Storing Garlic at Home: Some Good Tips

The healing and taste properties of garlic have long been known and do not require evidence. This superior food product gives the dishes a special aroma and taste. In addition, regular intake of even a small amount of garlic strengthens the immune system, thereby increasing the body's ability to withstand colds, acute respiratory infections and SARS. Therefore, it is not surprising that people try to always have at least some supply of such a useful vegetable in the house.

Storing garlic at home requires special attention. Otherwise, the vegetable will quickly turn black and deteriorate. Observance of simple rules will allow the product to retain all its useful qualities and for a long time to remain juicy, not wrinkled.

garlic storage at home
One of the simplest ways to ensure long-term storage of garlic at home is to weave it in braids. This method is very popular among housewives. To be able to do this, garlic is initially collected with feathers. The resulting bundles of vegetables are hung on the walls or on the ceiling in a dark cool place (for example, in the basement). In this case, the air temperature in the room where the garlic is stored should be one to three degrees. At higher elevations on the thermometer, the product begins to germinate. Lower temperatures contribute to the freezing of vegetables.

Mesh is another option suitable for a process such as storing garlic at home. By the way, you can use a simple nylon stocking instead. Garlic is placed in the prepared grid only in a dry form. This will significantly increase the shelf life of the product. Garlic prepared for storage should also be placed in a room with a low air temperature and a low percentage of humidity. In this case, the product must be protected from direct sunlight, and the place itself should be well ventilated. Do not store the said vegetable in the refrigerator.

winter garlic storage
Due to dampness, it will quickly rot.

Storage of garlic at home can be done in glass containers. It will save valuable properties of the product. It should be remembered that the glass jar in which the garlic is placed must be perfectly dry. The heads must be laid as tightly as possible, and then cover the container with a plastic cover. If desired, garlic can be additionally covered with flour, the layer thickness is at least two centimeters.

Methods for storing garlic include the use of plywood boxes. Salt is poured on their bottom, then the heads of the vegetable are laid. These layers alternate until the box is full. This method is recommended to be used even at room temperature. In this case, humidity does not play a special role.

There is a more laborious, but quite effective way. The heads of garlic are coated with a special oil solution. Preparing the tool is easy. On the

ways to store garlic
A liter of boiled vegetable oil is added twenty drops of iodine. Garlic is coated with this compound. After the final absorption of the oil, the vegetable is placed in boxes, cans, baskets or other natural containers.

Storage of garlic in winter can be carried out in a peeled form. To do this, the cloves prepared and placed in a glass container are poured with the same solution of vegetable oil with iodine. With this method, in addition to the finished garlic, the hostess will also have a fragrant sauce. They can be seasoned with salads, as well as used for frying.

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