Residents often turn to doctors to find out why there can be a high fever without symptoms. When a doctor speaks of overwork as a possible reason, it seems to many that this is nothing more than escalating the situation. Indeed, can simple fatigue cause heat? Let's try to understand in more detail.
general information
Many people are used to thinking that overwork is not worth attention. But professionals disagree with this: in clinical practice, there are quite often cases when the temperature rises from fatigue in an adult or a child, a person experiences weakness, and complete exhaustion is felt. Constant fatigue can lead to more serious consequences, as well as cause reduced immunity.
To minimize risks for yourself, you need to imagine what fatigue is, how dangerous it is and how it manifests itself, how you can restore strength and minimize damage. The importance of this condition, the importance of paying attention to it already follows from the fact that overwork is included in the classifier of diseases accepted at the international level. According to the ICD, fatigue is encoded with the Z00-Z99 ciphers, and the diagnosis Z73.0 deserves special attention. If the patient indicates it in the patient's card, therefore, an overworked condition is diagnosed.
Where did the trouble come from?
Considering the signs, symptoms of overwork, the causes of this condition, it is from the premises that you should start. Doctors say that most often the reason is stress - experiences provoke an active waste of energy, harm health in general. Lack of proper rest at the same time as stress is a guarantee of overwork and quick loss of strength.
Possible high temperature due to fatigue if a person leads a nocturnal lifestyle. Our body is set up in such a way that the most rational schedule is work during the day and rest in the dark. If a person neglects the cycles given by nature, a lack of energy develops, and fatigue becomes chronic.
Turning to the doctor with questions about whether the temperature can rise from fatigue, people leading a nocturnal lifestyle often admit that they consume a lot of caffeine, alcohol, and also smoke, and often resort to other means and methods to stimulate the activity of the body. This gives a temporary effect, but in the future only worsens the situation with fatigue, and can also provoke a variety of negative health effects.
Everything must be a measure
Quite often they are worried about whether the temperature can rise from overwork, workaholics. No wonder - this is the type of people who most often fall victim to excessive fatigue. Busy constantly, taking on complex and important matters, such people can hardly breathe for a minute. Stressful situations, the need to take responsibility and make important decisions, lack of time for rest - all this negatively affects the human condition.
In recent years, the practice of processing and extracurricular activities has become widespread in our country. Can the temperature rise from overwork in this mode? Easy! If a person does not take leave when it is necessary, he goes to work on a day off, arrives at the workplace ahead of time and leaves later, sooner or later, the body “makes a riot”. Often faced with this is people working in several jobs at once.
How does this happen?
Explaining whether the temperature can rise from overwork, the doctor will definitely tell the patient that this is possible, since too much and chronic fatigue provoked by nervous, physical exertion leads to a malfunction of the central nervous system. In this case, the relationship between the processes of excitation and inhibition in the cortical layer of the brain is violated. Based on the pathogenesis, we can conclude that overwork is close to neurosis.
The influence of a strong stress factor triggers adjustment mechanisms for the situation. The pituitary gland is stimulated, the adrenal cortex is activated, the endocrine system helps a person to adapt. If these processes are started very often, depletion is soon observed, and the adaptation reaction is disturbed. This explains why the answer to the question of whether the temperature can rise from overwork can be positive. Excessive nervous fatigue controls the stress response, and the neurodynamics of the cerebral cortex are disturbed.
There are many consequences
Knowing whether the temperature rises in children from overwork (yes, rises), it is important to remember that this reaction of the body is not the only one. Under the influence of the factors described above, metabolic processes are activated, carbohydrate metabolism is disrupted, the glucose content in the circulatory system decreases, as well as the ability of cells to absorb sugar. Oxidation reactions are knocked down, which leads to a decrease in the concentration of ascorbic acid in organic tissues.
How to notice?
So, from the above, a positive answer follows to the question about whether in adults and children the temperature rises from overwork. The consequences of chronic and severe fatigue are not limited to this. The condition affects both physical form and mental status. Against the background of overwork, a person can not fully learn, work, learn and learn new things.
Overfatigue can be suspected by general discomfort, a sick head, difficulties with concentration. Possible pain in the heart, limbs, shortness of breath and depression, lethargy and anxiety. Some have an appetite, others become irritable. Overfatigue can cause mood swings, indifference to the world, weakening of facial expressions, inhibition of speech and movements, and sleep disturbances.
