Charlotte in the Philips slow cooker: recipe and cooking tips

Charlotte in the Philips cooker turns out to be as tasty and delicate as in other similar devices, but of a different brand. It should be noted that there is nothing complicated in preparing such a biscuit. Even the most inexperienced housewife who has just purchased this kitchen appliance can make it.

Charlotte in slow cooker Philips

So how is charlotte cooked in the Philips slow cooker 3037, 2173, 3036, 3033 and 3039? Delicate and soft sponge cake in such devices should be done using a baking program. The temperature in this mode is the highest. In this regard, the apple pie is baked very quickly, and it turns out incredibly tender, lush and delicious.

Today we will tell you about how charlotte is made in the Philips 2173 multicooker, as well as in the other models mentioned above. It should be noted that using such devices, you can use the same recipes. With them you will definitely get a very tasty and tender pie. However, for this, all prescription requirements must be strictly followed.

Classic Charlotte in the Philips cooker 3036, 3037, 2173 and others

To make such a biscuit cake, there is no need to purchase expensive and outlandish products. After all, everything that we need can easily be found in your own refrigerator, namely:

  • average rural eggs - 4 pcs.;
  • high-grade light flour - 1 full glass;
  • fine granulated sugar - a full glass;
  • table soda + apple cider vinegar (for quenching) - for an incomplete small spoon;
  • deodorized sunflower oil - 15 ml (for lubricating the form);
  • ripe sweet apples - 3 medium pcs.

Knead a viscous base

Before baking charlotte in a slow cooker, you should knead a viscous dough in advance. To do this, you need to break the village eggs, and then divide the yolks and squirrels into different bowls. The first ingredient is required to pour in fine granulated sugar and thoroughly grind it until white with a spoon. As for egg whites, they should be placed in the refrigerator for ΒΌ hours, and then beat in a stable and strong foam, using a blender with a whisk or a regular mixer.

how to bake charlotte in a slow cooker

After both masses are prepared, they must be combined and mixed thoroughly. Next, in the egg mixture, it is required to extinguish the table soda with apple cider vinegar and gradually pour light high-grade flour. Intensively mixing the products, you should get a not very thick base.

Ripe fruit processing

How to bake charlotte in a slow cooker as tasty as possible? To do this, choose the right apples. They should be fresh and sweet. They must be thoroughly washed in hot water, and then peeled and cut into quarters. Next, the fruit is required to remove the seed box and chop slices into medium slices. At this point, the preparation of the apple filling is considered complete.

We form a dessert in the bowl of the Philips device

Before baking charlotte in a slow cooker, it should be properly formed. To do this, you need to lubricate the container thoroughly with deodorized oil, using a culinary brush for this. Next, pour the entire previously mixed base into the bowl. The last thing to do is to cover the dough nicely with chopped slices of fruit. At the same time, some pattern can be formed from them.

The heat treatment process (baking)

Apple charlotte in a Philips cooker should be cooked in baking mode. Fortunately, this program is available in all of the above models. If you are using a device of another brand in which there is no presented mode, then you can use "Frying" instead. This program also has the highest temperature, and in it you can easily and quickly bake any product.

apple charlotte in the slow cooker Philips

After the ingredients are in the bowl of the device, it should be closed and set the baking mode. It is advisable to cook such an apple delicacy for an hour. As a rule, this time is set automatically after the above program is selected. And if you need to increase it, then you can do this only manually by clicking on the appropriate button.

The final step in creating home baking

After the charlotte in the Philips cooker is fully baked and a signal sounds when the program ends, the lid of the device should be opened and the bowl with the biscuit should be removed. Next, the container must be sharply turned over a large plate. As a result, the charlotte should tip over and lie on the dishes with the bottom up.

Serve sponge cake to the table

As you can see, the classic Charlotte in the Philips cooker is baked quite easily. After the cake is on the plate, you should wait for its partial cooling. Next, it must be cut into pieces and presented to households along with hot tea.

Step-by-step recipe for charlotte in the Philips 3033 crock-pot

You can cook such an apple pie in different ways. We presented its classic version above. However, I want to talk about how to make such baking, adding sour cream.

So, we need:

  • average rural eggs - 4 pcs.;
  • high-grade light flour - 1.5 cups;
  • high fat sour cream - a full glass;
  • fine granulated sugar - a full glass;
  • baking powder - a small spoon;
  • deodorized sunflower oil - 15 ml (for lubricating the form);
  • sweet, ripe apples - 4 medium pcs.

