Blueberry Wine: Recipe, Tips and Secrets

Home winemakers in the season procure their favorite drink from almost all berries and fruits. Each version has a right to exist: a variety of tastes and shades amazes and pleases. But the most favored connoisseurs of blueberry wine. Elegant ruby ​​color, delicate, but rich taste, the benefits transmitted to the drink from berries stimulate homemade alcohol lovers to pick blueberries and use it for the good work of creating wine. The process is long and rather laborious. But if you have patience and perseverance, on holiday you can treat yourself and your loved ones with a wonderful drink in every way.

blueberry wine

Tasty and healthy

Blueberries are a very healthy berry. It contains the richest set of all vitamins and acids necessary for man, elements (both macro and micro) and a serious dose of pectin, which removes radioactive metals and their compounds. Blueberry juice reduces and normalizes glucose in the blood, eliminates harmful cholesterol from the body and stimulates both metabolic and digestive processes. The berry enhances immunity, increases hemoglobin, helps to overcome inflammatory processes and prevents atherosclerosis. It is also very useful for cores: nothing so quickly and reliably strengthens the heart muscle and all blood vessels. And not so long ago, doctors found that these berries also significantly reduce the risk of tumor diseases.

Blueberry wine also has all these qualities. Moreover, if it is properly prepared, it can be stored without losing its original properties for up to four years. What winemakers use, savoring a wonderful drink and at the same time strengthening their health. A glass of wine a day - and autumn colds with flu are not afraid of you.

blueberry wine at home

Attention: raw material preparation

In order for homemade blueberry wine to succeed and please, the selection of berries must be treated very meticulously. The key to success is to sort all damaged, and even more so sluggish instances. Unripe berries should also not be in the raw materials: from them blueberry wine acquires an unpleasant bitterness. In addition, they have few fermenting substances. The berries are rather moldy than turned into the coveted wine.

In addition, even the smallest scraps of leaves or twigs should not get into the drink: they contain toxins that provoke nausea (and even vomiting), severe dizziness. And at high concentrations, toxic compounds can cause fainting. Moreover, when insisted, their concentration increases, so the sorting is necessary as thorough as possible.

Blueberry honey wine at home

Typically, winemakers use 10-liter glass containers. This volume requires four kilos of ripe sorted blueberries. Berries are washed, filtered off from the water and knead. Both juice and bagasse are placed in a clean container. Two liters of water flow here; it is advisable to use a spring, in her absence a good bottled one is suitable. The future blueberry wine is left in the darkness and warmth of the day for four. To prevent midges and debris from falling into the balloon, its neck is tied with several layers of gauze.

When the aging time is over, the infusion is well filtered, the pulp is carefully squeezed and discarded. Juice is poured into a clean container; one and a half kilograms of sugar and a third of honey, dissolved in one and a half liters of pure water, are poured into it. The most delicious blueberry wine at home is obtained using linden honey, but any other, just natural. After these procedures, a water shutter is installed on the cylinder , and the structure returns to its place until fermentation is complete.

blueberry wine recipe

Second phase

When the blueberry wine has finished playing, it will need to be clarified. To this end, it is discharged through a siphon from the sediment. Then the shutter is set again, and the bottle is left to ripen for another two months. Now her place is cool. When the drink becomes completely transparent, it is carefully bottled, corked (you can even grind it) and stored in cool and dark be sure to lie down.

homemade blueberry wine

"Glove" way

There is another recipe for blueberry wine, which even a novice winemaker can realize. It will look like this in stages.

  1. Five kilos of unwashed berries are kneaded to slurry and placed in a bottle.
  2. Half a glass of raisins are added to the blueberries (no need to wash and steam), a 20-gram bag of citric acid, a pound of white sugar and five liters of water.
  3. After 4 days, when the fermentation is clearly visible, the base is drained and squeezed into a new container. Another half a kilo of sugar is added.
  4. A medical glove pierced by a needle is put on the neck.
  5. After another four days, a glass of liquid is cast, another half a kilogram of sugar dissolves in it, and the solution returns to the bottle. Three days later, the manipulations are repeated.

Blueberry wine will roam for two months. Then it is taken out for 8–9 months to stand up for cooling. Every three weeks it is necessary to remove the precipitate. The aged wine is bottled and consumed as desired.

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