Manifestations and their features
As a rule, overwork is accompanied by a number of symptoms that can be controlled, adjusted, measured and confirmed with the help of analyzes, studies. In particular, often too much fatigue leads to a violation of the frequency and speed of the heartbeat, a decrease or increase in pressure, an increase in the content of hemoglobin, lactic acid in the circulatory system. With chronic fatigue, the concentration of sodium in the body becomes larger, but the content of potassium and calcium salts decreases.
Overwork can be suspected if, during an instrumental examination, the cardiogram shows non-standard areas, listening allows you to detect cardiac murmurs, and when studying blood, a decrease in platelet concentration is detected. Leukocytosis, erythrocytosis are possible. In some, breathing is much more often than normal, in others there is an intellectual, physical stupor.
How to maintain health: the danger is getting closer!
The manifestations listed above indicate malfunctions in the work of various body systems, the need to revise the rhythm of life. If these signals are neglected, there is a high probability of a peak stage, which can result in a nervous breakdown. It is possible to suspect that this is not far before, if sleep disappears, the eyes turn red, the reaction slows down, and the complexion of the skin changes to an unhealthy earthy one. A disturbance in the functioning of the gastric system and nervousness speak of an imminent nervous breakdown. Often a person feels that he is close to fainting, dizzy.
If this is ignored, a nervous breakdown occurs. A man closes, stops active activity. The state becomes oppressed, and the subject himself becomes indifferent.
Mental overwork
This form of the disorder is quite common. The most vivid manifestation noticeable to the person himself is a malfunction of memory. The ability to concentrate is reduced, shortcomings are constantly identified in the work. It is difficult for a person to fall asleep and wake up, his mood is depressed and bad, his interest in food disappears. Often this is observed during exams, dissertation preparation, with increased workload.
The best way to protect yourself from such a situation is to alternate the loads of intellectual and physical. During work, you need to regularly take ten-minute breaks, spending them on a small charge. If increased workload at work leads to the idea that the help of external stimulants is needed, attention should be paid only to natural remedies - they are relatively safe. Ginseng, lemongrass tinctures, extracts of aralia, eleutherococcus will come to the rescue.
Everything is interconnected
Mental fatigue leads to depletion of the nervous system, which affects the physical condition of a person. Signs of physical overwork and nervous are extremely close to each other. Overloading the nervous system causes muscle fatigue, and a prolonged state of stress results in the person feeling “overwhelmed”.
Nervous fatigue manifests itself in an overly excited state, a tendency to get irritated over small things, and a decrease in the level of sensitivity. The activity of deterioration depends on the personality characteristics of the person. Choleric is characterized by rapid tiredness, while phlegmatic manifestations develop more slowly. The worse the emotional background, the harder it is to bear the strain. Negative emotions of others around a person strongly influence.
No strength, no emotion!
One form of overwork is emotional. Among psychologists, it is called burnout. So denote the state of emotional exhaustion and loss of sensation, sensitivity. A person loses the desire to do something, joy and grief are alien to him. This is due to a lack of mental strength on the emotional component of the personality.
This fatigue can be noticed by frequent irritation, mood changes, desire to retire, sleep disturbance, weakness. Possible manifestations are a haunting feeling of disappointment, the meaninglessness of everyday affairs and tasks. To a greater extent, there is a great risk of encountering such overwork if a person is forced to constantly contact strangers due to work. At first it becomes a burden, after which comes fatigue, detachment and isolation.
What to do?
When observing the above symptoms of overwork, it is necessary to apply methods of treatment, drugs that have proven themselves in clinical practice. The therapeutic course is better to choose at a doctor’s appointment, able to assess the stage of fatigue, the causes of its occurrence. This will help you choose the best correction program.
At the first stage of overwork, it is important to establish the regime of the day and clearly follow it, for the next month to significantly reduce the amount of intellectual, physical activity. At the second stage, you need a complete rest from any difficulties and situations, and a return to the usual rhythm of life in a couple of months. The third stage is subject to treatment in a hospital. The first 20 days the patient is shown to lie in the ward, after which they practice walking and distracting, relaxing procedures.
During treatment, patients are prescribed vitamin complexes, sedatives and nootropics. In the third stage, the use of hormonal agents is possible.