Charlotte recipe in a slow cooker Philips

Cooking dough

Charlotte in the Philips 3033 multicooker is prepared as simply and quickly as in devices of another model. First you need to knead the base. To do this, lay eggs in a bowl (along with yolk and protein), and then beat at high speed with a mixer. After the product becomes homogeneous and begins to foam, fine granulated sugar should be laid on it and the mixing procedure should be repeated. Next to the ingredients you need to add sour cream of high fat content. In this composition, the resulting mass should be kept aside until the sugar melts. In the meantime, you can prepare another part of the base.

Light high-grade flour must be sieved several times through a sieve, and then baking powder should be added to it. After this, the bulk mixture must be laid out to the egg mass and mix well with an ordinary spoon.

Sweet Apple Preparation

Process fruit for such a pie should be exactly the same as described in the first recipe. To do this, you need to wash the apples, cut off the peel from them and remove the seed box. Next, the product must be chopped into thin slices.

We form and bake the product in a multicooker

Before baking such a pie in a slow cooker, pour all the apples into the dough and mix thoroughly. In the end, you should get fruit in a thick batter. This base must be laid out in the device’s capacity lubricated with deodorized oil. Next, you need to close the cake and bake in a similar program for about 60 minutes. After the specified time has elapsed, stick a toothpick (dry, clean) into the dessert and, taking out, see if there are any particles of dough left on it. If nothing sticks to the item, then the apple delicacy can be safely removed from the bowl. If the toothpick turned out to be raw, then the cake should be baked in the same mode for about another ΒΌ hour.

Charlotte in the slow cooker Philips 3037

Serve a delicious dessert for tea

Having prepared charlotte with sour cream, you will get very tasty and delicate pastries, which can be safely served to the gala table. Before this, the pie needs to be cut into pieces and spread over the saucers. It is advisable to present such a treat to households or guests along with tea.

Making Chocolate Charlotte in a Model 3039 Device

Charlotte in the Philips 3039 multicooker is baked in the same way as in the two previous cases. However, the dough for such a pie must be kneaded a little differently. To do this, we may need the following products:

  • average rural eggs - 4 pcs.;
  • high-grade light flour - 1.5 cups;
  • sour cream of high fat content - 2 tablespoons large;
  • fine granulated sugar - a full glass;
  • table soda + apple cider vinegar (for quenching) - for an incomplete small spoon;
  • cocoa powder - 2 full tablespoons large;
  • semolina (groats) - one fist;
  • deodorized oil - 15 ml (to lubricate the form);
  • ripe sweet apples - 2 medium pcs.

Charlotte in the slow cooker Philips 2173

Kneading basics

To prepare such an unusual charlotte, you should separate the proteins and egg yolks in different bowls. To the last component, add granulated sugar and grind them until white. Next, they need to lay out a couple of spoons of fat sour cream and cocoa powder. As for proteins, it is recommended to cool them first, and then beat in a strong and resistant foam. After both masses must be combined and mixed thoroughly. Next, to the chocolate mixture, you need to add table soda, slaked with apple cider vinegar, and also pour in light high-grade flour. Intensively mixing the ingredients, you should get a viscous brown dough with a pronounced aroma of cocoa.

Apple preparation

To get a beautiful and very tasty pie, apples should be properly chopped. To do this, they need to be washed well, and then peeled and cut in half. After removing the seed box, on the halves of the fruit, you need to make beautiful V-shaped incisions.

The process of pie formation and its baking

Chocolate Charlotte in the Philips slow cooker is baked for approximately 65-70 minutes. After the dough and apple filling are prepared, you can proceed to the formation of the product. To do this, the bowl of the device must be greased with deodorized oil, and then sprinkled with semolina. Next, you need to pour all the chocolate dough into the container. On top of it, halves of apples should be placed with beautiful slices up.

Bake a sponge cake in the baking program. After the device completes the action of the mode, it remains only to check the readiness of the dessert (with a toothpick). If it is well baked, then it can be safely removed using a spatula. However, it is advisable to do this after partially cooling the chocolate treats.

Charlotte in the slow cooker Philips 3036

Correctly serve delicious and tender charlotte (chocolate) for tea

Having prepared a chocolate biscuit with apples, it should be cut into triangular pieces and put into saucers. Serving such a treat to the table is recommended along with tea. By the way, before this, charlotte can be abundantly doused with independently prepared chocolate icing. With it, the biscuit will become even more beautiful and mouth-watering.

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