The best pain medication for menstruation: manufacturer reviews

According to statistics, every second woman has encountered such a problem as pain during menstruation. The process of rejection of the "old" layer of the endometrium, as well as its onset, is accompanied by unpleasant sensations in the abdomen, which usually occurs due to hormonal failure in the body. That is why in some cases, painkillers for menstruation may be useless. However, drugs that can improve the physical well-being of a woman these days still exist - they will be discussed in this article.

painkillers during menstruation

Why stomach ache before menstruation

Abdominal pain on the eve of critical days is far from uncommon. Almost every girl faced them, but few people delved into the causes of these unpleasant sensations. In fact, there are not too many of them:

  • ICP;
  • hormonal disruptions;
  • functional impairment.

Usually, if the stomach starts to hurt a few days before menstruation, there is no cause for concern. This process is a natural phenomenon that occurs due to changes in the body during the approach of critical days. However, if the pain intensifies regularly, it is recommended to consult a doctor, because in this case there is a risk of developing any disease.

Hormonal disruption

Severe and aching pains before menstruation can be observed even in completely healthy women, for example, due to strong jumps in hormones. A week before the onset of menstruation, the level of progesterone reaches a maximum mark, at the same time, the amount of estrogen is greatly reduced. When the moment of rejection of the "old" layer of the endometrium comes, the level of both hormones sharply decreases, which causes a decrease in the number of endorphins.

Such strong jumps in hormones cannot but affect the state of the body. That is why, shortly before menstruation, a girl may experience changes in her physical and emotional state. The most common complaints are abdominal pain, stress, and even cramping.

painkillers for menstruation

Natural processes

Another simple explanation for pain during menstruation lies in the female nature itself. During the period of critical days, an intensive reduction of the myometrium and the opening of the cervical canal occur, due to which the exit of the endometrium occurs. This process is accompanied by painful sensations, especially for young and not giving birth girls, whose cervix is ​​slightly bent to the back.

Because of this, the exit of menstrual blood is complicated, which leads to the appearance of cramping pains in the pelvic area. When menstruation ends, the organs in the pelvis return to their previous position, and all the pain recedes.

painkillers for menstruation

The presence of pathologies and diseases

There are several more reasons why girls are forced to take painkillers for menstruation. One of these is the presence of diseases, for example, ovarian cysts, fibromatous nodes, cervical polyps. Similar symptoms can be observed with inflammation of the inner layer of the uterus and pathology of the uterine mucosa. In addition, with prolonged intense pain during critical days, it is not necessary to exclude the growth of the endometrium beyond the limits of meters.

painkillers for menstruation

What painkillers for menstruation should be taken

Most women are accustomed to the fact that for the period of menstruation they have to limit their activity and experience unpleasant, often painful sensations, which can be accompanied by mood swings and irritability. Others take painkillers during menstruation, thus trying to “resist” these effects of natural changes in the body.

Unfortunately, in such cases, medical treatment does not always bear fruit, because not all drugs are able to cope with the so-called female pain. Best of all, if before starting therapy, the girl will consult with a doctor who will select the drugs that are suitable for her. However, if this is not possible, you can try to choose painkillers for menstruation on your own, paying attention to the drugs of such groups:

  • antispasmodics;
  • analgesics;
  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

The latter are the most effective in this matter and have one significant plus - you can take such drugs before the onset of menstruation. Thus, the analgesic effect will only increase, and the menstrual period will pass unnoticed for the girl.

painkillers during menstruation

List of drugs

Unfortunately, there is no unanimous answer to the question of which pain medication helps with menstruation, unfortunately, because every woman’s body is unique and perceives all drugs in its own way. Nevertheless, it is worth highlighting several drugs that are prescribed most often:

  • No-shpa;
  • Ibuprofen
  • "Aspirin";
  • "Paracetamol";
  • "Papaverine";
  • Buscopan
  • Naproxen
  • Drotaverinum;
  • Piroxicam;
  • Ketoprofen.

Also, drugs with metamizole sodium in the composition are in great demand among patients complaining of pain during critical days. Among them, it is worth highlighting “Analgin”, “Baralgin”, “Spazmalgin”, “Pyretin” and “Novalgin”. These analgesics are able to relieve acute “female pain” for a short time, but they are not effective in completely eliminating these symptoms.

Folk methods

Some girls firmly believe that the best pain medication for menstruation is some kind of infusion or decoction of herbs prepared according to "grandmother's" recipes. Scientific evidence of the effectiveness of such methods does not exist, since traditional and traditional medicine have always eschewed each other. Nevertheless, it is possible and even necessary to try some of them on yourself if standard painkillers do not help with menstruation.

what pain medication for menstruation

Folk remedy number one is considered to be a decoction of wormwood and chandra in equal parts. 10 tbsp. l powdered herbs must be poured with a liter of red dry wine and let it brew for a day, hiding in a cool place. Then the mixture needs to be boiled, insisted for five hours and filtered. Drink the resulting broth with severe pain 3 times a day before and after meals.

In addition, natural teas made from chamomile, buckthorn, lemon balm, mint and calendula are very popular among women as painkillers for menstruation. All grass should be mixed in the same amount, pour boiling water and leave for 20 minutes, then cool and strain. Drink the resulting liquid in one day, dividing into several doses.

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other methods

Surprisingly, people believed that getting rid of acute pain in the pelvic area is possible not only with the help of decoctions, but even by massaging some points on the body. It is believed that pain during critical days is responsible for the point located between the bases of the ring and middle fingers. To get rid of unpleasant sensations, it is necessary to intensively and firmly massage this area until the pain passes.

Another popular method may seem rather strange to many, because it does not even involve any active actions. It was previously believed that with intense monthly pains, women need to put on the palm of their hands the usual monetary gum. It needs to be fixed in such a way that one edge of the elastic rests against the base of the thumb, and the other is between the middle and the ring.

Prevention of menstrual pain

To reduce the risk of menstrual pain, it is recommended to take propolis tincture once a month for 10 days. This calming and fortifying agent has a positive effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and reduces the pain caused by menstruation.

One of the most effective ways to prevent pain during menstruation is considered proper nutrition. To reduce the chance of manifestation of unpleasant symptoms, you need to go on a special diet a week before the start of critical days, which implies the rejection of fatty foods, fried and salty foods, legumes and grapes.

best pain medication for menstruation

It is best during this period to give preference to products that help reduce pain. These include vegetables, fish, cottage cheese and kefir. As for physical exertion, it is not worth completely abandoning an active lifestyle, but some restrictions still will not hurt. For example, for girls who work out in a gym with heavy weights, for the period of critical days, it is best to abandon such training, focusing on simple exercises, fitness or regular exercise.

Following all these recommendations, it is important not to forget that prolonged use of pain medications is permissible only with the permission of the attending physician. Also, do not neglect the advice of a specialist if menstrual pain intensifies regularly. Timely consultation will help diagnose a possible deviation and begin to eliminate it, avoiding complications and possible problems.

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