Drama "Do not kiss me, Mr. Devil": actors and roles, plot

“Don't Kiss Me, Mr. Devil” is a comedy drama filmed in 2017 in China. The film consists of two seasons. Each of the seasons is represented by series lasting 20 minutes. Each season contains 23 episodes. The main actors in the television series “Don't Kiss Me, Mr. Devil” are actors Tse Lu Tong and Li Hong I. This film tells the story of the life of a girl whose parents died. One rich family takes her to her and arranges for study at an elite school. Here the heroine is faced with the problems and difficulties of studying surrounded by rich and spoiled teenagers.

The plot of the drama

Chu Xi is an ordinary girl who lives in a poor family and goes to school. However, in one day, the whole life of the heroine is turned upside down: due to an accident, Chu Xi's parents die, and she remains completely alone. But soon, one very wealthy family decides to take the girl under guardianship. Chu Xi is very difficult to get used to her new family, and she is still experiencing the loss of loved ones. In addition, the main character is arranged to study in one very elite institution. Chu Xi studied at the most ordinary school and, finding herself in an elite educational institution, did not know at all what to expect.

Unlike ordinary schoolchildren, rich teenagers are very spoiled and cruel, they do not reckon with anyone's opinion, and do not even listen to teachers. However, this was not Chu Xi's only problem. Suddenly, one of the elite school guys, whom everyone calls the Devil, draws her attention.

main characters

He really behaves like a real devil. He is domineering, daring and does not obey anyone, but also insanely beautiful. All the girls are afraid of him, but dream of being with him. But the Devil does not pay attention to any of them, but Chu Xi attracted him. Between them, there are some feelings. The girl always tells the Devil not to kiss her, but she understands in her soul how she is drawn to him. Despite how different they are, young people gradually fall in love with each other and try to sort out their feelings.

Actors and roles

The main actors of “Don't Kiss Me, Mr. Devil” are Tse Lu Tong and Li Hong I. Chinese actress Tse Lu Tong performed the role of Chu Xi, who was left without parents in the series. Li Hong Yi is also from China. He played in the drama the role of the rebellious Devil. An interesting fact is that in life, actress Tse Lu Tong is older than Li Hong Yi for three whole years. However, in the series this is not at all noticeable.

Tse Lu Tong

actress Tse Lu Tong

Actress Lu Tong is 22 years old, she was born and raised in China. After school, she studied at the Beijing Institute of Contemporary Music. For the actress, the series “Don't Kiss Me, Mr. Devil” became a debut in the world of cinema. The series received positive ratings, and the actress was able to interest directors and producers. Thanks to the great success of the first season, the continuation of the series was filmed, where the actress also played the role of the main character.

In the movie "Don't Kiss Me, Mr. Devil", the actors Tse Lu Tong and Li Hong Yi played the role of a couple in love. The actress did an excellent job. Her heroine, Chu Xi, has lost her parents, she is hard going through moving and meeting a new family. In addition, she has problems at school, as her classmates are spoiled and cruel teenagers. The actress was very accurately able to reproduce all the feelings and feelings of the main character.

Lee Hong Yi

actor Lee Hong Yi

Lee Hong And a very young actor - he is 20 years old, but despite this, he has already managed to star in several dramas. For the actor, the drama “Don't Kiss Me, Mr. Devil” became the second in the list of his works. His debut took place in 2015 in the series The Untouchables. After working on the series “Don't Kiss Me, Mr. Devil,” the actor has already starred in several films. Contrary to his young age, Lee Hong Yi is already very popular among viewers, especially among female representatives. In the film “Do not Kiss Me, Mr. Devil”, the actor plays the role of the rebellious, impudent and imperious Devil, but inside the hero has a kind and loving heart.

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