The drug "Modafinil": reviews, use, contraindications, side effects

The drug "Modafinil" is controversial, since in Europe and in the USA it is considered a medicine, and in Russia - a prohibited narcotic substance. This tool is able to stimulate human brain activity, relieve drowsiness. Russian scientists and doctors note that the drug is addictive. However, their foreign colleagues deny this fact. Today we find out in what cases the drug can be used, what are its contraindications, side effects. And also find out whether this medicine can really be addictive.

modafinil analogues

Indications for use

Means "Modafinil", reviews of which are useful to study before taking, can be used in such cases:

- Narcolepsy (a nervous system disease characterized by REM sleep disorders, as well as excessive drowsiness).

- Chronic fatigue.

- Pathological drowsiness (hypersomnia).

- Myotonic dystrophy.

- Seasonal affective disorder syndrome.

Also, this medication can be prescribed to people in order to prolong their psychophysical activity, increase psychomotor reactions and relieve depression during depression.

How to use?

The drug "Modafinil", the instructions to which must be attached, should be prescribed only by a doctor. The necessary dose for a particular patient is also determined by the doctor. Usually, a specialist prescribes 2-4 tablets per day. The drug must be taken in the morning and at lunch.

If the patient has arterial hypertension, then during treatment with the Modafinil medication, the price of which will be indicated below, he needs to control blood pressure. If the patient has impaired liver function, then the dose of the drug is reduced to 0.1-0.2 g per day.

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The drug is prohibited for the following categories of people:

- To those who are hypersensitive to the medication.

- Patients who have had cardiovascular disease.

- Patients with cirrhosis.

- Women during pregnancy, as well as during lactation.

Also, patients should be aware that Modafinil reduces the effectiveness of contraceptives, and this can lead to an unplanned pregnancy. And this drug can not be combined with alcohol. This medication can also give a positive result when controlling for doping, which is important for athletes.

Side effects

The drug "Modafinil" can cause the following undesirable manifestations in a person:

- Dry mouth.

- Headaches.

- Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea.

- Back pain.

- Irritability.

- Nasal congestion.

- Insomnia.

modafinil instruction

All of the above problems usually disappear themselves a few days after the use of the drug. If the following symptoms appear, you must abandon the medication and immediately consult a doctor:

- Edema.

- Ulcers in the oral mucosa.

- An increase in body temperature.

- Impaired liver function.

- Allergic reactions.

At the reception, the specialist may decide on hospitalization, which the patient should not refuse.

This drug does not cause addiction.


If for some reason the patient drank Modafinil in large quantities, then such problems may appear:

- Cardiopalmus.

- Nervous arousal.

- Increased blood pressure.

In case of overdose, the patient urgently needs to call an ambulance.


This tool is quite expensive. The price of the drug is influenced by factors such as the manufacturer, the number of tablets in the package, the speed of delivery of the order. It’s unrealistic to find Modafinil in a pharmacy, since in Russia these pills have been included in the list of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances since 2012. Therefore, our country has limited the turnover of the drug.

At the same time, the US government approved this drug for treating sleep disorders. The European Medicines Agency recommends limiting the use of this drug, but does not deny the complete cessation of its use. In this regard, it is possible to purchase Modafinil on the Internet. The price of the drug can vary from 1 to 10 thousand rubles. So, if you purchase 10 tablets, then you need to give 1 thousand rubles. In the case of the purchase of 100 pills will have to fork out for 10 thousand rubles. At the same time, many Internet companies can still take money for the delivery of the drug, so this nuance also needs to be taken into account.

modafinil Price

Means "Modafinil": analogues

The psychostimulant “Modafinil” can be sold under such commercial names as “Modalert”, “Modiodal”, “Modafil”, “Vigia”, “Karim”, “Alertek”. Most often, this remedy is replaced with Modafinil Provigil tablets. These pills are also prohibited in Russia, so it is very difficult to purchase them.

Means "Modafinil Provigil"

This medication is approved in the United States. In Russia, the drug is prohibited, so it is impossible to buy it at the pharmacy. The only way out is to order the medicine on the Internet. The cost of Modafinil Provigil tablets ranges from 4.5-8 thousand rubles per 100 pieces. This is cheaper than the drug to which the article is devoted.

modafinil reviews

Opinions of people about the means banned in Russia

The drug "Modafinil" reviews is minor. This is due to the fact that the drug is prohibited in Russia and Ukraine. Many people have not encountered this remedy, since doctors do not prescribe it. However, there are still few responses of those people who have been treated with this medicine. Those men and women who still used this remedy write on the forums that thanks to the pills, the thought process becomes forced, the mood rises, the person becomes focused, balanced. This medication helps keep a person alert throughout the day. Also, people note that there are minimum side effects from it, and it does not cause addiction. Also after him there are no hallucinations, euphoria.

People who lived in the USA for some time and then returned to their homeland - to Russia, note that in America the drug Modafinil, its analogues are sold in any pharmacy. This medicine is taken both by students during the sessions, and by people who want to increase their performance. Even police officers use it during long shifts to improve concentration. And in Canada, this drug is even in the astronaut's medicine cabinet in order to optimize performance during fatigue. Older people also can not do without this tool.

modafinil in a pharmacy

Doctors opinions

In Russia, the drug "Modafinil" reviews of experts is mixed. Since this remedy is prohibited in our country, many doctors, of course, criticize it and note that it is not worth taking it. After all, as experts explain, this medicine can be compared with taking painkillers. That is, if the patient has a headache for a week and he will not drink any pills, then he will definitely find the cause of the disease. The same applies to Modafinil: if a person feels a lack of energy, vigor, then you should not increase their level due to any drugs. You need to sleep, have a good rest, plan your time, and then no medicine will need to be taken. Doctors say that you should not once again poison your body with any chemical preparations.

At the same time, there are doctors in Russia who, although they do not advise their patients to take Modafinil in plain text, do not deny this possibility. So, those experts who have visited Europe, America, note that this drug is simply necessary for people whose work is associated with stress.

Be that as it may, while in Russia this medication is prohibited, therefore, we will not recommend it. Nevertheless, people should know that in other countries it is sold in many pharmacies and is considered an effective remedy for drowsiness, narcolepsy.


From the article you learned interesting information regarding the drug Modafinil. Reviews about it, indications for use, contraindications, side effects, cost, are now known to you. We found out that in Russia this medicine is banned, it is considered a kind of narcotic substance. At the same time, in the USA and European countries it is legally and without problems sold in a pharmacy. In this connection, it is possible to purchase this medicine only through the Internet, and its price will be quite high.

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