Beautiful and wise phrases about love

Is it necessary to talk about love at all? Not everyone is sure of this. If only because this feeling is uncompromising: either it is or is absent. Anyone who has experienced love ups and downs, a puppy indescribable delight and terrible upheavals, no words are needed. The one who saw love only in the series is unlikely to understand the deep meaning of any apt expression. Nevertheless, humanity continues to persistently and selflessly search for beautiful phrases about love. It is about love, and not about love - so soulful.

Well, let's look and we.

phrases about love

Love and folk art

Oddly enough, but the most accurate phrases about love were invented by the people. What is the famous: “Love is evil, you will love the goat!” If we discard the rusticity and coarseness inherent in this expression, then there remains a meaning that any psychologist will agree with. We choose not with our minds, but with our hearts, and we love our chosen one not just for any special merit, but just like that. Love, frankly, is not a fair feeling. They love everyone: evil and ugly, sick and stupid. They also neglect all sorts of: clever and beautiful women, people with a rare soul and a golden heart. So is it any wonder that the objects of our passionate feelings often do not live up to expectations, and with their actions are quite comparable to the mentioned animal? But we desperately love those too: love is truly evil!

smart phrases about love

A. S. Pushkin on love

As you know, the great Russian poet was a great expert in the field of love relationships. It was he who wrote the most famous phrases about love. For example, the famous "Love of all ages is submissive." True, not everyone knows that the generally accepted meaning of these lines clearly diverges from the original. In the novel "Eugene Onegin", from which this phrase was "pulled out", the author glorifies only a young, youthful feeling. But the opera version is much closer to all of us, when the following words follow: "Her impulses are beneficial and the young man in his prime, barely saw the light, and the soldier with a gray head, scorched by fate." The reason why the original did not take root is not difficult to understand. The heart of a person at any age is tuned to feelings, therefore those words that feed this love fire, and do not try to extinguish it, become closer and more understandable.

beautiful phrases about love

By the way, the poet has other phrases about love, which are also quoted inaccurately. Here is an example: “The less a woman we love, the more she likes us” (in the original: “the easier she likes us”). And this inaccuracy took root not by chance. Pushkin with his “lighter” probably spoke not so much about love as about flirting, for which lightness, serenity, and the absence of suffering are natural. But the “the more” option, it seems, was invented by a man burned with an inseparable feeling. He passionately and passionately loved, but did not find reciprocity, and his strong feelings for someone turned out to be a burden. Hence the conclusion that seems to be correct: one cannot love so much, less feelings - or rather results! But is such a statement really true? Who knows!

About love and wisdom

A lot of different and contradictory things have been written about feelings, and yet truly clever phrases about love come across in this heap of thoughts. Here is one of these: “Never marry a woman with whom you can live. Marry the one you cannot live without. ”

It sounds, at first glance, tricky. But after the second, third, tenth reading, the meaning of these words becomes obvious. Contrary to all the talk about a single soul mate intended for people from above, people on their life path usually meet several partners with whom they are comfortable, and you can try to build an alliance. But love is not when it is good with a person. Love - when it is impossible without him!

Great about love

Many famous people are known not only for their deeds and achievements. They wrote wonderful phrases about life and love, which are perceived with interest, and sometimes with enthusiasm by the public. Here are just a fraction of such expressions. “Love is like luck: it does not like to be chased after it” (T. Gauthier). Or: “Love is not an external manifestation, it is always within us” (L. Hey), “The tragedy of love is indifference” (S. Maugham).

phrases about life and love

These phrases can be enumerated for a long time, and it is not easy to agree with each of them. But one thing is certain: all these people understood well what they were talking about. They knew about deep feeling firsthand!

Many of those who belong to the most accurate expressions clothed their thoughts in a rude, mocking form. “The stupidest woman can handle the smartest man, but only the smartest is a fool.” This wonderful phrase belongs to R. Kipling. Well, how to argue with her? The woman certainly will not do this!

Often, the authors of winged expressions remain unknown, but this does not in the least interfere with admiring the meaning of what has been said. Here are some short phrases about love: “I came, I saw, she won”; “Love is defeated only by flight”; "Love is a toothache in the heart." The list of such aphorisms is truly amazing. But even more impressive is the diversity of human feelings and the uniqueness of the love experience of each person who decides to share his conclusions.

Faina Ranevskaya on the same topic

short phrases about love

The great Soviet actress Ranevskaya is known not only for her vivid roles in the movie, but also for her witty expressions. The actress was not too happy in her personal life, so the phrases she expressed about love and family are both funny and filled with bitterness. At one of her meetings with the audience, a young girl asked Ranevskaya: "What is love?" The answer was brief: "I forgot." However, after a moment, the actress clarified: “I remember that this is something very pleasant ". Other phrases of the great actress are filled with the same bitter irony. “The family replaces everything. Therefore, before you start it, you should think about what is more important for you: everyone or the family. ” Another: “A fairy tale is when he married a frog, and she turned out to be a princess. And the past, when it is the other way around. ”


Once upon a time, a popular Soviet song claimed: "Don't talk about love - everything is said about it." But, apparently, not all words have been spoken yet. New people come to the world, break their hearts with love, and then turn their own tragedy into some catchy phrase. But is it always worth trusting someone else's love experience? Isn't it better to find your own, really priceless? It’s true: feelings can be bitter. Nevertheless, it is better to experience this bitterness yourself than to judge love only by the phrases of others.

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