Chicken eggs are used for cooking almost daily. Whatever the hostess conceived - from baking to cutlets - everything requires the addition of an egg. This product contains many vitamins and minerals, in addition, chicken protein is perfectly absorbed by the human body. But if the expiration date has passed, the rotten taste can spoil the whole dish. How to determine the freshness of an egg to avoid this situation?
Method One - Water Test
The simplest way is to determine the freshness of eggs with cool water. It is enough to just lower the product into cold water and see what happens. Fresh quail eggs, like chicken ones, immediately sink to the bottom, turning slightly on their sides. Old ones try to surface or emerge, and the higher the egg is, the older it is. This method is based on the fact that over time the contents of the shell dries up, more air accumulates under it, which helps to rise to the surface of the water. Therefore, all eggs that are confidently floating in water should not be used as food.
Method Two - Shaking
How to determine the freshness of an egg if you donβt have a container of water at hand, but need to be sorted out quickly? It is enough to shake it, placing it between the thumb and forefinger. If the product is fresh, nothing will move under the shell, even if it is shaken very, very hard.
If the fingers feel the movement of the yolk in different directions, the egg can be safely thrown away.
The third way - inspection of the shell
For those who cannot complain about observation, there is another way to determine the freshness of an egg. Carefully consider the shell - in fresh eggs it is hard, smooth, looks dull and dry. If it glistens, it seems greasy and casts gray - the expiration date has already expired. Moreover, you should not use those foods whose shell is soft to the touch. The contents in them are definitely rotten.
Method Four - Content Assessment
If all the previous methods did not reveal anything suspicious, but doubts still remained, break the egg into a separate flat plate. Inspect it: in fresh, the yolk should be tight and round, fairly high.
Protein should surround the yolk with a thick layer, not spreading over the surface of the dishes. In stale eggs, the yolk looks more compressed and not so elastic, and the protein spreads throughout the plate.
Why is a spoiled egg dangerous?
It is best not to forget how to determine the freshness of an egg, and use at least one of the tests described above. Otherwise, it is possible that a foul product will get into the dish. The taste of all other components will be uniquely spoiled. If the eggs were bought long ago, it is worthwhile to start using those methods that evaluate the appearance and do not require a violation of the integrity of the shell. If the contents are rotten, it will smell intense and unpleasant. It is advisable to avoid this and not to violate the integrity of the eggs that aroused suspicion, immediately carefully discarding them. So your dishes will always be mouth-watering, and the kitchen will retain its cozy aromas.