Wasabi is a plant that is also called "Japanese eutrem", but its popular name is "Japanese horseradish." As with ordinary horseradish, the rhizomes of this plant are used in the preparation of various dishes. For more than six hundred years it has been eaten, simply chopped on a grater. This root has a very pungent odor that affects the sinuses. Real wasabi is also called honwasabi. If we consider the root of this vegetable, we can see that the taste is not distributed equally: the upper part has a more acute taste than the lower. Cooks rub as much root on a grater as required, and the rest is wrapped in cling film and sent for storage in the refrigerator. The root wrapped in a film can retain its properties for about a month.
Only three to four year old roots are used for food. Real wasabi can only be found in Japan, it is very expensively appreciated, since the conditions for its cultivation are quite complicated. Therefore, everywhere use imitation of wasabi. The recipe is simple: spices and food colors are added to horseradish pulp. In this way, an analogue of this seasoning is made in many restaurants, since the cost of a real wasabi is very high and only a few elite establishments can afford to use the root of this plant.
And if there is no ordinary table horseradish, then what is wasabi made of? What products are suitable for imitating such an exquisite vegetable?
In cooking, they use seasoning made not from wasabi, but from daikon. This vegetable is easy to grow, and in severity of taste resembles the taste of a real wasabi. The recipe for seasoning is simple: the vegetable is ground, dried and turned into powder, paste or tablets, which will subsequently serve as the basis for the preparation of the product. To get wasabi consistency of pulp, you just need to add a little water to the powder and mix well to get a homogeneous mass. But, since this vegetable has a white color, and not green, like a real wasabi, dye is used to give the original color.
Let's look at how to cook wasabi at home.
Wasabi powder and boiled water should be proportional to each other. Gently combine the components, mix thoroughly, and the seasoning is ready.
Fans of something unusual can treat themselves to wasabi ice cream. The ice cream recipe is as follows: combine five yolks, 100 g of granulated sugar and wasabi powder - 10 g. Gently mix and cook in a water bath for five to seven minutes. Then let the product cool. Then add 200 g of whipped cream and mix all the ingredients thoroughly. After choosing the right shape for the future ice cream, pour the resulting mass into it and let it cool for three to four hours. At this time, you can cook a biscuit. It does not include wasabi. Recipe: 125 g butter whisk with 70 g granulated sugar until white and uniform. Gradually add five yolks. Melt a chocolate bar in a water bath and sprinkle into a mass. Separately mix flour (120 g), starch (15 g), baking powder for dough (5 g). Then mix all the ingredients. For piquancy, you can add ginger juice.
Beat the egg whites with sugar until a small froth forms. Pour into biscuit dough and mix, place tightly in a pastry envelope. Take the mold for the future cake and fill it in one-third, then send it to the oven for ten to twelve minutes. Bake at 200 degrees. Put the finished biscuit on a plate. Put the ice cream directly on the biscuit. Garnish a plate with pineapple slices, a mint leaf and strawberries.
Itadakimas! That is, bon appetit.