious disease specialist.
How does treatment occur when infected with larvae?
After penetration into the human body of these parasites, certain signs of a disease called dermatobiasis appear. The treatment itself involves the direct removal of the larva from the patient's body. But you canβt do this right away.
Before you remove the gadfly from under the skin of a person, you must drink the drug "Ivermectin." It is antiparasitic. Only then can we proceed to the next step.
Removal of gadfly larvae: how does this happen?
Before removing the parasite from under the skin of a person, it is necessary to subject the abscess to a disinfection. This is done, as a rule, using a solution of furatsilina. In order to prevent the larva from breathing, a certain amount of sterile oil is dripped into the hole from where the air stream penetrated. After that, the gadfly should exit, since it lacks oxygen. At the moment when the parasite is shown from the hole under the skin, it is pulled out using a special device (tweezers).
A complex operation should only be performed by a specialist. The gadfly itself is located in very deep layers of the epidermis. As mentioned above, it is located there thanks to the hooks. If the patient himself tries to perform this entire procedure, it is possible that part of the larva will remain under the skin. With this outcome, suppuration and an inflammatory process will follow.
As soon as the operation is completed, an antiseptic dressing is applied to the place where the abscess used to be.
Infection prevention
But most often, under the skin of a person, the gadfly larva penetrates precisely in countries with a tropical climate. And if you decide to go there, then follow a few simple rules. Avoid places where a large number of insects live. Of course, you need to wear clothes that protect against bites. Now in stores a huge selection of good repellents. They should also be used.
If nevertheless, for example, an insect has bitten you, you should not panic ahead of time, but you should not forget about it either. First, the wound should be treated with a disinfectant. And watch her. If something went wrong, you should immediately contact a specialist. The doctor will examine you, when confirming the diagnosis, he will send you to the appropriate procedures, and if the opposite is true, you can safely return home. And do not forget that vigilance has not disturbed anyone yet.