School years ... A time of new knowledge and new friends, first love and first date. However, school years are not always associated only with the accumulation of knowledge and experience, as well as with a mass of positive emotions. Most often, while still behind the school bench, children first drag out a cigarette, try alcohol, and sometimes narcotic substances. It was at this age that the majority checked on themselves what nasvay is. This substance is very widespread today among school children. What is nasvay? This substance has a weak narcotic effect, as well as specific characteristics, due to which it is very difficult to identify signs of drug use. Most often, parents of children are completely unaware of how the drug looks and how it is taken.
Today it is much easier to purchase nasvay than alcohol or tobacco products, which can be obtained only by presenting a passport. In addition, its cost is much lower than cigarettes. According to the results of studies, most students use this substance only to quit smoking, not even knowing what dangerous nasvay is. However, this tool does not help to overcome a bad habit. Every teenager, having learned from his own experience what nasvay is, will sooner or later return to using a narcotic drug.
Another feature of it is that a person who uses a drug is almost impossible to distinguish from other completely sober people, since this substance does not require any injection or swallowing of tablets, inhalation, or the like. It is enough to put in a small amount on the lip, like food, and wait for the reaction. The effect of nasvay is quite short, it is due to a short-term sense of relaxation, which lasts about five minutes. Long-term use of the substance can cause a huge number of side effects, including blisters on the lips, headaches, nausea, upset stomach and the like.
However, what harms nasvay with prolonged use? Studies have shown that most people, namely 80% of all who have ever used it, suffer from cancer of the lips or larynx. The composition of this narcotic substance causes the appearance of a huge number of diseases. In addition, the most common misconception that using nasvay helps to get rid of nicotine addiction is extremely wrong. It not only does not help quit smoking, but arouses a desire to start in people who have never even touched tobacco products in their lives. It is also worth considering the development of a strong dependence on nasvay as a narcotic substance. In addition to all the above side effects, its use causes tooth decay, as well as mental retardation, especially in adolescent children.
To date, the most common component in the preparation of nasvay is ordinary tobacco, or shag. So, in order to find out what nasvay is, let us consider in more detail its composition. In addition to tobacco, slaked lime, ash of various plants, as well as a mixture of camel dung and chicken droppings are used for cooking. Wild disgust is caused by one enumeration of all the components of the drug, not to mention taking it by mouth.
Perhaps in order to completely solve this problem, it will be necessary to install CCTV cameras in schools.
It is clear that it is not only possible, but necessary, to fight against nasiva, because it is destroying the younger generation - our future!