How to deliciously bake salmon in the oven: recipes with photos

Salmon is deservedly considered one of the most valuable food. This royal red fish has an unforgettable taste, is absolutely easy to prepare and is quite worthy of a central place on the festive table. Among other things, salmon is rich in a huge amount of useful trace elements and amino acids, which have the best effect on the health of any person.


Baked salmon with vegetables

This fish is one of the rare products that combine not only positive qualities, but also a fabulous taste. Baked salmon is a truly win-win option in any situation, whether it is a simple dinner or a banquet for a special occasion.

Perhaps the best contender for the role of a delicious and healthy dish simply can not be found. Moreover, the preparation of this fish will take literally 15 minutes, and its quality is guaranteed to remain at its best, regardless of whether you cook good or bad.

A few words about the treat

It doesn’t matter which way of baking salmon you choose whether it is a dish with vegetables, lemon or just spices, such a treat is almost impossible to spoil. In general, to make such a delicacy with your own hands is within the power of absolutely every chef, not even experienced.

Methods for making salmon in foil

By the way, if you want to preserve all the useful properties of the fish, then the best option for you would be to bake salmon in the oven. In other words, the advantages of such a dish are just a huge amount.

Cooking features

You can bake salmon in the oven in several different ways: whole, portioned steaks or as a fillet. But be that as it may, the recommendations of experienced chefs are sure to come in handy.

  • It is very important to choose a truly fresh fish. If you are watching steaks, then click on the bone - the meat should not lag behind it. If we are talking about a whole carcass, then it should be smooth and elastic, without any defects, mucus and, of course, an unpleasant odor. The salmon meat is quite dense and perfectly springy when pressed.
  • Fresh fish during baking will turn out more juicy and tender, but if you wish, you can cook a full-fledged dish from a frozen carcass. But in this case, it should be thawed naturally, on the shelf of the refrigerator or at room temperature. Only in this way will you be able to maintain the juiciness of the fish.
  • The treat will be tastier and more tender if the salmon is marinated before processing. A lot of spices will not be needed for this: a pinch of black pepper, salt and freshly squeezed lemon juice are quite enough. And if you take seasonings with peas and grind them immediately before use, the aroma of the treat will be especially attractive and unique. To easily squeeze the juice out of the lemon, gently crush it with your hands and roll on the table. Among other things, in order to bake salmon in the oven, you can additionally use all kinds of spices that will give the dish aroma. But do not overdo it - a too saturated smell of spices can interrupt the taste of the fish itself.
  • Salmon has a minimal fat content, so the addition of sour cream, butter or cream during its preparation certainly will not harm the dish. And the more satisfying the filling, the more tender the fish will turn out.

Now you know how tasty it is to bake salmon in the oven, while spending a minimum of time and getting a truly aromatic, wholesome dish. It remains only to choose the appropriate recipe and start cooking.

Baked salmon recipe with vegetables

Do not hesitate, this gentle and incredibly juicy fish will become the central decoration of any table: everyday, formal or romantic.

How to bake salmon steaks in the oven in foil?

This is a perfect cooking option for fresh fish. Once you have cut the carcass into steaks, you can determine the portion size and quantity you need so that every guest gets a delicious meal. In addition, along with pieces of fish, you can simultaneously prepare a side dish for it, for example, in the form of a variety of vegetables.

In order to pamper your family with fragrant salmon steaks baked in the oven, prepare in advance:

  • 2 large onions;
  • 2 medium-sized carrots;
  • as many tomatoes;
  • half a lemon;
  • herbs, salt and other spices to your taste;
  • some large potatoes;
  • the required number of steaks or carcasses of fish;
  • 50 g of butter.
    Oven Salmon Roasting Ingredients

If you have already bought sliced ​​pieces in frozen form, then you only need to defrost them correctly. But it’s much more economical to cut the steaks with your own hands, armed with a whole carcass. In addition, this way you will independently determine the sizes of the pieces. Do not forget to clean the fish with a knife to eliminate the scales.


First, rinse the prepared steaks well, dry and pour them with lemon juice squeezed from half of the citrus. Then wipe each slice with salt and ground pepper, then leave them in this form for 15 minutes aside so that the fish is marinated. This time will be enough to saturate such tender meat well.

In the meantime, prepare all the vegetables: wash them thoroughly and peel them. Then chop the potatoes, carrots and onions into small rings. Finely chop the greens too.

How to cut salmon for baking?

Prepare a large sheet of foil and oil it. First put the potatoes on it, forming a uniform layer. Place the pickled steaks on it, which already by this moment will exude an incredible aroma. Then send on top the rings of carrots, tomatoes and onions. And finally, sprinkle this composition with chopped herbs and place slices of butter on top.

How much to bake salmon steaks in the oven? In fact, this fish with delicate meat is cooked very quickly, even whole. And about chopped pieces and not worth talking at all. Usually, 20 minutes in the oven for steaks is enough to reach readiness. Just do not forget to wrap the fish well in foil, qualitatively pinching its edges. As for the temperature, the optimal indicator would be 180-200 degrees.

How to cook salmon steaks in the oven?

It is best to complement the fragrant salmon you cooked with a glass of dry white wine - it is in perfect harmony with this fish.

Baked salmon with vegetables

This dish is a unique combination of tastes and aromas on one plate. This treat will certainly appreciate both your family and guests.

In order to bake salmon in the oven with vegetables, you will need:

  • several steaks or a whole carcass of fish;
  • 2 tomatoes;
  • as many onions;
  • lemon;
  • large carrot;
  • bell pepper;
  • a small bunch of any greenery to your taste;
  • salt, black pepper and other spices as desired.

Cooking process

The number of steaks determines the number of ready-made servings, so count them carefully. Wash each piece of fish thoroughly, dry them and put on a foil greased with vegetable oil.

How to cook salmon in the oven?

Now salt and pepper the fish to your liking. Optionally, you can supplement the composition with spices: for example, rosemary, Provencal herbs, caraway seeds or sage. Then pour the steaks squeezed out of lemon juice.

Peel, wash and cut the vegetables into slices or rings. Lay the slices on top of the fish. By the way, the choice of vegetables is completely up to you. If you wish, you can also send here potatoes, and beans, and corn, and even peas.

Carefully wrap the foil by pinching its edges, and send it to a red-hot oven. How many bake salmon in the oven in foil? If the oven is well warmed up, then 20 minutes at 200 degrees will be enough to cook the fish.

Salmon with vegetables is unusually tasty, juicy and fragrant even when cold. In particular, if you supplement it with sprigs of greenery.

Whole baked fish

Whole salmon cooked in the oven retains its juiciness and softness. And the foil perfectly saves the entire aroma from the added spices, saturating them with every piece of fillet.

To prepare this wholesome, delicate, gourmet treat, stock up:

  • not too large carcass of salmon, weighing up to 1.5 kg;
  • half a lemon;
  • parsley or celery;
  • a teaspoon of provencal herbs;
  • a tablespoon of vegetable oil;
  • salt and pepper to taste.

Course of action

Remove all entrails from the carcass along with fins and scales. After these manipulations, be sure to wash the fish under running water.

Pour lemon over with boiling water, and then cut into rings. Chopped washed greens too.

Spread the prepared carcass on all sides with spices, and put lemon rings and greens in the abdomen. Send Provencal herbs there too.

Grease the foil with oil and put salmon on it. Wrap the fish well and put in the oven for 180 minutes at 180 degrees. As you can see, cooking salmon is not difficult at all, but the end result will look really great!

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