"Wartox" - a cream-paste for removing warts. "Wartox": instructions for use, reviews

To remove warts, pharmaceutical companies today offer a wide range of drugs. The essence of their action is to freeze or soften a benign neoplasm. Almost all modern tools are characterized by safety in use. Moreover, even small patients can be treated with them. Among these drugs, Vartox (cream paste) is especially popular. Instructions for use, customer reviews and other important information will be presented to your attention in this article.

Description: composition and form of implementation

The main active ingredient of the drug is 40% urea. This substance acts on the wart in such a way that it gradually softens. After it can be easily removed with a pumice stone or a special scraper. Also, the composition of the cream paste includes glycyrrhizic acid in a concentration of 0.1%. It helps to accelerate the process of softening neoplasms on the skin and prevents the development of unwanted effects.

wartox cream wart removal paste

Wartox is a wart removal cream paste manufactured in Russia by Pharmtek pharmaceutical company. The product is sold in tubes of 20 ml. According to the attached instructions, it is recommended to store it out of the reach of children.

Operating principle

The drug copes with tumors on the lower extremities, which are also called plantar. To understand the mechanism of its action, it is necessary to remember how a wart is formed.

A neoplasm of a benign nature can appear on absolutely any part of the body. In fact, it is a tumor of unknown etiology. The papilloma virus provokes its development. Infection is possible only by direct contact with an open wound. If there are no cracks or scratches on the body, the virus has virtually no chance of penetrating the body.

Indications for use

For the treatment of warts of any etiology, Vartox (cream paste) is excellent. The instruction warns that it is necessary to use the tool in order to remove plantar neoplasms. According to reviews, the cream no less effectively copes with problems on the face, trunk and even hands.

Before starting a course of treatment, it is important to consult a doctor. The skin of each person is individual, so you can not predict in advance how it will respond to the drug. Among the main indications for its use can be identified:

  • benign neoplasms on the soles;
  • dry warts;
  • corns.
    wartox cream paste reviews

The instructions indicate that the cream paste can only be used with benign processes. The use of the drug in case of cancer lesions can provoke an unfavorable outcome. Therefore, before starting treatment, many patients are advised to undergo an examination. Its main purpose is to determine the structure of the neoplasm. A study to rule out the presence of atypical cells usually consists of:

  • biochemical blood test;
  • testing for cancer markers;
  • physical examination of a wart by a specialist.

To exclude systemic diseases, an urine test may additionally be required.

How to use "Vartoks"?

A cream-paste for removing warts is applied in a small amount to damaged skin. In order not to lubricate it, a cotton wool or patch should be fixed on this site. The bandage can be removed the next day. The softened wart is easily removed with a pumice stone or a special scraper. After this, it is necessary to rinse the skin under water, but without the use of antiseptic agents or soap. The procedure must be repeated several times until the tumor disappears completely.

wartox cream paste to eliminate warts

Contraindications and side effects

In what cases is it necessary to abandon the use of Vartox? Cream-paste for removing warts is not recommended for use in the presence of the following disorders and pathologies:

  • malignant tumors on the skin;
  • age up to 7 years;
  • phlebeurysm;
  • trophic ulcers, diabetic foot;
  • local damage to the wart.

The development of adverse reactions is possible only in the presence of hypersensitivity to the components of the ointment. These include the appearance of itching and burning in the area of ​​the wart, swelling, soreness. If such symptoms occur, treatment should be discontinued and immediately consult a dermatologist for help. The doctor will be able to choose a similar remedy to solve the problem.

wartox cream paste instruction

Where to buy medicine?

"Vartoks" - cream-paste for the removal of warts, which is sold in the public domain in all pharmacy chains. Also, the tool can be purchased in the online store. With remote purchase, special attention should be paid to the originality of the drug. A fake can be identified by several details.

The medication is made only in Russia. If another country is indicated by the country of manufacture, then you are likely to have a fake. On the package, the active substances must be indicated - urea and glycyrrhizic acid.

How much does Wartox cost? Cream-paste for the elimination of warts is considered a relatively inexpensive tool. Its price can vary between 150-300 rubles. This price is for a 20 ml tube. The product goes on sale only in such packaging.

wartox cream paste instructions for use reviews

Consumer Opinions

What do real patients say about Wartox? Cream-paste reviews are mixed, but most of them are positive. Consumers acknowledge that the drug really helps with the treatment of warts. Some advise using it even when dealing with growths in the area of ​​the face. Less than half of the patients did not like the medication. Most often, negative reviews are due to improper use of the drug. Therefore, annotations, which are together with the cream in the package, should be given due attention.

Doctors also recommend this drug for use. Its low price and availability in all pharmacy chains allow you to cure warts quickly, without later recalling this problem.

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