Bartholinitis disease: treatment at home

Bartholinitis is called inflammation of the bartholin gland. It is located in the subcutaneous fat on the eve of the vagina. If bartholinitis occurs , treatment at home can be dangerous, so a visit to the doctor is mandatory.

bartholinitis treatment at home

General information

The disease is caused by a diverse flora, including those microorganisms that are always on the skin of healthy people. Overcooling, colds, stressful situations, non-observance of personal hygiene, sexually transmitted diseases becomes a provoking factor. In addition, bartholinitis can occur as a complication after abortion or surgery.

If we talk about the clinic, then canaliculitis first develops. In this case, only the ducts become inflamed, but if treatment is not carried out, the pathological process completely covers the entire gland. A swelling of the external genitalia occurs, the temperature rises, redness and burning appear in the affected area, and inguinal lymph nodes increase . With an abscess breakthrough, the patient's condition improves.

Bartholinitis: treatment at home

With inflammation of the bartholin gland , self-medication is not worth it, since this pathology is difficult to treat. When bartholinitis develops, treatment at home can lead to chronic inflammation and the formation of cysts, which complicates further therapy. At home, treatment can be carried out only in the initial stages, when there is no purulent process.

bartholinitis treatment folk remedies
What can be used? As a rule, lotions are made with hypertonic saline, which relieves swelling and reduces the risk of suppuration. Often sick women use ointments with ichthyol or birch tar on their own, but this is quite dangerous. Such drugs have a strong irritating effect, which leads to increased circulation and even more intense inflammation. Such funds should be used, given the stage of the pathological process. Otherwise, it is almost impossible to do without a cut.


leech bartholinitis treatment
When bartolinitis is diagnosed, treatment at home may include lotions with nettle infusion, yarrow leaves, black elderberry flowers. Warm baths with a decoction of chamomile, oak bark or eucalyptus are useful. When bartolinitis occurs, treatment with folk remedies is effective in combination with pharmacological treatment (taking antibiotics).

It is useful to include a mixture of aloe leaves, red wine and honey, which should first be held in a water bath and then filtered. It is also recommended to use a decoction of nettle, knotweed, horsetail and Pikulnik.

Among the methods should be called hirudotherapy, but it must be remembered that the treatment of bartholinitis with leeches is contraindicated in dermatological diseases, a tendency to allergies and anemia. In addition, traditional medicine methods will not be enough for optimal treatment and quick elimination of bartholinitis symptoms .

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