Pokemon Fennekin: all the necessary information

Pokemon Fennekin belongs to the fiery form and first appears in the sixth generation of pocket monsters. Fans of games and the series should know everything about its capabilities and the evolutionary line of the pet.


At first glance, Pokemon Fennekin resembles a small dog, which turned no more than a year old. He looks elegantly and evenly holds his posture. Big ears with red fur inside make it a little bigger than it really is. His muzzle is pointed, with a small nose. The color of the coat is yellow, with impurities of red, on its sides more than on other parts of the body.

fennequin pokemon
Pokemon Fennekin belongs to the sixth generation and is the starting creature of the Kalos region, along with Chespin and Froki. His element is Fire, and therefore he is a valuable asset for any trainer. Pocket monsters of this category are quite rare and have more positive sides than negative ones.

Evolutionary series and abilities

Although Pokemon Fennekin is a starting creature, it is rather difficult to catch him because of his ardent temperament. He can attack the enemy with a flame from his ears. The temperature of this fire reaches two hundred degrees Celsius. Among his arsenal of attacks, there are also bites, paws, and firing flames at a specified enemy (Blaze). In peacetime, this pet uses its ears as a warm for its favorite food. He often carries it with him and in any free minute he climbs up trees to enjoy his reserves there.

pokemon fennekin evolution
The evolution of the Fennekin PokΓ©mon for the first time takes place at the 16th level, like many other starting creatures. Then he turns into Breixen, who walks on two legs already and resembles Riola in body shape. The fighter takes the third form after reaching the 36th level. Then from Breixen he turns into Delfox - a huge two-pokemon with incredibly powerful fire-type attacks.

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