Analysis: Bunin, Homeland. Sad and beautiful

It is not easy to talk about the works of I. A. Bunin, because in comparison with him you feel completely tongue-tied. At the age of 21, a novice poet, who did not have personally sensitive deep topics, writes an amazing poem. His analysis - Bunin, "Homeland" - the topic of this article.

Bunin homeland analysis
Five years later, the poet will create a striking and recognizably accurate landscape, which will be called "Homeland" (1896). We will also pay attention to the analysis of this work.

Taunts of stupid children

In the “Homeland”, in only 12 lines, the poet reveals to us neither his potential, nor his pronounced personality, nor his amazing chased verse. He has not gained experience, although he has already been published since 17 years. In the spirit of the times, he is trying to portray social evil. His homeland is simple, wretched and black. They mock her. Who! Her own children. If you think about it and conduct an analysis (Bunin, "Homeland"), then this motive is not new. There is no freshness in it; one can feel the secondary nature and rehash of motives of democratically minded poets, writers and artists.

Beggar peasant woman

Such a country appears in all lines. So you see it, as in the paintings of the Wanderers or in the unforgettable poem of A. Blok “Sinlessly shameful ...”, written much later.

analysis of the poem
She is timid, clogged, in a heavy salop tied up with a rope, in a warm checkered scarf, shy of herself - that is Russia, if we analyze. Bunin of his motherland shows her calm and impudent, well-fed son, whose cheeks are shiny and his stomach is bulging. He is ashamed of her in front of his all satisfied city friends, who grabbed the heights of culture, but there is no depth in them. The analysis is sad. Bunin doesn’t attach any features adorning the exterior. He uses here the technique of allegory and open mockery of her so-called children, unworthy of her spiritual beauty and power.

Final - what motherland receives

A smile of compassion - after all, she wandered (did not go, since she was a beggar) hundreds of miles to see her own blood, saved up to give him the last penny.

Bunin homeland poem analysis
And the date itself, apparently, will pass quickly and briefly: the son does not need such a son. This is what semantic analysis says. Bunin sympathizes with his mother-mother, but what can he do if there is a dull wildness and a thirst for profit all around. This, of course, is not an epigram, but a satirical portrait is present here.

The main idea of ​​the author

The children of this homeland need it in splendor and grandeur, in a shabby form - it is not needed. We continue the analysis of the verse "Homeland." Bunin, using the personification, showing a simple Russian woman in the image of the Motherland, is trying to discover her inaccessible spiritual superiority over rich and rushing for more money children. Who are these kids? Former peasants, turned into small and greedy shopkeepers who have nothing holy. The poem is written by a classic iamba. The rural and provincial wilderness with the city here is confronted by Bunin ("Homeland"). The analysis of the poem speaks only of the complete hopelessness and hopelessness of the situation. About the dead end.

Five years later

Now we see another Bunin who lyrically revealed the beauty of his country. This poem is "Homeland." It is even shorter, but much more significant.

analysis of the poem by ivan bunin

Analysis of the poem of Ivan Bunin "Homeland"

"Homeland" is a miniature sketch of a winter evening. In the poem of eight lines written by iambic, only two verbs. The winter day gloomily fades for a long time. The landscape is joyless. The sky is deadly lead. No matter where you look, there are boundless pine forests all around, far from villages. The second part visibly complements the first. It seems that the landscape is painted on canvas. He is so expressive as calm and desolate nature. The gloomy snowy distance and the snowy desert closes and sadly softens not even white, but milky-blue fog. I. Bunin is extremely accurate in definitions, and therefore the picture of an immense country looms (pine forests cannot see the end, villages - no one knows where). On a winter evening, the landscape is filled with obscure halftones. Homeland appears before the reader in all its sad and meek beauty. We are accustomed to it so often dull and discreet, but taking a soul for the living, sometimes fabulously beautiful in all its manifestations, even in such sad, hopeless and sad. The poet showed his beloved country homeland, gloomy, twilight, dull, framed by pine forests, the end and edge of which is not visible.

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